Decent day today. It was hard even going to the gym the weather so nice outside. Got stronger on bench today but man weirdest thing happened. After a set of 405x5, yeah lol, 225x5 I got up off the bench and had a crazy pinch nerve rocketing volt of pain down the side of my neck into the traps. Shouldn't had done those damn DB shrugs on thursday. Kinda of like I got electracuted, lol. I really tensed up before my set and had my back arched more than ever, maybe that was it. Hopefully it's only temporary.
I di have much better form today, I liked bringing the bar as low as possible to upper abdoman real slow then explode up and back. Grip was pinky around the ring, elbows tucking in as I lower the bar. I definitely forsee better #'s on the way the better PL form gets. Kinda embarrasing talking PL style form only working with 245, lol but whatever. Didn't have the 13 inch cut 2 board and no-one to hold the board s it was straight flat. BTW shoulders, triceps still felt fresh no rips and tears thanx to form. But this volt/pinch nerve pain down the neck isn't pleasant. Gonna try to see if are local masseuse who massages racee horses is around. Shes incredible with deep tissue massages bitch has got some strong hands. No happy ending though, lol, wouldn't want it anyway shes butch.
Flat Bench-10x135, 6x155, 5x185, 5x205, 4x225, 5x225, 4x245 maybe 2 left in the tank, then decided to do a burner again 12x135 slow super strict felt good. Next week shooting for 265x3 should get it but it's a big jump.
JM PRESS- up 10lbs hit my goal today 10x85, 10x85, 7x85, these are really paying off arms finally forming a little horseshoe
Incline DB Flyes-10x30, 10x35, 10x40 almost broke the mirror again fuckin rubber DB's are ridiculous they bounce like bouncey balls. I just set them down now can't drop them.
Called it a day back my neck was bothering me a little. I think the volume from last session was to high.
Laying out getting sun now loving it. Sierra Nevada micro-brew company has a booth at the ski resort today headed there in a few. Cut it back to beer this weekend then done.. No more sweets burger king, beer etc.. next week. I just got off the phone with my friend juniour from Miami he makes my boy spanky look weak. This guy is a tank ex-NY city firefighter and former PLer. He said his yr. long cycle he just did was Test E 250mg's week, 5iu's growth, 50mg's anavar 8 week 8 off, .25 arimidex, HCG. When I knew him before he was almost as wide as Cutler couldn't imagine him now he's 43 and still growing and going strong. Just thought id share that.