AZ - Road to Poundage



Being married and out of excuses for stress, lack of sleep, no time to lift, etc...I should be good to go soon. I feel I might need a log to keep me accountable.
I've dropped down to about 198lbs, still about 12% bf. Haven't been active in the gym recently, been doing a lot of drinking lately actually. But today is a new day.

I'm thinking 230 should be attainable, maybe see if i can handle 240lbs.

1-6 anavar 80mg
1-20 deca 500mg
1-26 test 500mg
10-20 tren 500mg
20-26 anavar 80mg
will probably run aromasin throughout to the keep the bloat down.

500g/500g protein/carbs and 30-45g fish oil per day.

Haven't decided if i'll stick with a semi-traditional wsbb approach or a traditional chest/tri, back/bi, etc routine.
Being married and out of excuses for stress, lack of sleep, no time to lift, etc...I should be good to go soon. I feel I might need a log to keep me accountable.
I've dropped down to about 198lbs, still about 12% bf. Haven't been active in the gym recently, been doing a lot of drinking lately actually. But today is a new day.

I'm thinking 230 should be attainable, maybe see if i can handle 240lbs.

1-6 anavar 80mg
1-20 deca 500mg
1-26 test 500mg
10-20 tren 500mg
20-26 anavar 80mg
will probably run aromasin throughout to the keep the bloat down.

500g/500g protein/carbs and 30-45g fish oil per day.

Haven't decided if i'll stick with a semi-traditional wsbb approach or a traditional chest/tri, back/bi, etc routine.

looks pricey, even as a home brewer

good luck with everything and keep us up to date
the food will cost more than the gear and i figure it's all cheaper than running 5iu hgh day.
Damn, thats a hefty stack. Im running 1g of test a week right now and loving it.
the food will cost more than the gear and i figure it's all cheaper than running 5iu hgh day.

this is very true, although I don't necessarily agree with the comparison about food costing more than gear... my food consumption is always really high and is a necessary evil whereas my gear "habit" is not... either way though, your grocery bills will be VERY hefty

it is unfortunate that growth is soo fucking expensive because I would love to incorporate it into my next cycle at 5iu's/day as well

have you ever ran anything as 19-nor heavy as this stack??
did you consider kick starting it with Test Prop at all?? I know you have gyno issues over 500mg/wk but I was just curious
have you ever ran anything as 19-nor heavy as this stack??
did you consider kick starting it with Test Prop at all?? I know you have gyno issues over 500mg/wk but I was just curious

i've done test/tren/deca's how i got close to my 4 plate bench. After 4 weeks of pct, i could get a hard-on with no problems. I do the typical:
day 1: 300mg clomid, 20mg nolva
day 2-12: 100mg clomid, 20mg nolva
day 13-21: 50mg clomid, 20mg nolva
day 22-on: nolva 20mg

i only use test prop. Hopefully the aromasin will cut back my gyno problems. I also take cab e3d ;)
10/26: I actually worked out today
Wide Grip Decline Bench: 285x5, 295x3, 295x6
Paused CG Press: 185x5, 195x5
Skull Crushers: 80x8, 80x8
Side Lateral Raise: 25's x10, 3 sets
HS Pulldown: 160x8, 210x6, 210x6
Iso Bicep Curls: 25's x8, 3 sets

PWO nutrition: 80g simple carb / 50g whey
Keeping a log is a good way to keep yourself accountable. I can't see you needing anywhere near 500 grams protein per day.
Keeping a log is a good way to keep yourself accountable. I can't see you needing anywhere near 500 grams protein per day.

AZ, MoM said the same thing in my log a while back as well... to be completely honest, he was 100% right, I have seen no difference in gains, etc in eating 300-350 grams of protein a day vs. 500 grams a day
on cycle your body synthesizes protein how much more than when off?

up the protein when on, question is how much.
AZ, MoM said the same thing in my log a while back as well... to be completely honest, he was 100% right, I have seen no difference in gains, etc in eating 300-350 grams of protein a day vs. 500 grams a day

The difference comes in the amount of times you wipe your ass in a given day :D
as long as i'm over-consuming then i'm not under-consuming ;)

this is no doubt the truth...

something tells me though that the multi-billion dollar supplement industry has exaggerated how much protein we actually should consume in a day... and being as most "authorities" have more supplement ads than actual salient information, I think we all fall into their trap
It's hard cause let's say for example i take MoM's advice and take in 350g protein and then i take in that polquin guy's advice of 250g carbs...that's only 2400 cal...even if i took in over 100g fat per day (which by any standard other than a keto diet is a little much)...i still wouldn't be over 3500 calories. My metabolism is way to fast to grow on only 3500 calories. At 4500-5000 cal day average...i peaked at 220. If i peak this time at 220...i'm up'ping to 6000 cal to see what happens.

