Product of Test
Definately take glucosamine chondroitin too - that has helps my joints a TON!
The Glucosamine is helping a little. You probably know this but the Fish oil caps are not just good fat and good for the heart but it is also great for joints. Somehow my knees are constantly cracking like 90yr. old though, nothing works. It's not painful just weird to tough to explain.
You know what lean. Ive been thinking my past cycle I took NPP for 7 weeks and my joints ligamnets etc... were unstopable in the gym. Ironically enough now that I am off their in worse shape now than ever. Id like to know if anyone else has experinced this with nandrolone? It has me wondering about ever taking it again. SC seems to know whats up with nandrolone. I will post something in Anabolic forum and see if he will chime in.