Recent content by matty2412

  1. matty2412

    Night sweats

    Currently running Winstrol (winny), T3, clen, DNP,Testprop....about 3 weeks in i starting getting horrible night sweats. This started before the application of DNP so i know its not that. I allways feel warm and even when i dont i still sweat. Of the many cycles i have run i have never had...
  2. matty2412

    trying to build mass

    I know some say its over training but I would recommend at least 8 to 10 working sets per bodypart and a rep range of 6 to 8. Dont go any higher on the reps unless maybe its a bicep or tricep exercise. I would also make sure you make most of your lifts free weights. Probably already knew that...
  3. matty2412

    am i contest worthy?

    Sorry bub. 12%BF isnt bad for the average lifter...but if yer gonna compete thats considered fat. No offense but you are gonna have to cut your BF at least in half by the time of the show. At your current weight you carry almost 20lbs of fat which means if you get yer BF down to an acceptable...
  4. matty2412

    perscription for roids

    Wonder if insurance covers that kind of thing.
  5. matty2412


    The Sound of Music soundtrack
  6. matty2412

    Carbs and bulking?

    For bulking protien-2 grams per pound of weight carbs-2.5 grams per pound of weight fats-.25 grams per pound of weight For cutting protien-1.5 grams per pound of LBM carbs-1 grams per pound of LBM increased by .5 every 2 days then decreased back to 1. fats-usually no more than 25 grams a day...
  7. matty2412

    Some weird shit

    I use a veggie powder supplement because I just dont take the time to cook whole veggies.
  8. matty2412

    EQ causing Anxiety?

    Winny was the only drug on which I experienced any Psychological side effects post cycle. Even then it was extremely mild so dont even know if it was the drug.
  9. matty2412


    YES! WTF 2 grams? Could never see myself ever needing more than 750mg a week or even frontloading with more than 1000mg a week. Even at 250lbs would usually frontload with 1g a week for 1.5 to two weeks and then cut it in half.
  10. matty2412

    Padilla the giant killer

    A people tell me I overtrain.
  11. matty2412

    What do you think is the most valuable bodypart in a Competition?

    I would say if anything about looking good on stage is the most important it is simply being ripped to the bone. Low BF and good muscle separation is 1 priority. Ya cant flex fat bub.
  12. matty2412

    Is whey really necessary?

    My theory is that after a work out is the only time I would say its absolutely nessecary to have a shake. Think liquid is easier for your body to digest after a hard workout....or you could just do like I do.....blend chicken and rice in a mixer. Just my two cents.
  13. matty2412

    EQ only cycle

    I suggested Prop. because its shorter acting....whenever I cycle it I can "feel" the drug much faster. I think it would be better to cycle with EQ because it (EQ) takes longer to kick in. I would rather cycle with a short acting test with a long acting steriod like EQ or at least front load...
  14. matty2412

    EQ only cycle

    I disagree. A dbol only cycle will not be unproductive, however test as we all know is better. I would say its not a good idea to do a EQ only should add some test...preferably propianate.
  15. matty2412

    new guy here, my cycle and diet starts in 1 day

    Looks good but i think you'll gain more weight than that.