AZ - Road to Poundage

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aztech
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I know it's only been a week of using the r-ala...but i'm not getting the effects I want. I think i'm gonna switch over to slin. I've done a shit ton of reading on the subject and will be slightly modifying my up coming cycle.
New Proposed cycle:
1-6 anavar 60mg
1-20 deca 500mg
1-26 test 500mg
6-10 slin
10-20 tren 500mg
15-19 slin
20-26 anavar 80mg

uhm, yeh
New Proposed cycle:
1-6 anavar 60mg
1-20 deca 500mg
1-26 test 500mg
6-10 slin
10-20 tren 500mg
15-19 slin
20-26 anavar 80mg

uhm, yeh

you may like steroids more than me :)

HCG during/after the cycle??

you use Test Prop exclusively, correct??
yeh, i only use test prop.

HCG at the normal protocol of 250iu 2x week.

I just found something and i'm gonna send you some mail :)
New Proposed cycle:
1-6 anavar 60mg
1-20 deca 500mg
1-26 test 500mg
6-10 slin
10-20 tren 500mg
15-19 slin
20-26 anavar 80mg

uhm, yeh

Interesting cycle, dude. I don't know anything about Slin or R-ala - what are those short for? What did you not like about the R-ala?

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you run thru the whole cycle?

Good luck bro!
r-ala is an anti-oxidant that increases insulin sensitivity.
Slin is short for insulin.
Many people will say slin is dangerous and will kill you. Many people run it without problems, if run with the proper precautions.

I'm interest in the effects of
a.) shuttling more nutrients into my muscles THROUGHOUT the day, not just PWO
b.) the effect of slin decreasing the sbhg

And yes, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the whole cycle.

I'm looking into acquiring a SARM for post cycle therapy (pct) too ;)
i never noticed a difference from ed and i'll just stick to eod. When i did ed before, I had to start hitting my lats and traps...that was fun.
11/8: no workout today, little tired from a late night yday.

I did however being the insulin trails:

4iu + 50g carb + 50g protein

30 minutes later, feel fine so far. Going to but in a solid meal before the hour is up.
I did not die last night.

11/9: 6iu + 80g carb + 50g protein upon waking.
Still alive.

11/9: ME Lower
Deadlift (w/ new form): 135 x8, 225 x6, 315 x3,5,5
Good Morning with SSB: 165 x10, 215 x8
Hack Squat: 2p x10,10,10,10
Calf Raises superset with Decline Ab Crunches

PWO = 7iu slin + 90g carb + 50g protein
Man - very interestiing log - have you done slin before? you seem quite comfortable w/ the whole thing - did your study medicine, nursing or kinesiology or something to gain all that knowledge? (Please don't say trial & error - LOL)

What is your workout schedule like? ed or a few days a week? Your goal for this cycle is adding how much poundage? where u at now/

Good luck bro!
Man - very interestiing log - have you done slin before? you seem quite comfortable w/ the whole thing - did your study medicine, nursing or kinesiology or something to gain all that knowledge? (Please don't say trial & error - LOL)

What is your workout schedule like? ed or a few days a week? Your goal for this cycle is adding how much poundage? where u at now/

Good luck bro!

These are my slin trials to assess my tolerance and necessary nutrient intake post injection. I want to be able to mid cycle go into a solid 10-20iu at a time, we'll see where i end up as i started well over 10g carb per iu and am now bringing that down. I think i've read somewhere it's really 7-8g per iu but it's best to err on the side of caution. I've gone hypo a few times before ever running slin so i know what it feels like to have low blood sugar from the early signs all the way to passing out.

I've done a good deal of reading and asking lots of questions to experienced users and more than one has told me i could start at 10iu although i would not follow that advice nor recommend it. I don't think it's something to really worry about if you are doing everything systematically. I won't take the humalin-r 6 hours before sleeping and eat a few slow carbs before bed for the just in case.

I workout 3-4 times a week. I will only use slin pwo when i lift on the weekends as i can't get into the gym but after 7pm on the weekdays. I need to jump on a scale and see where i'm at. I know i'm not close to my goal of 230 yet so i haven't bothered to check yet.
11/10: ME Bench
Flat BB Press w/ chains: 225x5, 275x1,1 - wasn't really feeling it
CG Pause Press w/chains: 185 x6,6,5
Dante DB Press: 80's x10,7,7
HS Row: 6p x12, 8p x8, 10p x5,4,3,2 - RP style
DB Lateral Raise superset with bicep curl

PWO nutrition = 200mg r-ala +80g carb + 50g protein