DaHurt's First Cycle

Good job on logging your experience. I am starting my first cycle on Monday. Just plan on running strait test cyp @ 400mg a week for 12 weeks.

I am 40 now and think I needed to take my body to the next level. Any tips I would greatly appreciate.
Funny you should say that...because it actually is getting harder lol.

And 3J I meant to ask man...is it part of your meal plan to replace all these god damn clothes I'm growing out of?!?!

yup.. your gonna need a whole need wardrobe

shopping is gonna get tougher too.. its hard to find cloths when your big.. lol
Good job on logging your experience. I am starting my first cycle on Monday. Just plan on running strait test cyp @ 400mg a week for 12 weeks.

I am 40 now and think I needed to take my body to the next level. Any tips I would greatly appreciate.


nothing will help you grow more then a well balanced diet

nothing will help you grow more then a well balanced diet

No kidding! I was stuck at 225# for 3 weeks and it was driving me crazy! I upped my calorie intake and nothing. I did two low carb days and then upped my carb intake above what I was doing before and I shot up to 230# immediately without gaining any fat. I am in week 6 of my 12 week cycle. I was originally 209# at the beginning.

Having seen what you are able to do with some of the members here, I am definitely going to be working with you soon!
Good job on logging your experience. I am starting my first cycle on Monday. Just plan on running strait test cyp @ 400mg a week for 12 weeks.

I am 40 now and think I needed to take my body to the next level. Any tips I would greatly appreciate.

No problem! Just make sure you have everything on hand for PCT and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in the event of estrogen-related sides.

And I cannot stress enough the importance of nutrition...and staying CONSISTENT.

You may want to start your own thread with all of your stats and cycle lay out, then lots of people will chime in to help out.
No kidding! I was stuck at 225# for 3 weeks and it was driving me crazy! I upped my calorie intake and nothing. I did two low carb days and then upped my carb intake above what I was doing before and I shot up to 230# immediately without gaining any fat. I am in week 6 of my 12 week cycle. I was originally 209# at the beginning.

Having seen what you are able to do with some of the members here, I am definitely going to be working with you soon!

Yeah man you should definitely hit him up. I'm actually a similar size to you - I started at 205 and I'm 4 weeks in at around 223...I'd love to get up to 230.
Looks like a killer plan. I could never use that much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in week 13 and 14 I would have to tie my balls in a knot..lol.. hope everything goes just as planned bro..
Looks like a killer plan. I could never use that much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in week 13 and 14 I would have to tie my balls in a knot..lol.. hope everything goes just as planned bro..

Thx man - I've never used HCG...but since I'm pinning like 6-7 times a day with the other peps/gear I opted for a blast at the end...hopefully it goes okay. Definitely getting some atrophy now.
I would try it as u planned bc that might be best for u. But I like about 200Iu every three to four days it gives me a bust all the way though my cycle. I just never needed much of it myself. And up date with pic bro bc it going to be a good one. Test and dbol I love plus everything else..lol

nothing will help you grow more then a well balanced diet

Yeah I have been eating very clean.

My current stats are 5'9" 240 @ 16%bf. I am eating 6-7 times a day keeping my percentages balanced out as much as possible. I have put off doing AAS for awhile, but I know if I want to get to the next level I have to start my cycling.
No problem! Just make sure you have everything on hand for post cycle therapy (pct) and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in the event of estrogen-related sides.

And I cannot stress enough the importance of nutrition...and staying CONSISTENT.

You may want to start your own thread with all of your stats and cycle lay out, then lots of people will chime in to help out.

Good idea. I will definitely get a thread going. I dont care if I add strength, I just want to drop as much bf and add as much lean muscle onto my frame. I know my strength levels are going to increase, but it's my last priority in the cycle as I already move a good amount of weight.
Yeah man you should definitely hit him up. I'm actually a similar size to you - I started at 205 and I'm 4 weeks in at around 223...I'd love to get up to 230.

I am willing to bet that not only will you hit 230 you will come in between 235-240. Keep up the good work Bro.
Can you recap, starting weight, BF, and how long youve been on your cycle as far as today and what your taking, and gains?
how the heck are you gaining so much weight so fast?!?! 20 pounds in 4 weeks! you think you can do another 20 in 4 weeks? holy hell youd have to turn sideways to fit through a door!