Epileptic on TRT personal journal

166lbs after some coffee and oatmeal this morning. Post push workout pic. Slow reps. 3-4 seconds up/3-4 seconds down. Thinking of adding negatives and drop sets. Possibly another exercise.

Maybe another set of flies before the set of flies finished with DB press to focus on my chest. I got a basic was mart "all in one" bench 1" bar. I only got 2 x 2.5lbs so increases/decreases on dumbbells is 10 lbs.

Maybe another set of flat bench and adding some rest-pause reps and negatives on the second set. Smash the compound move. I aim for intensity over volume but I think 2 sets of heavy intense bench will do me good.

Slight incline bench
50lbs x 15
70lbs x 8
100lbs x 8 (positive failure)
Flat bench 150lbs x 5 reps + 1 slightly spotted
DB Fly then Press 30lbs x 10 flies then 5 press
Skull crushers 30lbs x 10 reps

My reps dropped when I moved to slower cadence but I'm back up after 3 workouts and the pumps are awesome.
166lbs after some coffee and oatmeal this morning. Post push workout pic. Slow reps. 3-4 seconds up/3-4 seconds down. Thinking of adding negatives and drop sets. Possibly another exercise.

Maybe another set of flies before the set of flies finished with DB press to focus on my chest. I got a basic was mart "all in one" bench 1" bar. I only got 2 x 2.5lbs so increases/decreases on dumbbells is 10 lbs.

Maybe another set of flat bench and adding some rest-pause reps and negatives on the second set. Smash the compound move. I aim for intensity over volume but I think 2 sets of heavy intense bench will do me good.

Slight incline bench
50lbs x 15
70lbs x 8
100lbs x 8 (positive failure)
Flat bench 150lbs x 5 reps + 1 slightly spotted
DB Fly then Press 30lbs x 10 flies then 5 press
Skull crushers 30lbs x 10 reps

My reps dropped when I moved to slower cadence but I'm back up after 3 workouts and the pumps are awesome.
solid build there, well done. hows your E2 level these days?
Still high I would say based off nipples. Slightly worse than pre TRT. Labs hopefully mid to late December. 12-14 week mark.
have you tried diuretics, I'm getting better results adding to my AI at least 3 diuretics a week..
No I'm pretty conservative on lots of things. Hydration plays a huge role in my seizures and One other dehydrate easy or am sensative to lower hydration even if not "dehydrated". Electrolyte balance and such messes with brain function and that's when I start twitching.
For Americans I get treatment through the veterans hospital/ VA. I received a call back today saying my labs won't be requested because there is no medical need. I spoke with this neurologist about my TRT and had been told to simply call and scheduel it. It's now a no-go. I'll call another doctor (primary care provider) and attempt to get labs from them. 7% chance I'll get it from them. I will then call the endocinolonogly clinic I've battled with for years and try some manipulations mentioning erectile dysfunctions, breast development, history of lower testoserone and keeping an eye on things. 1% chance that'll work. Same clinic I had 3 endocrinologist literally just give me a blank stare when I would point to their labs showing a drop from 540ng/dl to something like 360ng/dL in about 2 years. 28% drop on about 24 months. None responded. Won't even talk about it. I've had appointments ended when I refused to change subjects.

I'll be using the labs mentioned in the TRT overview by Megatron. Male panel. Only question is : What chance is there I'll be over 1,500 nd/dL at 200 mg wk? I think it's hard to adjust down if I don't know exactly where I am. On the other hand I don't have $$$ just sitting around for a $300 Lab work up. I'd rather just have a "over 1500" and lower my dose to say 180mg wk and repeat the cheaper test again for damn near the price of the above 1500 test. Honestly estrogen and blood counts are what I'm comcerned with and what will ultimately decide my dose. If I came back at 900ng/dL with blood counts off I'll lower it. I don't need blood clots or high blood pressure.

I've started helping coach on the kids wrestling team. Just little guys. 2-3 graders. Really strange considering what a hermit I am. A weird change simce starting TRT.

I had an off week of under eating, missed workout and some beers with the wife at the end and felt like crap for 2 days. Dropped some weight and lool smaller. Got other things done but not eating right took it's toll and the 6-8 beers over 5 hours was to much. On another side pre-TRT I could have had small seizures from a week like this. Getting de-ja-vu feelings. Even when I'm not taking care of myself I'm better off on TRT than without.

