Property is theft!
I think actual pre-exhaustion work has is role in BBing, but not in powerlifting at all. The idea is to tax the major muscles in order to focus on bringing up specific areas of the body or muscle group. I think it's useful if for some reasons you're so advanced that it makes sense, but in general, 90% of people out there don't really need to do much pre-exhaustion.
The idea in powerlifting is to get stronger each and every workout and pre-exhausting the muscles only creates a situation in which sub-optimal strength can be used.
I guess what I meant about warm up sets was this... If you are shooting for 2 sets of 5 at 315lbs, get there as quickly as possible without jeopardizing your muscle/joint health. For example, rather than doing:
135 x 15
185 x 15
225 x 10
275 x 5 and then going for your sets... Stretch out your chest, loosen up your joints, and do something more like:
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 2 and then get at the sets...
I'm just a firm believer that it's very easy to tax your body more than you mean to and the next thing you know, you're going to be giving a sub-optimal effort.
I'd like Mikea to chime in because he is the PLing authority around here right now.
I agree what Milky is saying to a great degree, but like you and me Dlove have discussed before, that for me i like to do quite a lot of warm up work and this gives me the best results. Im shure this is individual too, but i recomend experimenting and seeing what your body likes and need to get ready for that pr set.
´´The idea in powerlifting is to get stronger each and every workout and pre-exhausting the muscles only creates a situation in which sub-optimal strength can be used. ´´
This statement i can sign 100%, pre-exhausting is the stupidest thing to do, however i like to work to 5rep maxes and to do quite a lot of warm ups, to avoid exhausting i drop reps early and the last 3 or so warm up sets i will do 2-3reps. But again experiment, but the idea is to get joints and cns ready not to exchaust the muscles!
I like the idea of doing at least 5warm up sets, and obviously when you add 100pounds to your max, you should add some more warm up sets.
My 2cents.