10/29: DE Lower
10" Box Squat with bands - 135 x2,2,2,2,2 adding 10lbs for each set
Glute/ham raise - 11, 8, 7
Narrow-stance Leg Press - 10 plates x15,6,5 rest paused
AB Cable pull-downs - 60 x15,15
Calf Raise - 135 x8,8
Here's my solution. Fuck polquin, up the carbs as high as you want. Get the fat up there too. Fat is not as bad as most people make it out to be, it actually helps you metabolize the carbs at a more even rate. I read an article on that recently I'll try to find it.
If youre gonna eat 6000 cals on a fairly balanced diet youre gonna take in a shitload of protein, no way around it. Its a shitload of all the macros really.
Here we are:

Source: Flex, Jul2008
Don't Fear the "F" Word
With strict attention to clean eating, bodybuilders may be neglecting an important ally in recovery and muscle growth
What's wrong with the average American's diet? In a word, plenty.
For starters, it's way too high in dietary fat. Excess fat, especially when consumed by an inactive average Joe, is efficiently packed away as bodyfat. Throw in refined carbs from white bread and sodas, and you create a metabolism that becomes incredibly adept at depositing all incoming calories as bodyfat.
What about a mass-seeking body-builder? What's wrong with his diet? It just might be too little dietary fat! An overreliance on carbs and protein to spark muscle growth is, in reality, not the ideal approach. Although dietary fat is a down-fall for the average guy, it supports growth for the average bodybuilder. How so? In a good way, fat affects hormones and the manner in which a body handles carbohydrates and amino acids from protein.
FAT AND HIGH TEST Fat, especially saturated fat, is important for maintaining testosterone levels. These amounts fluctuate; one day, they may be relatively high, then they fall to statistically lower levels for a few days. This may explain how you can feel great and recover quickly on certain days, but struggle to recover after hard training sessions on others. Stress can kill testosterone levels, and chronic all-out training will, too. However, research shows that athletes who maintain higher saturated fat levels also maintain high testosterone levels.
FAT AND METABOLISM Fat works in conjunction with insulin, another hormone that rises with carbohydrate consumption. When you eat carbs, insulin levels go up, which, in turn, should drive those carbohydrates (as well as amino acids from protein) into muscles, resulting in growth.
However, insulin has to "lock up" with special receptors located on muscles to allow this process to take place. Guess what happens if you follow a high-carb diet that boosts insulin levels but is far too low in fat? The receptors located on the muscles refuse to let insulin work effectively. That's referred to as a compromised anabolic metabolism.
FAT AND GLYCEMIC RATING Dietary fat also changes what is known as the "glycemic rating." Refined or high-rated glycemic carbohydrates, such as white bread, white potatoes, rice cakes and, of course, sugar, aren't supposed to be the best choices for bodybuilders, other than the critical juncture immediately after a weight workout. They tend to digest and break down far too quickly, causing insulin levels to surge. At times other than after workouts, such surges are correlated with greater fat storage.
However, when such carbs are consumed with dietary fat and protein, you can arguably throw the rating method out the window. Fast-digesting carbs, such as a bowl of cornflakes, may not be ideal carb choices, but eating cornflakes at breakfast with two whole eggs mixed with a half-dozen egg whites creates a totally different picture. The dietary fat from the yolks and protein from the whites skews the breakdown of the cornflakes, making them a slower-digesting carbohydrate, which creates a moderate rise of insulin, thought to be more beneficial in staying lean.
Special consideration should be given to omega-3 fatty acids common to canned tuna, salmon and sardines. Omega-3s make the receptors on muscles far more receptive to insulin. When the receptor is recruited in assisting, carbs and amino acids from protein are more readily transported inside the muscles, resulting in better growth. That's what is known as a facilitated anabolic metabolism.
Omega-3s also spare the burning of branched-chain amino acids, the three important components that play a big role in protein synthesis and in the prevention of protein (muscle) breakdown. One of those BCAAs, leucine, plays a monumental role in pushing the body into an anabolic state where signals are sent to the muscle to "build up." If a bodybuilder skimps on omega-3 fat, his body will more readily burn through its limited reserves of leucine, which can throw the metabolism back into a compromised anabolic state. A mass-seeker's goal should always be to encourage growth, and including fish in a daily meal plan will ensure just that. Of course, if you can't stand eating any sort of fish, you can supplement with 2-6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids to make certain your body has what it needs to support the growth process.
By Chris Aceto
Edited by Jim Stoppani, PHD
Gracias MoM.

One point to make is if you are already controlling your test levels with an extrogenous source, then I think the most important part of this article is negated.

I do feel fat is important and do not exclude it from my diet by any note, I do take over 20g of fish oil per day ;)
Gracias MoM.

One point to make is if you are already controlling your test levels with an extrogenous source, then I think the most important part of this article is negated.

I don't feel that is the most important part. I think the key is the relationship between fat and anabolism for bodybuilders.