Sweats have calmed down. Quality of life is up. I'm getting stuff done but memory is still a problem. Epilepsy and benzo will do wut it do. Libido is good. Sadly I still have the facial hair of a 16yr old. Family thing. Grey hair starting, ear and nose hair but can't grow facial hair.
You can get the LC-MS testosterone and sensitive estradiol version of the female panel for roughly double what the standard female panel costs - it is under $100. Plus you get a 15% discount in the emails they send once a week.

200 puts me at 1,261 one time and 1,320 ish another time, FWIW.
As of now I am getting labs tomorrow morning 9am. I did my 500ui hCG this morning and tomorrow is injection day but in the evening. I would have rather done it monday morning/injection time for a true trough reading but it was tomorrow or next year. The endo labs are currently requested but not official. Otherwise general labs are being pulled. Might not know endo levels but I'll have the others. I'm due for labs and a doctor's visit. Hoping my history of having them ran gets them ran again. I believe theorbrange is up to 1200 so I will probably get the version tankmanbob mentioned. I want details. Hard to guage dosage response without numbers.

Thanks for the level references.

TT: >1500 ng/dL ... (193-836)
FreeT: 245pgml... high (32-168)
Free T %: 1.6%... (1.1-2.5)
SHBG: 67 nmol/L... (16.5-55.9)

All other labs banging in the ranges.

Blood pressure 132/86
Pulse 92
Temp 98.2f

Estrogen test ain't back yet. Using math and free T % I get a blood TT of 1,531 ng/dL.
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More labs.

Glucose: 79mg/dL... 65-100
Urea nitrogen: 10mg/dl... 10-26
Creatinine: 0.81mg/dL... 0.6-1.4
Sodium: 142mmol/L... 135-145
Potassium: 4.4mmol/L... 3.5-5.0
Chloride: 101mmol/L... 95-107
CO2: 30mmol/L... 23-32
Anion Gap: 11mmol/L...8-16
eGFR: 108.....REF: >=60
Total cholesterol: 166mg/dL...150-200
Triglycerides: 145mg/dL....0-150
HDL: 40mg/dL...40-110
LDL: 106mg/dL...40-100
TSH: 1.25uIU/mL... 0.3-4.2
WBC: 9.8 K/uL.. 4-11
RBC: 5.16M/uL... 4.00-6.00
HGB; 15.7g/dL... 12.5-17
HCT: 47.7%....37-50
No real number for TT except 800-1000 roughly. With labs being in range a side of me says leave it where it is but long term I'm not sure that's to good. I also have nipplesoreness so I think dropping test is better than raising my AI. I think I will probably taper down. Shoot these labs to IncreasemyT and see what the doc says.

My estrogen isn't back yet. My primary care doctor told me he has 1,200 patients on his list . . . Haha . . So he might not actually call me with the level because I am having a copy mailed to me and my TRT is outside the VA so it's basically me and IncreasemyT. Gave me a warning about keeping testoserone elevated and said he disagreed with it and see him next year if nothing comes up.

Added Dec 19th: The last two weeks I haven't ate my 3,500 calories. 2,200-2,700 a day probably. I weighed 162 this morning after eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Down some pounds. My memory has been worse the last week and my mood has seems down. Not sad just not as happy this week. That's the wife's observations. Looking back my thinking hasn't been as clear and I have been getting distracted. The drop in eating comes from me snoozing my good alarms to do something real quick and not eating. My symptoms and problems are difficult to seperate from medications side effects and temporal love epilepsy side effects but not eating enough is never good for me. If anyone wonders why I have such a problem it's basically a feeling of a high pressure hollowness. I keep my stomach slightly tightened at all times because relaxing it make my stomach feel uncomfortably full. . . . Even tho it's empty. It's some weird thing with this medication (clobazam). Other epileptic drugs have basically gave me the munchies. Benzos play around in a lot of places and as a drug class possibly lower GH output. Grenlin receptors or something maybe.
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Labs all on this page for discussion.

