DaHurt's First Cycle

Jan 25 (Day 18)

Kind of excited for shoulders/traps because it's by far my best group...because my delts grow so easily sometimes I'm hesitant to really go all out on them, but I've decided to say fuck that and just let em grow!

Today was
45mg dbol
300mcg GHRP6
300mcg Mod GRF
0.25mg Adex


BB Shoulder Press
12x115w/u, 10x135, 10x155, 4x185, 10x135
Side DB Lateral
10x30, 10x30, 10x30->10x20, 10x30->10x20
Rear Pec Deck Fly
15x100, 12x140, 10x170, 8x170
Single Arm Cable Raise
10x30, 10x35, 10x35, 10x35
Face Pulls
1 dropset starting at 110lbs and dropping 20lbs each time, 12 reps each.
Upright Rows
12x70, 10x80, 10x80, 12x80
DB Shrugs
12x85w/u, 10x105, 10x115, 10x120
Smith Mach Shrugs
15x135, 12x225, 12x315, 10x385->10x315->10x225->25x135

Also, just to give you guys an idea of the amount of food I'm eating (thanks to 3J!), here's an example of what I'm eating in a day (high carb day). For reference 225g = 8oz and 450g is more than 2 cups:

It's about 5k calories/day and macros are about 400g protein 450g carbs and 168g fat

Meal 1
7 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for cooking
2 cup rolled oats (measured raw) (160g)

Meal 2
225g deli turkey
6 slices of brown bread
Tomato, lettuce, pickles basic sandwich stuff
Mustard, and minimal fat free mayo

Meal 3
225g of your choice fresh water fish (optimally tilapia/tuna/salmon
450g brown rice weighed cooked or sweet potato
1 cup salad
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for cooking (8g)

Meal 4
225g chicken breast
450g brown rice weighed cooked or sweet potato
1/2 tablespoon olive oil

Meal 5
50g whey shake
1 whole bagel and 1 yellow banana

Meal 6
6oz London broil (a.k.a top round steak) OR new york steak
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for cooking
1 cup broccoli
3 tablespoons peanut butter
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The deep tissue massages during my first cycle were amazing. As the loads kept getting progressively more heavy and the strain on the body becoming more severe, the massages really helped keep me loose and free of most tension. With the exception of sexual tension. My libido was so high I thought I was going to bust nut just from being touched by a woman ha.
hahah yea hurt that does look a little bit like a diaper and a jacked up baby even my lil man went with red hahahah just fckn wit yah brotha lookin good
Jan 25 (Day 18)

Kind of excited for shoulders/traps because it's by far my best group...because my delts grow so easily sometimes I'm hesitant to really go all out on them, but I've decided to say fuck that and just let em grow!

Today was
45mg dbol
300mcg GHRP6
300mcg Mod GRF
0.25mg Adex


BB Shoulder Press
12x115w/u, 10x135, 10x155, 4x185, 10x135
Side DB Lateral
10x30, 10x30, 10x30->10x20, 10x30->10x20
Rear Pec Deck Fly
15x100, 12x140, 10x170, 8x170
Single Arm Cable Raise
10x30, 10x35, 10x35, 10x35
Face Pulls
1 dropset starting at 110lbs and dropping 20lbs each time, 12 reps each.
Upright Rows
12x70, 10x80, 10x80, 12x80
DB Shrugs
12x85w/u, 10x105, 10x115, 10x120
Smith Mach Shrugs
15x135, 12x225, 12x315, 10x385->10x315->10x225->25x135

Also, just to give you guys an idea of the amount of food I'm eating (thanks to 3J!), here's an example of what I'm eating in a day (high carb day). For reference 225g = 8oz and 450g is more than 2 cups:

It's about 5k calories/day and macros are about 400g protein 450g carbs and 168g fat

Meal 1
7 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for cooking
2 cup rolled oats (measured raw) (160g)

Meal 2
225g deli turkey
6 slices of brown bread
Tomato, lettuce, pickles basic sandwich stuff
Mustard, and minimal fat free mayo

Meal 3
225g of your choice fresh water fish (optimally tilapia/tuna/salmon
450g brown rice weighed cooked or sweet potato
1 cup salad
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for cooking (8g)

Meal 4
225g chicken breast
450g brown rice weighed cooked or sweet potato
1/2 tablespoon olive oil

Meal 5
50g whey shake
1 whole bagel and 1 yellow banana

Meal 6
6oz London broil (a.k.a top round steak) OR new york steak
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for cooking
1 cup broccoli
3 tablespoons peanut butter

he has one hell of a metabolism.. im 275 and eat that much to bulk.. lmao
The deep tissue massages during my first cycle were amazing. As the loads kept getting progressively more heavy and the strain on the body becoming more severe, the massages really helped keep me loose and free of most tension. With the exception of sexual tension. My libido was so high I thought I was going to bust nut just from being touched by a woman ha.

Yeah I'm definitely looking forward to the deep tissue...although I've heard your first can hurt for days afterwards...

hahah yea hurt that does look a little bit like a diaper and a jacked up baby even my lil man went with red hahahah just fckn wit yah brotha lookin good

lol Damn it I gotta change that pic!
Dahurts on one of my most advanced diets. This is where we separate the boys from the men :D
ineed man,thats correct!!
Dahurts on one of my most advanced diets. This is where we separate the boys from the men :D
yea i really shows to man,i just wish my appetite problem was solved and i could get a program,i just hate to waste your time and my money when i cant do it like im supposed to,its medication the reason of my appetite,and i hope soon im getting them changed so im praying it will make a difference
Yeah I'm definitely looking forward to the deep tissue...although I've heard your first can hurt for days afterwards...

lol Damn it I gotta change that pic!

