Expired Androgel


An old man that goes to my gym gave me his box of Androgel 5g, he can't use it becuase he has a prostate condition. Anyway, the stuff has an experation date of 7-05. Do you think it still is any good?
The price is right so I'd use it. But it wouldn't be the only test I use. It's very weak and made that way on purpose. At best it will only bring up a little bit. You need to use some other form of test to get to a higher blood level.

You do need to be careful with the gel. If you have kids running around it can be a BIG PROBLEM for them. It has been know to transfer from the user to someone else through sweat. So if you are using the gel and you get some of your sweat on a bench then a young one gets on the bench you will transfer some test to them. For a young child this can be a real problem. Causes all sorts of problems so be careful please. I'm sure that if you have kids the last thing you want to do is fuck them up for the rest of their lives.
thanks for the replys. I will be careful. Hard to beleive it can be so utterly ineffective for me rubbing on the whole packet twice a day, but a accidental drop to a kid could be so damaging.