TT: >1500 ng/dL ... (193-836) 1,531 estimated
FreeT: 245pgml... high (32-168)
Free T %: 1.6%... (1.1-2.5)
SHBG: 67 nmol/L... (16.5-55.9)
Glucose: 79mg/dL... 65-100
Urea nitrogen: 10mg/dl... 10-26
Creatinine: 0.81mg/dL... 0.6-1.4
Sodium: 142mmol/L... 135-145
Potassium: 4.4mmol/L... 3.5-5.0
Chloride: 101mmol/L... 95-107
CO2: 30mmol/L... 23-32
Anion Gap: 11mmol/L...8-16
eGFR: 108.....REF: >=60
Total cholesterol: 166mg/dL...150-200
Triglycerides: 145mg/dL....0-150
HDL: 40mg/dL...40-110
LDL: 106mg/dL...40-100
TSH: 1.25uIU/mL... 0.3-4.2
WBC: 9.8 K/uL.. 4-11
RBC: 5.16M/uL... 4.00-6.00
HGB; 15.7g/dL... 12.5-17
HCT: 47.7%....37-50

Blood pressure 132/86
Pulse 92 (VA gives me "anxiety" and I also smoke cancer)
Temp 98.2f

I also found this nifty chart I made to simplify my debates with VA doctors.

So changes from last labs

TT 428 up to 1;500+ :-)
Free T 76 up to 245 :-)
SHBG 41 up to 67 :-(
Free T % pretty close.

My meds are up in dosage since the last labs. 50% increase. The increased dose pushed me down as far as symptoms go in low T. Ive seen benzos mwntuoned in womens studies raising SHBG.

So with labs in view can I work backwards based on a target free T of 168 pg/mL having free T percentage of 1.6% to get to a target TT of roughly 1,030 ng/dL?

245 down to 168 give me roughly 30% reduction. Do I plan on dropping my dose 30% or would personal experience from you TRT dudes be start at say 10%? Go 200mg wk to 170-180mg depending on how it falls on syringe lines?

Please check my math also.
Estrogen was pulled and not estradiol/ E2.

Labs were pulled on "peak nipplesoreness" before anastrazol.

Estrogen: 605.1 pg/mL . . . Range (60-190)

This is just a personal report but nipple soreness ist that bad and im able to reach erections, climax and have good libido. While this isn't E2 if yiubread this please share when people wait for gyno/ED/loss of libido to start or worry about estrogen control. 200mg test cyp, 1mg ana and 500ui per week.

Lots of us repeat it over and over that waiting for nipple soremess is a bad idea ad estrogen was elevated before that symptom shows.

I'll get all my labs sent to muh doc now that they are all back and talk about future doses

July 2016 I had
TT: 428 ng/dL
Free T: 76 pg/ml
SHBG: 54 nmol/L
E2: 24 pg/mL
Estrogen: 120 pg/mL
anastrozole increased to 1.5mg wk for the high estrogen. I take .25mg day 6 days a week. Sunday off of AI. Started this new AI dose Jan 19th. Nipplesoreness is almost gone now. I have ran 160mg wk the last couple weeks because I thought I had over pulled and was going to come up short. Vial looked pretty low for another 2 weeks eyeballing it. I would have been a little short on the last shot but not what I thought. I thought i might be a full shot short. Ended up with a heavy shot the last pull from the vial. Worked out good as the kids were with their grandma for the weekend!! I also have HCG pre-loads that are a little heavy dosed. I took one of those as well. Kid free weekend and all . . . . Placebo effect on me might have happened but it was commented I "seemed longer" :sperm:. My libido was up, stamina was up and orgasm intensity was up. Wife was changing outfits getting ready for vacation. I thought I was going to faqin die. Only thing she kept on was underwear and she tried on everything from jeans and skirts to swimming suits. It might as well have been some strip show compilation.

I've noticed I look leaner and have more definition. Vascularity is up. I've lost about 2 lbs give or take. I've developed some acne on my back and upper arms. Seems weird with lower doses of test the last 3 weeks and reduced estrogen but it is what it is what it is. Skipping showers during the summer camping or to many days with sun screen can cause my back to get pimples. I'm "greasy" by nature.