You heard correct. Mine was painful during and after. But, the rewards were great.
Jan 26 (Day 19)

The libido continues to rise...please excuse me any ladies that may be viewing this but I jacked off 3 times today annnnd had sex 3 times WTF. And now my girl is officially 3000 miles away for the next TWO WEEKS. I have to be strong considering I teach a class of 50 college students that is about 85% female...

I think I'm starting to notice my skin getting a little more oily as well. Also feeling a little more bloated, and I think I'm holding more water...struggled to get a ring off that usually slides right off my finger and socks are leaving an indention in my leg.

Regardless...feeling strong as hell and knocking down lots of calories!

Did front squats again this time around...I really love the burn I get in the lower quad from these and I want to improve that area...the goal is to be doing 3 plates for reps...moved up 25lbs from last week.


Leg Ext Warm Up
Front Squats
12x135, 10x205, 10x225, 7x250, 5x275
Leg Press
20x405, 15x585, 12x765, 10x945
Hack Squat
2 strip-sets of 3->2->1 plate x 8-10 reps
Lying Leg Curl
3x12x130, 15x130
Single Leg Curl - hard squeeze, hams = done!
Jan 27 (Day 20)

Forgot to mention in yesterday's entry that I did my 6th injection into the left glute and it went fine.

I'm steadily gaining weight - fluctuating between 218-222 right now - which I can't believe because I started at only 205 and I'm only almost 3 weeks in...really excited to see what happens when the test kicks in!

Still horny as hell - guess that isn't going to go away anytime soon...

Definitely noticing an oilier face now too...which is good thing to me because I know my test is legit (not that being horny as hell isn't enough indication lol). I'm considering starting my IGF regimen in week 4 and running the first IGF cycle for 5 weeks...mainly because I have enough on-hand and I want to maximize the synergy between it, the dbol, and the test.

Did arms today and felt swole as hell in the gym haha...noticed pretty much every person in the weight room looking at me at one time or another (there aren't really any bodybuilders at my gym), which was kind of amusing.

Arms & Calves

Seated DB Curl Drop-sets

8x40->8x20, 8x40->8x20, 8x40->9x20, 8x40->8x20
EZ Bar 21's - very slow and strict
Preacher 1 Arm Mach. Curls
Overhead DB Extension
20x60w/u, 15x100, 12x105, 10x105
Pressdown w/ Rope
12x80, 12x100, 10x120, 10x140
DB Kickbacks
10x25, 10x35, 10x35
Close-Grip Bench
15x135, 12x155, 10x185
Standing 2 arm cable Curls (the one that looks like a front dbl biceps pose) FST-7
7x12x45lbs 30 sec timed rest between sets

Donkey Calf Raises
6 sets of 10 reps with the whole stack (300lbs I think?), emphasis on stretching at the bottom and holding the contraction

Taking the next two days off from lifting for some much-needed rest/recovery and EATING! Have an adjustment with my chiropractor on Monday and a deep-tissue massage on Tuesday annnd I'll be in week 4 of the cycle so hopefully it ends up being a good week!
Jan 27 (Day 20)

Forgot to mention in yesterday's entry that I did my 6th injection into the left glute and it went fine.

I'm steadily gaining weight - fluctuating between 218-222 right now - which I can't believe because I started at only 205 and I'm only almost 3 weeks in...really excited to see what happens when the test kicks in!

Still horny as hell - guess that isn't going to go away anytime soon...

Definitely noticing an oilier face now too...which is good thing to me because I know my test is legit (not that being horny as hell isn't enough indication lol). I'm considering starting my IGF regimen in week 4 and running the first IGF cycle for 5 weeks...mainly because I have enough on-hand and I want to maximize the synergy between it, the dbol, and the test.

Did arms today and felt swole as hell in the gym haha...noticed pretty much every person in the weight room looking at me at one time or another (there aren't really any bodybuilders at my gym), which was kind of amusing.

Arms & Calves

Seated DB Curl Drop-sets

8x40->8x20, 8x40->8x20, 8x40->9x20, 8x40->8x20
EZ Bar 21's - very slow and strict
Preacher 1 Arm Mach. Curls
Overhead DB Extension
20x60w/u, 15x100, 12x105, 10x105
Pressdown w/ Rope
12x80, 12x100, 10x120, 10x140
DB Kickbacks
10x25, 10x35, 10x35
Close-Grip Bench
15x135, 12x155, 10x185
Standing 2 arm cable Curls (the one that looks like a front dbl biceps pose) FST-7
7x12x45lbs 30 sec timed rest between sets

Donkey Calf Raises
6 sets of 10 reps with the whole stack (300lbs I think?), emphasis on stretching at the bottom and holding the contraction

Taking the next two days off from lifting for some much-needed rest/recovery and EATING! Have an adjustment with my chiropractor on Monday and a deep-tissue massage on Tuesday annnd I'll be in week 4 of the cycle so hopefully it ends up being a good week!

man you are growing like a mofo!!!! are you feeling more aggressive now?