1st cycle officially underway!

2nd pin with the new gear yesterday, same PIP on this side now. Hope this doesn't happen every pin. its quite painful. No swelling or redness or warmth though.

touch of test flu still and hot flashes big time at night.
would this be a good cycle to go on

Human Growth Hormone 1 iu everyday split into 2 dosages

IGF-1 40 mcgr everyday split into 2 dosages

Nolvadex 40 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

CLOMID 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

tren no ester 600 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Dianabol 100 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Boldenone Undecylenate 100 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Anadrol 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Milk Thistle 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages
would this be a good cycle to go on

Human Growth Hormone 1 iu everyday split into 2 dosages

IGF-1 40 mcgr everyday split into 2 dosages

Nolvadex 40 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

CLOMID 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

tren no ester 600 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Dianabol 100 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Boldenone Undecylenate 100 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Anadrol 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Milk Thistle 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

I have no clue. you're asking the wrong person.
Lol, yeah it isn't hard to find it. I picked up my source from a friend that is swole as fuck. I remember I was telling about my diet and protein shakes and i was like that stuff is great but I'm looking for something a little more "aggressive" lol
What size needle are you using to pin with? I got a little test flu day 2. Nothing more than just feeling off. My right cheek feel bruised, but no visible anything. No warmth or redness either. Just pinned my left cheek about 20 mins ago. For some reason, the actual pin hurt. I usually don't feel it. Keep me posted with you too dude!

Im using 23gx1.5 for glutes. I have 25gx1 for quads and arms if I decide to try them. I did 525mg with my first pin. Got really bad PIP for about 6 days. the 3rd being the worst with a little test flu during the day and night. Pin #2 was 250mg and I'll be sticking to that dose twice a week as the PIP was very minor and had zero sides.
Im using 23gx1.5 for glutes. I have 25gx1 for quads and arms if I decide to try them. I did 525mg with my first pin. Got really bad PIP for about 6 days. the 3rd being the worst with a little test flu during the day and night. Pin #2 was 250mg and I'll be sticking to that dose twice a week as the PIP was very minor and had zero sides.

the smaller dose should help. I've heard never push more than 1cc in one spot at a time. Try heating the test in hot water for 60 seconds, then pin with the 25g in the glute. It should take you 10-15 seconds to push the oil out. Slower is better, but have a steady hand so you arent poking in and out inadvertently.

Well, I did pin #4 today with the good shit. Very little PIP from Sunday's pin, and none so far from today's. I'm starting to feel it, that I know. I am having a hard time putting my finger on exactly WHAT I'm feeling, but I'm not normal, at all!. Not in a bad way. Just something inside me is different. Hard to explain. I feel more "there" in my head if that makes sense, and that in turn has thrown a little bit of anxiety my way, but nothing I can't handle. I'm also going through some other shit in my life that I know is fueling the anxiety, so I'm not even really counting that as from the test.

I am 100% starting to have some sexual side effects. *GRAPHIC WARNING*. I have started to leak precum a LOT. Like every time I get hard. I have NEVER had it before. I first noticed it once last week, and just dismissed it as a fluke. Next time was a little more. Every time now it's getting more and more. Not an annoyance, just really weird since I've never had that before. My orgasms are also different and have a lot more volume. The last 2 days I've been a lot hornier and today, everything I do, and my junk is semi. I felt very self conscious at the gym cause i felt like people were staring, but I'm sure it was in my head.

I have been slack on my gym schedule lately, as I started dating someone. I have since refocused. Today was crazy. I felt unstoppable. My normal weight-increase was twice usual. My concentration curls went from 50# last week to 60# this week. Craziness. I had about an hour and 15 mins of hard core lifting and I am going to feel it tomorrow.

My face is also starting to get oily, but different oily than it usually is. I dont know how to describe it, but like a more dense oil. Usually when I get an oily face, it washes right off, but last couple days, I literally have to scrub my face.

Still monitoring any signs of high esteriol. My weight has been extremely stable the last 2 weeks at 206, which an occasional 202 on a dehydrated day, however today i was 209, but I was slightly dehydrated and no signs of bloating in my fingers, ankles, stomach or face. So I will be watching that very close. Zero nipple sensitivity either. the Aridimex is close by if need by.
Your results look awesome! Good job breaking that plateau... I'm trying to reach my plateau again before I start and looking at your results I'm excited.
would this be a good cycle to go on

Human Growth Hormone 1 iu everyday split into 2 dosages

IGF-1 40 mcgr everyday split into 2 dosages

Nolvadex 40 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

CLOMID 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

tren no ester 600 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Dianabol 100 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Boldenone Undecylenate 100 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Anadrol 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

Milk Thistle 300 mg everyday split into 2 dosages

If you have to ask then you shouldn't be taking all these at once. Especially if this is your first cycle I would say separate them but the pros should give you better feedback.

As for OP that really sucks that it was bunk. Hopefully the new stuff will be better. Also it would suck if you wasted legit post cycle therapy (pct) on bunk juice.
weight going up waaaay to fast. took .25 aridimex yesterday, going to take another today. need to dump about 3-5lbs of water weight.
A lot of these symptoms I had/have, but they are starting to subside.

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of high E2 (you don't have to
experience all of the symptoms to know that you have high E2):
* Depression
* Trouble reaching an orgasm
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood")
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Prostate problems
* Gynecomastia
* Water Retention
* Dizziness/Vertigo
* Increased Blood Pressure
* Decreased Libido
* ED
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up)
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs)
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night
* Lack of Libido
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies
* Easier to get angry (think PMS)
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes)
* Larger stomach
* Redness on the face and/or chest
* Feeling hotter than everybody else
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier
A lot of these symptoms I had/have, but they are starting to subside.

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of high E2 (you don't have to
experience all of the symptoms to know that you have high E2):
* Depression
* Trouble reaching an orgasm
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood")
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Prostate problems
* Gynecomastia
* Water Retention
* Dizziness/Vertigo
* Increased Blood Pressure
* Decreased Libido
* ED
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up)
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs)
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night
* Lack of Libido
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies
* Easier to get angry (think PMS)
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes)
* Larger stomach
* Redness on the face and/or chest
* Feeling hotter than everybody else
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier

I think that's just called getting OLD...
Keep up the journal. Good stuff.
Well today I noticed I have some nasty bone pain in my forearms. At first I thought it was a tendon or something, but as I went on, no, its not. Its in the bone. Need to adjust my Arimidex. I was doing .25mg eod, so I guess i will bring it to e3d. That shit works quick. When I flex my arms after working out, the skin around my biceps is TIGHT. I can feel it pull. Feels sweet. After my weak couple weeks with dirty diet and slack gym, I maintained ~16% body fat. It should start falling off fast now that I'm back at it good! :)