Grrr...tren Good
hi wonder if you could throw any light on my problem,i am 55 about 18 months ago during sex i lost my erection,first time out the blue,no wood.things got worse very low libido,unable to maintain erections.i was overwieght ,drank to much plus the normal bad eating i lost 20 kilos gave up drinking and ate healthy.nothing i had my blood tested,my testosterone was about gave me 250 mg of enanthate every 4 weeks.things got a bit better .but found after a while first week after the inj things were ok but after 2,3 week low libido .managed to persuade doctor to give me 250ml every 3 weeks.things still not right,so again talked to doctor,then i got 100ml ew.this was over a year,which in the mean time i had joined the gym and was weight training hard 4 times a week,but still low libido headaches ,bad temper all the classic symtoms of low blood levels were about the same as when i first started i decided to take matters into my own hands.i have gone on a steriod cycle,im om 600 mg a week,on my fourth week of cycle but still no libido no interest in sex.ive had head scan fine ive tried zinc ,l arganine ect please any ideas,help
do you have any blood work? do you know what your levels are, how is your E2 looking