my odd gear confessions:
I once injected a plant with a cc of test to see if anything would happen LOL, also injected a pineapple too.... (i compromised the pin and didnt want to pin it, early on in my use it happened a couple times)
PS nothing hapend and the pineapple ended up tasting like shit.... pineapple on steroids my ass... lol
I once used "stealth gear" and didnt filter it myself, i just drew it out of the "massage oil" packets and filled 10ml bottles.. lucky for me no infection... i mean they say ready to use but common... out of a fukin ketchup packet type thing? stupid move on my part...
when i started pinning early on i would put porn on as i pinned to help cut down being nervous on pinning. worked lol
i was on cycle one and used HCG just for bigger loads for shits and giggles. (on hrt so dont bother with hcg)