I've realized I'm losing track of where I injected last. I use my love handle area and stomach. I'm thinking of adding IM quads to spread the test out. I'm sticking myself close to the same area once a week roughly. Only being 1/2 ml sub-q I am pretty liberal with area of injection. If I can pinch it, it gets pinned.

Sitting at 169-172lbs. Home scale says 17% bodyfat. I really doubt that. AVI still current.
I have PTSD/hyper vigilance/social anxiety that has been pretty intense for years. With the Low T and high E I maintained composure but constantly waited for something to happen and had violence in my mind. I was once asked about it and why I didnt leave situations amd my resppnce was "What do you do when youre being mortared? You sit there and wait till it's over. Where the fuck you gonna go?" Haha
Social situations basically caused "When this shit pops off how do I beat a person who is stronger and better than weak skinny me?"

I felt ok going through air port security. I took my hCG and test a day early just to avoid taking it with me. It would have got ugly If security was trying to take my vial of test. I also felt good in the plane and walking around Florida beaches.

I still had "anxiety", constantly looked around and watched for potential problems. "Hypervigilance". I didn't have the "lesser than" feeling or the "fear". It's hard to call it anxiety or fear compared to leaving a base in Iraq. Institutionalization and training doesn't go away upon discharge.

I felt good. Aware but relaxed. If something would have happened all I could do was respond. No constant "what if" Pre-TRT I would have been a mess. Probably not ate. It was way outside my comfort zone (my house) and out in a completely unknown area for 4 days. The beach, aquarium, resturaunts bar. I had a beer with dinners.

I can still remember low T and if it wasn't for my TRT I would have been acting the whole time. It's not some cure but confidence and the psychological effects of testosterone helped me.

Personal life I've maintained the 160mg wk test, 1.5mg ana and 1,000ui hCG per week.

Nipplesoreness clinging on. I really have to feel for it.

I think physically HPTA suppression is full scale. Testicle size fluctuates with HCG and the extra day between shots from vacation left my boys pretty small. They definitely wouldn't be there without HCG. Even plumped after HCG they are smaller. Benzo can cause desensitization of leydig cells. I'm not to concerned. Ive never had a woman at all concerned with my testicle size . . . . Just saying . . Haha. Ejaculate volume not sure. Seems there regardless of size. Also not really relevant.

I didn't even notice my achy knee, shoulder and back had went away until they returned with the lower estrogen. Libido is a little lower. Erections are fewer. I thought I might have crashed my estrogen but libido is still attached to injection timing for peaks. I do wish I had a healthy T level. Since I've been 16 I'm been a horn dog and had erections constantly. I think now it's the sedative effects of my seizure meds. I don't know if I ran in the top of the range for test. I don't know where my E was. He is there when I need him and I can masturbate so it's ok. 6 months ago I couldn't get it up myself and had issues with the wife.

I have found out TRT can be a scape goat and blamed. "Since you started you're" --mean, emotional, emotionless, stricter with the kids, argue more ect. One thing said was "changing day to day" . . . . I wasn't arguing so I didn't say "well actually normal test changes everyday, over the course of the day, and my hormones are actually more stable". :-)

I am different I'm sure. I went from low T to maxing levels T. But I'm not mad or in a bad mood. Maybe / probably more assertive and persistent but I've been in a good mood. I believe it's my tone of voice. I've also been through over 12 seizure meds which have caused swing from depressed and crying to rage and one that caused a pendulum from spit flying rage to bawling and back to rage. I can understand the wife having reservations, being sensative to changes in me and leaning to blame them. I think it's post vacation blues. Florida to snow had us all a little down. :-)

I'm going to maintain the 160mg wk just to maintain a level for a couple months for my next blood test. Using nipplesoreness I'm going to just hold this dose. Soreness is WAY down and in general I feel good.

I went from limp, "depressed", unmotivated homebody with sore boobs struggling to keep the house clean to now. I've helped coach the youngest boys wrestling, lift pretty regular, eating, redid front doorway, painted 2 bedrooms, painted kitchen, fixed floor in a bedroom, fixed/redid shower to fix a problem with shower/ replaced bent copper with Pex and am currently replacing stove vent/hood. Im not me 4 years ago but I'm getting back.