damn thives


Cardio is the Key
hey bro's check this shit out, this morning around 9 these four 16 year old punks took my BBQ. My neighbor seen the little bastards running off with it. I swear ill ring there damn necks if I get the chance
Fuckin shitheads! I did dumb shit back in my day, But stealing was never one. I'd rather suffer than steal!! Your neighbor phoned you at the moment or next day?
Don't get hostile off the bat! If ur cocky u could set a bait! But it's jus bbq and ur still alive! Ur health and safety is first! And go Canada!
Ya its not worth it to go hunt them down. but the lady next door pulled in and seen them grab it and run off, Fuckem
Damn either you guys are
1. Too nice
2. Too mature to care
3. Not on cycle
4. All the above

I'd find those fuckers and scare te shit out of em. Then I'd get my BBQ back and grill me some steak to celebrate lol

do you know who they are or just not careto hunt em down? If you don't know that's one thing-- if you do-- get that grill back man! A mans grill is not to be reckoned with! In some states people would kill for their grill lol
Ya its not worth it to go hunt them down. but the lady next door pulled in and seen them grab it and run off, Fuckem

so why didn't she follow them. It 's not like they were running long distance with a grill. I bet they were drunk. that had to be some close by to even know it was there to steal it.
thats Bull shit........ I have had my car broken into, fucking lawn ornaments stolen.... ect...I hate people that dont respect other peoples stuff. I feel ya, it sucks
ill shoot them lil crackhead fuckers. vegas is bad, im glad i live on base. some lady with her 8 month child got robbed just right down the road, man killed baby and woman with an axe in the middle of the day!! hate the people in the world today. sad.
ill shoot them lil crackhead fuckers. vegas is bad, im glad i live on base. some lady with her 8 month child got robbed just right down the road, man killed baby and woman with an axe in the middle of the day!! hate the people in the world today. sad.

Thats meth...thats shits the devil.My mother lives out west and them fucking tweekers are like the living dead,they'll steall anything thats not bolted down.
There is a huge appartment complex across the street so im sure there in there some where, And yes with all the methheads here in california its like the movie zombie land lol. Its true bros, these meth heads are stealing everything that aint bolted down and it a damn shame. The lady next door got a good look at them and gave me a good discription of them so its only a matter of time before they pop out.
I had that happen to me once when I lived in an apartment building! It was a little gas, pink Weber and I loved it:worried:

Good luck, I hope you find yours!
had my nice Weber grill stolen about a year ago.

Man was I PISSED!! Of course nobody saw anything....

I need my grilled meat though, so I ponied up on a cheapy grill and keep it parked in the locked garage.

Theivery is my BIGGEST peeve.
i have mine right on the front porch and i had some kids try to steal it but i caught them. it wasn't to nice. i took the kids home one at a time and the daddy got the punch in the face no the kids.
Heres one for ya.........

I had replaced the stock hood on my mustang for a fiberglass cowl induction hood. I came home from work one day about 2 years ago and noticed the hood was missing from the side of the garage. The Stock hood I switched out. Any how, my neighbor's wife at the time comes out and starts asking me if I let someone take it because

she saw " a guy in a beat up truck pull in, get out and knock on the door. When no one answered he started to leave, but stopped and backed in. Swiped the hood and was gone." Well this dumb ass didnt know my neighbor was a detective in another county.

Turns out he was a scrapper. you know the creepy guy that trolls your neighbor hood at 8pm while your eating dinner to stop and pick through your garbage for anything metal/copper ect..... Bitch of it was, a stock mustang hood for that year was FIBERGLAS!!!!!!!! So not only did this idiot steal a fiberglass hood (which was custom painted and VERY easy to identify)and try to scrap it , he did it in plain sight of a detectives wife who basically fucked this guy over hard.

He tracked it down, but it was destroyed, and made the guy pay me $400 or told him his ass was going to jail.

I love when justice works in our behalfs.!
Damn either you guys are
1. Too nice
2. Too mature to care
3. Not on cycle
4. All the above

I'd find those fuckers and scare te shit out of em. Then I'd get my BBQ back and grill me some steak to celebrate lol

do you know who they are or just not careto hunt em down? If you don't know that's one thing-- if you do-- get that grill back man! A mans grill is not to be reckoned with! In some states people would kill for their grill lol
Scare them yes! But kick the shit out of them no! My buddy did that in the same kind of scenario it got slammed with an assault charge, fucking theives....