Former Steroidology Mod, The Almighty has turned SCAMMER!!

jyzza said:
Mvmaxx....I feel for you bro....and I'm not talking about

I send out around $3K and I belive that it is also lost.....I'm still trying to find out more info and then I will post on the board for all the members to see........

Did he get you as well?
I'm sure you've already thought of this, or it is of little importance but I just thought I'd bring it up just in case.
The Almighty was a platinum member of Elite? I'm not familiar with how Elite charges their members (directly from credit card, or Paypal or whatever) but I'm sure whatever method he did use, his REAL personal information would have to have been recorded.
Didn't he have Platinum without paying for it? I think that is the reason he was banned from Elite.
Easto said:
Didn't he have Platinum without paying for it? I think that is the reason he was banned from Elite.

I think it was something like he didn't pay for several months of it. In any event, even if he did pay for it at one time, they should still have valid personal info
kube said:
against the law to offer rewards? well then the gubmint is breaking the law. what about crime stoppers? what about the good old fuckin president offering rewards for bin laddin and saddam hussein? they havent been tried anbd there were some very fat rewards offered. fuckin ridiculous that the fuckin establishment can offer rewards but citizens cannot. sorry if this is off topic. later.

Yup. Government can offer rewards. Approved organizations can offer rewards... guys like us who want to get a payback for a steroid deal gone bad, can't offer rewards. LOL

What is so ironic and actually quite trite, is the fact this jerk stated that he wants to be in law enforcement. Just shows you the real corruptors huh?
There is a wierd crossover between police and criminals. Alot of police trainees trying to get in, are those that had a troubled past. Some that have failed cadet training, make it to America's Most Wanted.

Not all cops are bad, but those that are probably are only there because they enjoy dominating others, wether through crime or yelling at them for going through a stop light.
Mudge said:
There is a wierd crossover between police and criminals. Alot of police trainees trying to get in, are those that had a troubled past. Some that have failed cadet training, make it to America's Most Wanted.

Not all cops are bad, but those that are probably are only there because they enjoy dominating others, wether through crime or yelling at them for going through a stop light.

Everyone I went to school with who later became a cop, was a thug as a kid.

If that is a student house, I bet he no longer lives there. He probably knew that he was moving out so he planned to make a few extra dollars. Scam as many people as you can, then move away before anyone can track you down.
jyzza said:
I send out around $3K and I belive that it is also lost.....

That's a lot of money. Do you guys buy a whole year supply at a time? I get nervous when I have $500 on the line.
Citruscide said:
Yup. Government can offer rewards. Approved organizations can offer rewards... guys like us who want to get a payback for a steroid deal gone bad, can't offer rewards. LOL


fuck that! in any case, whoever finds him should break his fuckin knees. that will give him a very long time to think about what he did. busted kneecaps dont heal very quickly bros. and since the money is probably gone violence is most likely the only way to handle this. whoever does it should film the shit. nah, that would be dumb. cool to watch but dumb. very very dumb. oh and mods, if im out of line making these type of suggestions then just delete my post. i dont mind.
Damn MV, I'm sorry to hear that bro!!!! I hope you can get your money back somehow and someone can track down that SOB!!!!
That is true Mr. dB no doubt...everyone I went to school who later became a cop was that punk ass kid who got their "meet me at lunchtime" beatdown for milk money and their 3:15 get your ass kick general purpose/all purpose your a punk get stomped
Easto said:
If that is a student house, I bet he no longer lives there. He probably knew that he was moving out so he planned to make a few extra dollars. Scam as many people as you can, then move away before anyone can track you down.

The house where all the money was sent is not a student residence, it actually his moms place.