And here s what s left...

Hey Teu..
I wish you the best bro,your a good bro so I hope your luck changes for the better.
2011 is right around the corner so its a clean slate.
Think of the positives bro and capitalize on the opportunity's of life.
Hold your hide high my German brotha
..and this was me 6 months ago before the meltdown carwreck..a fat 208
Comeback tour in progress..thank s for the support boys..

Glad to hear that you're back in the drivers seat - i was afraid i'd have to give u a cyber kick in the ass....LOL

2011 will be a most awesome year!
2 weeks back in...swelling..need heavier dumbbells..Plantet Faggot has only 80s and they re going up 18 times..feels good to back in GEAR BOYS....
2 weeks back in...swelling..need heavier dumbbells..Plantet Faggot has only 80s and they re going up 18 times..feels good to back in GEAR BOYS....

And just like that he's back!
I was starting to get a little depressed reading this thread, but now I'm pumped!
good luck teutonic :beertoast
2 weeks back in...swelling..need heavier dumbbells..Plantet Faggot has only 80s and they re going up 18 times..feels good to back in GEAR BOYS....

JESUS, i knew you were a beast, but damn man hahahaha! Glad to hear everything is going good dude!!!!
2 weeks back in...swelling..need heavier dumbbells..Plantet Faggot has only 80s and they re going up 18 times..feels good to back in GEAR BOYS....

Great job, dude glad to see you are killing it! 18x! Feels great don't it? LOL