12 Week Test E/C/P 600MG a week Transformation


Opposite of a Sociopath
(pic comming)


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* Started body at 17-18% BF 197 lbs. 315 bench max no squat or dead lift recorded.

New Changes:

* started eating 7 meals a day
* pinning 250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 4 days.
* 600MG between 250 E/250C/100P EW
* Training M/W/F

Finished Body at ( will fill in when done)

Remember not a BB or PL just a dude trying to find a hobby to fill the Void not riding Motorcyles as much anymore has left me with.
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that cycle looks dope!! GL with that man.. ill be checking in once in a while.. what are ur previous cycle experiances?
that cycle looks dope!! GL with that man.. ill be checking in once in a while.. what are ur previous cycle experiances?

No previous cycles, but already made night and day changes still have 3 weeks left on cycle.

please do keep intouch with my thread.

cant wait to see your progress pics bro! cycle sounds really good! you should have some really good gains!!
Alright Ladies and gents here we go let me give you a lil background, First off I am not happy with this first cycle because I did not gain weight that I could not have gained with BCAA's and creatine! I don't know if I just don't respond to AAS or if my gear was week, it did give me more body hair and a crazy sex drive.

I am almost 27 years old now,
I started lifting for fun when I was 19 and I weighed 135lbs. By the age of 20 I weighed 205lbs solid and all natural around 12-13% BF.

I trained for another 3 years after that to maintain. by 23 I had an injury that left me un-motivated to train and My body went down to a natural 180-185 lbs and 14-15% BF.

From 23 years old to this past July of 2009 I did not train at all I just focused on other hobbies.

Early July of 2009 I had the urge to get into shape, I started pounding calories, protein and heavy weights, it was not as easy as when I was 19 to get big and lean, my Test levels were lower now, in this picture I had nearly 2 months of heavy training going from a sloppy 185lbs. to a bloated 205lbs. (creatine and heavy protein powders I suspect caused this)


I searched and searched for a legal way to get my low T. levels back up I found Spectrum Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) clinic. I followed all procedures and I was off and on my way.

My cycle is as noted above in the first post, my Training and eating habits are as follows,

* 3,500-4k Cal a day
* 300 G. Protein ED
* only complex carbs
* no carbs after 8pm
* cheat meals once every weekend
* lots off Halibut,cod,salmon,tuna,egg whites,chicken breast, and sometimes lean ground beef.
* Every Good Fruit/Veggie there is

All this was spread out over 6-7 meals throughout the day.

Before I started my cycle I trimmed down from a bloated 205lbs. to a cleaner 197lbs.

My training was as follows

I used some Chad waterbury routines and some old school compound exercises.

Mon- Legs/calfs

Tue- fore arms

Wed- Back

Fri- Chest/shoulders

* most used exercises were

* Dead-lifts
* bent over barbell and dumbell rows
* ass-2-grass squats
* clean and press
* Bulgarian squats
* pull ups
* dips
* incline/flat barbell and dumbell

all heavy with good form and never for more than 60 min. to prevent OT/strains.

I never worked arms alone since they were worked with all my other routines,

( ARMS are my week point, I want to have thicker bi's/tri's They are currently 17")

I never gained any real weight or size of this first cycle, I have went up then back down in weight, But I got much stronger than I have ever been.

I am waiting to start post cycle therapy (pct). I am going to have my T levels checked now, because if the gear was legit the levels should be high still since I am only a few days off and the esters were a mix of long and short, I will report my Test levels soon.

My final stats are:

*203lbs 11-12% BF


Any questions or tips for a next cycle are appreciated. I am currently going to run a gh cycle for 6 months next.

P.S. I did NO cardio and sorry about the shitty 5 mega pixel photos.
The last 5-6 weeks of the cycle I was at 800mg Test EW and 600MG Deca EW.

I was bigger and nicer looking than this when I was 19, Like I said Im not happy with this since the first cycle is supposed to make you go past genetic limits!
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You sound disappointed, but your before after pics are night and day. You went from fat to buff in 12 weeks after not working out for many years! Looks like you did a good job. I'm a little confused, what was you actual cycle, because you mentioned deca but I don't see that in your plan. Also are you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or not?
I am upset that I did not add the 15lbs. that I wanted my goal is to be a solid hard 220-225lbs and 10%bf.

I know Im not at my genetic limitsa and with how im going I will be where I want in a few more years.

I did add Deca because I felt the test was not doing anything but making me hairy, the deca also did not add any weight to me, I am under the impression my gains are all from my diet and hard work. Maybe the gear prescribed to me was under dosed or bunk! I really don't know.

I was bigger and leaner than this when I was 20 years old.

granted I have not done shit in many years I am happy with the results over the last 6 months, Only thing I really got from this was more strength than I have ever had.

GH is next I hope to be at my 220-225lb. goal in the next 2 years.

But I want proportioned well developed muscle, not be a big blocky retard lol.

I have small bone structure and a 31" waist, so as long as I can keep the BF in check this should be reasonable.

I will keep updates on my health and physical transformations every 6 months.
Bro you lost a big amount of fat and gained a big amount of muscle. That would not have happened without the gear.
Thanx fellas, I have talked with a few people and I am thinking my expectations were a bit high, and yes I am thankful when I think of where i was and where i am now.

I am now ready to keep on track and shoot to gain another 6lbs. of LBM in the next 6 months.

I cant complain too much about the gear, before I started I could only hit 315 once and squat 335 6 x's

now I can hit 355 in the bench and squat 405.

My raw strength is very impressive to me.

I am really hoping for some exciting gains from my GH cycle coming up, i will run it for 6 months @ 4iu ED and combine it with AAS after post cycle therapy (pct) and the proper recovery time from th gear has past.

I have some more pics to post this front pic didn't do much justice I have a back pic with both bi's flexed and my back is very wide down to a small waist and my bi's are very well peaked with pretty thick tri's I gotta get the camera from the ol lady this weekend to post them up.
Thanx 4 the kind words broski, I plan on more progress over the next 6 months. All the folfs I met who have reached the goals I want to obtain have over 6 years of dedicated training under them, so i know not to expect much and be thankful for anything.