Very impresive progres and better log, I think we all learn from this one, brotha congrats!!!
240 is beastly man. Those wheels are looking massive.
Sweet! 240lbs ! I knew you could do it Bro!
Latest pic looks great lots of dense quality muscle.
Congrats on your first cycle amazing results.
Read through your log over the past couple days bro, inspiring to say the least. I'm thinking about running a comparable cycle now...
Also saw you said you're working on your PhD? That's awesome, I'm actually considering pursuing one, so it's good to know that it's possible to bodybuild alongside it.
Sweet! Awesome first cycle! 240 looks good on you- quality muscle added there bro. Diet and training will be key to hanging on to it but based on what I know about you, you've got the smarts and dedication to do it!
holy shit thats a huge gain u made, u had to have worked your ass off for does numbers thats for sure bro!
Wow, amazing gains and great thread.
Glad the log could be helpful man! I was doing my PhD but I decided to finish early with an MS, because I'd originally planned on entering academia, but now I just want a job.
Ahh really? I'm also considering doing that...
Did you enter a PhD program and drop out then after you got your MS certificate? Or specifically enter a Master's program?
Thanks man
Dude amazing progress on 1 cycle, a testament to your discipline in diet and training
Very inspiring DaHurt. Great progress and dedication. Your build is exactly what myself and others dream of reaching.
I am now very interested in adding peptides. Now off to read every thread in that section.
nice stash
So tomorrow marks the 2 week mark since my last pin...I haven't noticed any changes in how I feel, strength, or weight. In general, I've had no androgen-related sides from this cycle; no acne, testicular atrophy, nothing. I may run bloods and see where everything is...if levels are too high I may hold of on SERMS for a little while longer.
Just because pics make the log better, I thought I'd share a shot of my stash...everything lined up for the next I just get to wait and stare at the vials LOL.
Hi hurt!!! Miss ya!!!