Androseries- What do you have planned? I ordered some andro hard, the order has been processed(not sure what that means with ship date and what not) but none the less I just want to get my ducks in a row here.
I take a good regiment of supplements ever day. Everything listed below is morning and evening.
2 fish oil (1200mg)
1 Osteo Bi Flex
B complex

Ive got some Nolvadex (10mg) on the way.
Also there is no baldness in my family fyi..

A little history on my self. I've been working out for 3 years now. Prior to that I was'nt in bad shape. Just active doing yard work and some long walks with the dogs.
My current stats are:
6'0 210lb
Body fat unsure( I can see my abs) may 12-15%
BB 225lb x9
Squat 315lb x4
Deadlift 405 x5
Standing Military press 135lb x6

Not looking to get cut just add some muscle and keep the fat at or may just below what it is now.

Just lookin for some insight and what I can expect...:Poke:
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AH is best used while cutting. It's not a bulker by any means.

Yeah I would expect some hardening, a bit of leaning, and strength increases. Any mass that comes from a Hard cycle will be the byproduct of your increased strength.
Got it..maybe I'll increase protein intake by about 50 grams a day and see if I can gain some lean mass from that...thx
BBG, imo if single, it could one of the best things you ever did. You could find yourself a lots of nice fitness chicks that make good gf material. Fitness chicks bro....

They are crazy but usually have self esteem issues, so they will do anything, especially threesomes, just something to think about.

i can do that myself......if anyone is going to be sticking anything into someone, its me railing her

I know damn well you enjoy something I stick in you, but that is a discussion for our private skype time later. :bootyshak :elephant:

If the andromass ever ships, which I'm sure it will one day, I will be running 8 weeks of it solo. Patiently awaiting my email this Tuesday.
It will come, in the meantime, i recommend spending your time with some of those fitness chicks :laugh4:

This I can do, since moving to Florida the girls are way more superficial, way more even than the club rats on Rush street. Leads to lots of fake beautiful boobies and girls looking to prove themselves, usually by doing terrible things in the bathroom at a club, just sayin.
This I can do, since moving to Florida the girls are way more superficial, way more even than the club rats on Rush street. Leads to lots of fake beautiful boobies and girls looking to prove themselves, usually by doing terrible things in the bathroom at a club, just sayin.

This I can do, since moving to Florida the girls are way more superficial, way more even than the club rats on Rush street. Leads to lots of fake beautiful boobies and girls looking to prove themselves, usually by doing terrible things in the bathroom at a club, just sayin.

LOL, being a chicago guy, its hard to believe Rush St. can be beat.