1st cycle officially underway!

Thanks for taking the time to log this.
Good luck with the rest of your cycle!

By the way I'm curious as to what other supplements you are using?
ie protein powder, creatine, bcaa, multis and just any supps you are using.

Sorry double post!
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Thanks for the progress blogrum. It has been helpful as I'm gathering data for my first date. Keep it up and I look forward to your process!
Thanks for taking the time to log this.
Good luck with the rest of your cycle!

By the way I'm curious as to what other supplements you are using?
ie protein powder, creatine, bcaa, multis and just any supps you are using.

Sorry double post!

Body Fortress Super Whey with creatine and BCAA, 2400-4800mg fish oil omega 3, B12 and multivitamin as of now.
Okay, so I'm dealing with massive bloating out of the blue and water retention. Weigh 215.4 right now. Going to the lab tomorrow and having a CBC, Comprehensive Metabolic Profile, Estradiol, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Testosterone checked. Looks like its time to start Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but I want to back it up with bloods first to see where I'm at and to figure a proper dose, rather than a "everyone says to take xx mg" dose. Also be nice to see where my test levels are for evaluating my gear. I'll post another update when I find out more, or if my weight suddenly changes back. I can't see how I have gained 9.4 pounds since Sunday. That's like a gallon of water!
Will be curious about your labs. I ,too, was reluctant to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from start, but have decided to go with .25 EOD. We'll see if sides pop up.
Thanks for your posts, they have been great.
Will be curious about your labs. I ,too, was reluctant to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from start, but have decided to go with .25 EOD. We'll see if sides pop up.
Thanks for your posts, they have been great.

I'll post up results when i get them, probably tomorrow. privateMDlabs is quick.

NEW to report, left shoulder tendinitis. I'm NOT pleased ONE BIT about this. I been out of the gym entirely for 2 days. Yesterday the pain was unbearable while driving and moving it. Today a bit better. Taking 800mg Ibuprofen every 6 hrs. Just did some reading on shoulder stuff, and I guess I built arm and chest muscle faster than my tendons could keep up. Now, mid-cycle, i might have to stop shoulder, some chest and some back exercises for anywhere from a couple days to a few weeks. I'm going to see if it improves in the next couple of days. If it does NOT improve, i may stop my cycle and recover, then new cycle when it is fully healed and my body is ready. Still too early to make a decision on that.

So any advise from you guys on the shoulder thing? Any supps? I'd really just love to get a cortisone shot and be done with it! I'm SURE it's a reliving of the dislocation I had from my motorcycle wreck last June.
I would not quit the cycle. Have always tried to find ways to work around my injuries. Give the shoulder a week off and then try different exercises. If one hurts stop, try something else. Had to quit dumbells last shoulder injury and found that I could use a machine with palms facing each other.

I got my hormone levels today:
Testosterone: 458
Luteinizing Hormone (LH): 7.1
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH): 4.9
Estradiol: 13.4

What SHOULD those numbers be for the dose I'm on (~250mg 2x weekly)??
Testosterone SHOULD be >1000
Estradiol SHOULD be >50

What does all this mean? BUNK GEAR! EVERYTHING I have experienced was ALL PSYCHOSOMATIC! I was ready to KILL my "friend".

What I have learned:

1. I'm a horny bugger and I don't have erectile dysfunction. Just self-confidence issues.
2. I made some great gains natty, so how awesome are my gains going to be when I'm on a REAL cycle!?
3. Trust NO ONE without a shit load of references. No matter how long you have known your "contact" as a "friend".
4. GET a hormone screen before, during and after cycle.

The good news is my liver values that were slightly elevated pre "cycle" are now MUCH lower. Luckily, I have some known gear enroute from overseas. Hopefully it arrives quickly. This is from a known lab, so hopefully THIS time around will be better. I haven't felt this annoyed since I got bunk xtc years ago when I was a raver kid! LoL. I'll post more when I get my real gear.
I dont understand the 20 gauge for drawing and 23 gauge for pin? I bought 23 gauge only will this be a problem.
I dont understand the 20 gauge for drawing and 23 gauge for pin? I bought 23 gauge only will this be a problem.

The oil is very thick. It will take a while for you to draw with a 23g. Just be patient. 23 should be fine for injecting with out much pain. I kind of wish I had 23 gauge instead of my 25g. The 25g is very small and takes a while to push all the oil out during injection.
On another note, my supplier admitted getting a bad batch and has offered to replace it with new stuff and another bottle for free. Wish there was a way to test it before pinning it. I'd rather just have my money back, but I guess I'll try more gear. Plus I have known great gear coming from overseas in the next week or two.
Thats shit about ur bunk gear matey, I hope your new gear from a more reputable lab works much better for you. Im currently on my first cycle of test e at the moment also so I can understand how dissapointing this must have been for you. Good luck when your new gear comes matey, Il be following ur log.;)
Well, first cycle, take 2 under way now. I got my Kapla test in the mail Monday and pinned it as soon as I got it. this stuff looks a lot different than the other and I couldn't find anyone with a bad review. I have moderate PIP. Never experienced that with the other stuff, but I saw many people complain of it with real stuff. i may have injected it too quickly though, as this oil is much thinner than the other stuff.

I'll keep updates as they happen. I'm bouncing between 202-206 as of late, but I have been sloppy with diet since finding out my gear was bunk. Also, just started dating someone, and that threw my life off schedule. I'm adapting now, and going to hit it hard now that i'm actually on cycle.
Sucks to hear about the bunk gear bro. Hope everythings g2g with the new stuff. I just started my first injection cycle as well. Same as yours. Very bad pip on days 2-3. Got some test flu on day 3 as well. Day 4 was a little better and goin into day 5 my ass is still hard and sore but I think its starting to subside pretty quickly.
Sucks to hear about the bunk gear bro. Hope everythings g2g with the new stuff. I just started my first injection cycle as well. Same as yours. Very bad pip on days 2-3. Got some test flu on day 3 as well. Day 4 was a little better and goin into day 5 my ass is still hard and sore but I think its starting to subside pretty quickly.

What size needle are you using to pin with? I got a little test flu day 2. Nothing more than just feeling off. My right cheek feel bruised, but no visible anything. No warmth or redness either. Just pinned my left cheek about 20 mins ago. For some reason, the actual pin hurt. I usually don't feel it. Keep me posted with you too dude!