Biceps seem so laggy ! what do u guys do for em


New member
What do you guys find orks best for biceps . I kill them every week for an hour , then space them apart from back and get them secondarily on back day again but it seems they take longest for me to grow ... I used over train them when I first started years ago so now sometimes I have tendon pain when I hit them ... any tricks or suggestions HUGELY appreciated
First tip - You tube Ben Pakulski arms training .

You prob need more quality movements , focusing on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy . . Lots of slow isolated light weights with a focus on supinating the arm .. One curl should take you 8 seconds, not 2 seconds,,
focus on the negatives as well,, keep the muscle flexed and under tension the whole time.
Don't just move the weight from point A to point B--
If you want them to grow then DON'T be a weight lifter- The weight is just a tool,, you need to focus on the muscle, not the weight itself.
First tip - You tube Ben Pakulski arms training .

You prob need more quality movements , focusing on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy . . Lots of slow isolated light weights with a focus on supinating the arm .. One curl should take you 8 seconds, not 2 seconds,,
focus on the negatives as well,, keep the muscle flexed and under tension the whole time.
Don't just move the weight from point A to point B--
If you want them to grow then DON'T be a weight lifter- The weight is just a tool,, you need to focus on the muscle, not the weight itself.

I saw one reply to this post and I saw it was you and I said to myself, I wonder what he said. Actually I didnt wonder, I knew damn well what you said, and I agree.

Youtube Ben!!!!!!! And understand what hes saying and put it to use, it might be the only tool youll need. Except maybe some Dennis James videos. Another go to guy without a doubt.
honest the last time I checked flex they were 18 "

The majority of your arm size is determined by the mass of your triceps.. You can get better developed biceps that appear fuller, more defined, and with a visible peak and separation of the muscle without having to add on much size.. If your focus is arm 'size' though, then concentrating on the tricep will yield faster size gains ,, but sounds like your goal is a visually better bicep..

Depending on your frame type though you may not want more size.. I'm a small framed ectomorph with a 29" waist,, having 20" arms would look ridiculous on me,, You may be of the body type where 20" arms would be just right..

Keep in mind though that adding large size to your arms means putting on more overall body weight.. It's hard to get just your arms to grow big without the rest of your frame growing larger as well
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18" is a big ass arm. Mine is just over 19" but I am sure I am heavier and holding more fat than you. My biceps don't look too good compared to triceps but fuck looks I want strength. Just look up the workout guy these guys are mentioning, I've heard good things about him.
The thing that helped me the most is don't bring your ego into the gym, let those dudes swing 50lbs dB all they want there doing hardly nothing to there biceps anyways
I started more focusing on form then heavy weight as u will get nowhere swinging heavy ass weight around using in proper for
U might laugh but I have put over an inch and sum over the last 6 to 7 months but I usually start out with 70lbs bb curls 3 sets, at 10 to 12 reps, no swingING just squeeze the fuck at the top and slow movement on the way down
Now I move to alternative dB curls, once again not heavy 30lbs db's but again squeeze at the too and slow on the way down, get 10 to 12 reps , 3 sets
One arm single preacher curls 3 sets, 10 to 12 reps per arm
Finish off light really hammering and going to failure with dB hammer curls, this should bring out the veins and really get the blood pumping, it's a great end to a bicep routine and arms feeling fuckin full, usually myself use only 30lbs db's and get a crazy ass pump, 3 sets to failure
Next time u see a dude swinging 60lbs db's around look at there arms it tells the whOle story, majority of them anyways
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I love it when a dude comes beside me and swings his heavy ass weight around I just have to look once and see there is absolutely no progress there and then chuckle to myself
The majority of your arm size is determined by the mass of your triceps.. You can get better developed biceps that appear fuller, more defined, and with a visible peak and separation of the muscle without having to add on much size.. If your focus is arm 'size' though, then concentrating on the tricep will yield faster size gains ,, but sounds like your goal is a visually better bicep..

