Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

hi wonder if you could throw any light on my problem,i am 55 about 18 months ago during sex i lost my erection,first time out the blue,no wood.things got worse very low libido,unable to maintain erections.i was overwieght ,drank to much plus the normal bad eating i lost 20 kilos gave up drinking and ate healthy.nothing i had my blood tested,my testosterone was about gave me 250 mg of enanthate every 4 weeks.things got a bit better .but found after a while first week after the inj things were ok but after 2,3 week low libido .managed to persuade doctor to give me 250ml every 3 weeks.things still not right,so again talked to doctor,then i got 100ml ew.this was over a year,which in the mean time i had joined the gym and was weight training hard 4 times a week,but still low libido headaches ,bad temper all the classic symtoms of low blood levels were about the same as when i first started i decided to take matters into my own hands.i have gone on a steriod cycle,im om 600 mg a week,on my fourth week of cycle but still no libido no interest in sex.ive had head scan fine ive tried zinc ,l arganine ect please any ideas,help

do you have any blood work? do you know what your levels are, how is your E2 looking
do you have any blood work? do you know what your levels are, how is your E2 looking

hi thanks for the reply,the last blood tests i had of the doctor was in feb ,while on 1oo mg a testerone level was about 600 and my estradiol was 43,8pg ml.i was told that was all ok ,but as i said still no lobido.the doctor had no answers for me,as to why ,does this help thanks
I apply 7.5 grams of Androgel a day but my bloodwork comes back at only 525.This is still too low for me but my Dr will not increase my dose.I tried to get up to 10 grams but she won't do it.Is there anything that you know of I can take to get to 800?I don't need ridiculous amounts of test. but 525 isn't cutting it either.
I apply 7.5 grams of Androgel a day but my bloodwork comes back at only 525.This is still too low for me but my Dr will not increase my dose.I tried to get up to 10 grams but she won't do it.Is there anything that you know of I can take to get to 800?I don't need ridiculous amounts of test. but 525 isn't cutting it either.

You may need injections, I am curious to know what your estradiol levels are?
I have now completed two cycles. My first was test cyp. 500 mg a week for 12 weeks. My second was test E. 600 mg a week for 12 weeks. I ran both cycles with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and aromasin with clomid and novladex for my post cycle therapy (pct).

My source has now given me three vials.
1. test propionate 10ml 100 mg/ml
2. Super T 400 10ml 400 mg/ml
3. Stanazoil qv 100

I would really appreciate help coming up with a cycle with these three compounds as well as a pin schedule. Also would my PCT be the same and should I run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and aromasin the same.

Thank you
I read a thread by Cashout about restarting his system after being on trt for a few years and was curious to know if anyone else had or knows anyone with experience in this. Something I have been contemplating in case BP or cholesterol gets to a dangerous point or in case something else might happen. Are restart protocols anything IMT offers? Just kind of thinking out loud and looking ahead.
I think thats awesome doc. Im a newb to this and have been doing ALOT of research on getting bigger and there has been alot of belittling and bs. Knowledge is everything so once again thanks.
I have been working out and hitting it hard! But to no avail : / i have turned to (testosterone enanthate)now im takeing 1ml every 3 days and still killing myself in the gym. Am i on the right path? Im 170 lbs 5'7 any suggestions prior experience would be greatly appreciated! Again thanks RD
I think thats awesome doc. Im a newb to this and have been doing ALOT of research on getting bigger and there has been alot of belittling and bs. Knowledge is everything so once again thanks.
I have been working out and hitting it hard! But to no avail : / i have turned to (testosterone enanthate)now im takeing 1ml every 3 days and still killing myself in the gym. Am i on the right path? Im 170 lbs 5'7 any suggestions prior experience would be greatly appreciated! Again thanks RD

Please keep in mind I am not a physician.

I would say it would be in your best interest to get one of the IMT Staff consultants to review your paper work. It would be very hard to tell you accurately if your on the right path or not. We would want a full patient history!
I need help for myself and my shrinking doctor. My test level was 88 in a 300-800 range. It took me months to get started on TRT. I am now at 1 1/2 cc 200mg/ml cypionate every 2 weeks. I have been on this program now for 6 months. My last test showed 95. It took pulling teeth but she finally tested estrogen @ 50 the test says 130 or less. Obviously my doc knows very little about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and I was hoping you could tell me what I should be asking her to do for me? Is it advisable to simply keep taking the same amount forever?
I need help for myself and my shrinking doctor. My test level was 88 in a 300-800 range. It took me months to get started on TRT. I am now at 1 1/2 cc 200mg/ml cypionate every 2 weeks. I have been on this program now for 6 months. My last test showed 95. It took pulling teeth but she finally tested estrogen @ 50 the test says 130 or less. Obviously my doc knows very little about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and I was hoping you could tell me what I should be asking her to do for me? Is it advisable to simply keep taking the same amount forever?

while 1.5 cc is a good dose it should be administered weekly (150 mg per week) at that level you will be closer to 800 or 900 and feeling good with all the expected sense of well being, continue blood work to validate if Aromatase inhibitor (AI) medication is required but often when the test doses are proper no side effects are noticed . tell her if you feel right at this dose, do you feel good the day after and in a week begin to feel depressed or tired, do you have libido and does your body function as you'd like at this dose and does it taper off closer to the end of the week
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My testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Dr. as cool as he is, will not ever budge on getting me hcg!! Even though I've done my home work and seen a ton of Dr around give it along with test cyp for trt. The last several months I've felt weak and at times like fainting. I got some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but will have to figure how to do the math on it.
hey guys, spoke with Eric at IMT yesterday. He seemed genuinely concerned about my issues and was able to explain most of the questions that I had. I printed out the forms and all i have left to do is my phsyical. once i send my bloodwork, and physical forms into IMT, do I actually have to have a face to face interview with a IMT physician, or can everything be done over the phone? I definitely dont have the time or resources to fly to Florida if this is the case. Please let me know, thanks
What sort of T levels will IMT let you run regularly through testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? I have been with them almost a year and need to get new blood work to them.
What sort of T levels will IMT let you run regularly through testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? I have been with them almost a year and need to get new blood work to them. has your experience with IMT been? what kind of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) schedule did they put you on? Any hCG or AI's prescibed?
What sort of T levels will IMT let you run regularly through testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? I have been with them almost a year and need to get new blood work to them. has your experience with IMT been? what kind of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) schedule did they put you on? Any hCG or AI's prescibed?
it has been excellent. on 200mg T cyp per week, 1000 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) per week, and anastrozole i do about .3 mg twice per week.

just want to know what T levels they are comfortable with.