4th week progress pic taken tonight

matt did the cut on his own.. and i agree he cut too hard.. but it gives him a great environment to do a lean bulk.

he's gonna be looking great for next years summer
Matt's mistake wasn't cutting too hard.

It was cutting for months & months, with no breaks inbetween, and then switching to a bulk without spending an adeqaute amount of time at maintenance to allow his hormones to upregulate.

Dieting too long: severely downregulated thyroid, leptin levels in the floor, ghrelin through the roof, plus a bunch of other stuff.
Not spending enough time at maintenance & switching straight to a bulk: all those meta-bolic adaptations occured to allow him to gain some fat, now that he's providing his body with the calories that's exactly what his body is doing.

That's why he looks similar - no inbetween maintenance to allow for his body to adjust.
Actually rip your wrong.. I a slowly upped his calories and am starting him on the bulk

And he absolutely did cut too hard..
I wasn't referring to your diet with him - I was referring to what he did after the psl contest :)

He made a thread indicating how bad he felt physically & mentally, he also stated that he let his diet go post-contest in the few weeks after the contest & before he hooked up with you.
In this period he gained fat, the pictures clearly show that, because of no maintenance mode.
yeah it's tough to stay 100% on track with your diet, hey were all human here, and totally agree with both sides here, i did fault after that contest, yes, and alot of people do after preping for so long, do a show, and bam there into all the goodies, luckly enough it only lasted about a week, not months like some i have heard or witnessed do after a contest
yes, i am putting the weight back on bro, pushing close to 200lbs now, gained some solid pounds last week lol, but was off work for a week
it's old and stupid, somebody said i couldnt even lift that up without breaking my back smith machine or not its still heavy shit and stupid and reckless
oh well, dont care that was a few years ago now, but to answer your question SML, THOSE 1/5 squats are just as good as u drinking breast milk, STUPID! and something youll regret ha :) cheers buddy
ill be the first to admit i have no idea what you were thinking matt..

but that doesn't mean that we are here to put peoples privacy on blast..

the next person that does some dumb shit like that will be shown the door permanently!!! dont fuck with members privacy!!
Haha it was painful to watch, last time I did smith machine squats I could feel the awkwardness of it on the knees and back. Horrible shit.

Good choice on sticking with the 600mg Deca, give it time to shine it's plenty to grow on with enough food. If you wanted add something else in I'd give Masteron a try, pretty odd combo and was going to do it myself, but the few reports of Deca+Masteron are all positive.
Yeah Tren gives me hardcore moods lol. How are you feeling on the deca? You're not running Prami are you? Also, another reason for the Masteron is that it would compliment it by adding that androgenic sense of well-being that I feel deca lacks... That will help in the mood department.
feel good on deca, not the aggressive edge tren has to offer or that i am use too, sex drive is through the roof
no, not running prami or caber, just adex at .25 ed, prami and caber is some pretty harsh stuff, but i keep it on hand if needed
As far as the physical appearance goes, i am getting better not judging my own appearance, i just go along with eating and training what is set out for me and let 3J be the judge in my progress, i am to hard on myself and exspecially since i leaned out to a low bf % i didnt wanna go the opposite way, but the shit plays with my head and start to second guess things, i gave up on that now, and will do as planned and put on some mass, and chop when it comes time to chop, its approaching winter time here in canada and is already sweatshirt weather, so fuck it, its lean bulk time :)
Give it time man, it's not a race, I'm doing 1000mg Test, this is the end of week one and the one thing I won't be doing is stressing about seeing results in the mirror or scale, I did plan to go 750mg but I hear so much about how good 1000mg of Test is that I thought fuck it and will try it for myself.

The best way I have found to see how your going is when people comment on how your getting bigger etc... OR when clothes start getting tighter. That's a sure way to know your growing!

Wouldn't hurt to get your bloods tested for prolactin and everything else, Prami really isn't that bad rather I find it's quite a good drug, you just need to again give it time to adjust to the initial start up effects. I've actually started it at .25mg ED and will go up to 1mg ED in hopes of seeing if the GH benefits of it are true or not (I went upto 1mg for a short amount of time I swear I looked a little leaner and fuller, but that doesn't mean shit really) but moreso to try combat these lumps under my nipple alongside Raloxifene+Exemestane.

1000mg Test E
25mg Aromasin MWF (hopefully this doesn't crash e2, very sensitive to stane)
1mg Prami ED split 2x daily (working upto that dose though)

Keeping it simple!
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nice staunch, looks like a very nice cycle, def the cloths are getting alot tighter thats forsure, shirts now look like i am wearing tanks lol, time to get out the xl shirts again ha
Yeah nothing exotic, felt like a change of pace and running high test again.

Well then your growing bro! Week by week I would notice t-shirts getting tighter in certain spots when blasting.