Tuesday, Week Nine
So my run of tren ended on Sunday. A sad day indeed but all good things must come to an end. My assessment of the tren suspension was nothing but fantastic. Yes the injections were a bit painful but I easily got used to it and didn't dread the injections or anything like that. The strength gained was spectacular and very quick to come on. No side effects to speak of, i.e. no dark urine, no increased aggression or emotional irritation, no night sweats, etc. Nothing but good things came of it. Of course I have never had a problem with tren in the past either when I ran tren ace so it's not like this is out of the ordinary but was definitely a welcome sign that my tolerance has not changed over the years. So basically, I will definitely be using Innovagen's tren suspension in future cycles.
So that leads me to the boldenone suspension that I started on Monday. I was advised by my source last week that the batch that I received already had some pain killer/anaesthetic mixed in with the compound to reduce the injection pain (benzocaine I believe, but I could be wrong). I received some separate benzocaine to mix with my tren suspension but decided against using it.
Well on Monday I shot 1.5 mL of the boldenone suspension into my left quad and it was absolutely painless. No burning, no after injection soreness, nothing. Definitely a pleasant surprise. I shot some again today in my right thigh and some slight post-injection soreness came up a couple hours after, but it's barely noticeable. A couple more pain-free injections and I'd be willing to try it in my calves. Stupid? Possibly, but the injections have been going that well. Yes, it's only been two but they are nothing like the tren suspension. We'll see.
On the training front, I've just naturally been eating less over the past week or so. I did indicate earlier that I was going to try and continue to eat a surplus of calories to continue to try and put on muscle/gain strength, but my appetite just hasn't been there and I didn't fight it. My strength has continued to climb, but today for the first time I actually noticed some significant fat loss around my stomach and love handles. Very encouraging. At this point I'm going to continue to maintain a calorie deficit and see how my strength reacts. If I can continue to make gains then I'll keep it up. It's been easy so far but with all of the stories I have heard from others that have used this boldenone suspension and the hunger it produces we will see how long my will power can hold out.