Depending on your frame type though you may not want more size.. I'm a small framed ectomorph with a 29" waist,, having 20" arms would look ridiculous on me,, You may be of the body type where 20" arms would be just right..

Keep in mind though that adding large size to your arms means putting on more overall body weight.. It's hard to get just your arms to grow big without the rest of your frame growing larger as well
Agreed!!! Even at my biggest at 190 i had a size 29wAist too... I either had to wear jeans wayyy to big around the waist or sweats and track pants cause my thighs were too big for normal jeans that fit my waist...
But i never worked out my arms... I would do ONE set of chin ups, and i would angle myself so it was more back then bi
And i did ONE set of db curls just to keep the strength, yet even tho thats all i did for arms as all i did was one set of close grip bench for tris i didnt work out tris at all... I still had 17inch arms and they were shredded still some how

But fuck my calves ive tried everything even tried workin em out every other day and they have never been over 15s
The thing that helped me the most is don't bring your ego into the gym, let those dudes swing 50lbs dB all they want there doing hardly nothing to there biceps anyways
I started more focusing on form then heavy weight as u will get nowhere swinging heavy ass weight around using in proper for
U might laugh but I have put over an inch and sum over the last 6 to 7 months but I usually start out with 70lbs bb curls 3 sets, at 10 to 12 reps, no swingING just squeeze the fuck at the top and slow movement on the way down
Now I move to alternative dB curls, once again not heavy 30lbs db's but again squeeze at the too and slow on the way down, get 10 to 12 reps , 3 sets
One arm single preacher curls 3 sets, 10 to 12 reps per arm
Finish off light really hammering and going to failure with dB hammer curls, this should bring out the veins and really get the blood pumping, it's a great end to a bicep routine and arms feeling fuckin full, usually myself use only 30lbs db's and get a crazy ass pump, 3 sets to failure
Next time u see a dude swinging 60lbs db's around look at there arms it tells the whOle story, majority of them anyways

Or just grab the 75's and rep out a set of ten with good control. :D Sorry, I can't help it - I get amused when kids copy me and match my weight. Matt's totally right though, it's more about contraction and the squeeze.

I have a stupid large frame, so I will always think my arms are small. As such I do hit them twice per week with a great deal of volume.

If I were to give one tip that I think most overlook, it would be to do them SEATED. I don't care how great we think our form is, or how strong we think our mind-muscle connection is - you WILL cheat if doing curls standing. You eliminate a great deal of this potential by doing them on a bench, with feet placed firmly on the ground.
Or just grab the 75's and rep out a set of ten with good control. :D Sorry, I can't help it - I get amused when kids copy me and match my weight. Matt's totally right though, it's more about contraction and the squeeze.

I have a stupid large frame, so I will always think my arms are small. As such I do hit them twice per week with a great deal of volume.

If I were to give one tip that I think most overlook, it would be to do them SEATED. I don't care how great we think our form is, or how strong we think our mind-muscle connection is - you WILL cheat if doing curls standing. You eliminate a great deal of this potential by doing them on a bench, with feet placed firmly on the ground.

Completely agree with this... I see people smaller than me grab the same weight as me or they will grab only 5 pounds more...and think they are top shit for being able to curl the same and i always just say "yea now try it seated, not gunna happen"... Way different

Not to mention i dont really work out my arms i just do one set to keep some strength

These are my arms and i CAN'T properly lift 50lbs dumbells for more than 4 reps per arm

Stick with 35's for sets of ten. As long as you are eating enough, and keep training hard - they will grow. Chin-ups and seated rows/deadlifts will build strength. There's no need to push for sets under 5 reps, unless you're only looking for strength - which I wouldn't be doing an arms day for anyway.
And i have a buddy who curls 60-70 just fine with his arm rested on the bench... He doesnt evn juice....I think those r prechers??? Im terrible with remembering workout names
Rope pull downs
Skull crushers/ go right into close grip press to failure
To finish off tri's I like the cable 2 handed reverse pull downs and really squeeze at the bottom usually drop set to failure
All with 3 sets in the 10-12 rep range