AZ - Road to Poundage

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synthetic anabolism is the only way to role.

I have a physical near the end of November, so i'll get pre-cycle bloodwork then.

10/31: DE Bench
Flat Bench (three grips) - 135 +chains x3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
DB flat hammer press - 80's x12, 90's x8, 95's x6, 50's x15
Seated Dip machine for 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Chest supported HS row- 4p x15, 6p x10, 8p x8, 10p x6
Smith up-right row - 95 x15, 115 x10, 135 x8
WG barbell curl - 45 x13, 55 x8

PWO nutrition = 300mg r-ala + 80g carb + 50g protein

For accountability purposes...a picture after 3 weeks of heavy drinking and not lifting
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Hey man - that's a helluva cycle! - 24 weeks? why so long - i always heard the 12-16 week cycle was a max length. How many other cycles have you done? This the first one as a married man? Hope your wife is on board. BTW what is your height & age?

One more - on that 10/31 work out - how much do the chains add at the top? do you rest between sets or just pump through it? looks like a great workout.

Good luck bud - hope you do a log when you start the cycle.
we're looking at a 26 week cycle actually.
Chains are roughly 50-60lbs at the top.
The triples are done with 45-60 sec rest between sets...the set is done as fast as possible with one breathe.
6 foot even and mid 20's

11/2: ME Lower
Conv Deadlift w/ chains: 135 x10, 225 x6 315 x3 - Lower back felt a little tender so I stopped
Leg Press wide stance: 8p x12, 10p x12, 12p x12, 14p x7
Pull-throughs wide stance
superseted with
Calf Raises
Decline Weighted abs

PWO Nutrition: 300mg r-ala + 50g carbs + Taco Bell (3 hard tacos, 1 double decker supreme, 1 3-layer nachos = 1200cal, 45g protein)....I had a craving.
That's going to be a knock out cycle, bud - good think you have the time to get up to 240. At 6' - that should be really beastly! Thanks for the info on the chains too - that sounds like a great set - only saw it once at the gym but I've seen it in mags before seems like a great way to build strength on the BP.

BTW - had to laff at your PWO "Nutrition" at Taco Bell - used to be my fav for juck food too!
11/3: ME Bench
Decline Bench Press: 275 x6, 315 x3, 335 x1,2
Dante DB Press: 80's x10, 90's x6,5
CG Press: 185 x5 (paused), 135 x21
HS Lat Pulldown
Front DB Lat Raise: 45's x7,8
DB Concentration curl: 30's x10,8

PWO Nutrition: 300mg r-ala + 80g carbs + 50g protein

Note: Lifting without gear blows
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11/5: DE Legs
Box Squat: 135 x2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 - adding 10lbs per set
Deads: 135 x2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 - working on ass low and pulling along the shins, very different feeling for me
Leg Extension superset w/ DC Calf Raises
GHR superset w/ Ab Pulldowns

PWO = 300mg r-ala + 80g carb + 50g protein
11/6: DE Chest
Speed Flat Bench with two #2 bands: 135 x3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
Incline DB Press: 80's x12, 90's x9, 95's x6
Rack Press Lockouts: 225 x8, 315 x7
HS Row superset DB Lateral Raise
Smith Upright Row: 115 x13,5,4 - DC style

PWO Nutrition: 300mg r-ala + 90g carb + 50g protein

11/6: DE Bench
Speed Bench Press with two #2 bands: 135 x3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
Incline DB Press: 80's x12, 90's x9, 95's x6
Rack Press Lockouts: 225 x8, 315 x7
HS Row superset with Lateral Raise
Smith Upright Row: 115 x13,5,4 - DC Style

PWO Nutrition: 300mg r-ala + 90g carb + 50g protein
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it appears i've lost my ability to post pictures...that's really ghey

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Also I was going to mention, it's a bit unreasonable to think your body can handle gaining 30-40 lbs in one cycle.