Former Steroidology Mod, The Almighty has turned SCAMMER!!

pyrros dimas said:
As far as his parents are concerned, please, please, please leave them out of it! Same goes for his girlfriend unless you can prove 100% that she was in on it too.

why leave them out of it? so this dude can keep laughing at this situation? the parents should be notified about what their kid is doing and the posistion he has selfishly put them in. they should also be warned that very pissed off folks may or may not also track down their address and not come asking questions or with an informative attitude but with guns to collect their nmoney and put holes in their kid. maybe this will scare them into telling you where he is or paying what he owes. fuck this guy, make his ass sweat. leave him out in the cold. my two ccs of air in a main ventricle. preferably his main ventricle. preferably the jugular.
pyrros dimas said:
His parents have nothing to do with this! Why is everyone on these boards always acting like Mercenaries? You would be STUPID to go after his parents. You'll just hurt innocent people and it won't hurt The Almighty nor recover your money.

For anyone that goes after his parents, I hope that you get caught if you should do something to his parents.

Some people here are so fucking sad.

youre the sad one dude. no one is talking about killing his parents or beating them with a flashlight while theyre tied up in the basement. but they should know whats up. maybe you are the almighty with a new identity and maybe thats why you dont want the parents involved. how long are they gonna ground you dude when they find out? you think its gonna just be a spanking or what? your parents should be the least of your worries. im laughing my ass off while i type this because even if you arent the almighty hes probably reading and that just makes me laugh more and more as i type this up. i didnt even get scammed but what the fuck, a guy can opine, can he not?
pyrros dimas said:
Asking his parents where he lives or dimeing him out to his parents, etc... is great. I am saying that you shouldn't hurt his parents, their house, etc. There is a fine line between 'asking' his parents where he can be found (and telling them that he owes people money) and 'harassing' his parents. I don't think I was too clear earlier when I was trying to make my point.

no, you werent.
RoadHouse said:
If you after, or harm anyone not directlky involved, just because of relation, you are a much more horrible person thna he could ever be.

i think all of us are horrible persons in one regard or another, but youre right. anyways, this isnt about the almighty beeing the bad guy and the scammed the good innocent victims. this is about some money being lost and some pissed off dudes all wanting to get ahold of him to do different things to him. i will be honest. that being my money, i wouldnt even be sitting here typing. id be all up in his ass with a sawed off asking politely what we may do to prevent the wound it was about to cause if i didnt get my fuckin money. some people dont realize the seriousness of what they do. everyday folks get killed for much less than the total lost amount.
G-S said:
No offense to all the tough guys in this thread, but in the 4 years I've been doing this online game, I've seen COUNTLESS numbers of scammers, and even more COUNTLESS numbers of "tough guys" who are gonna "kick ass", and "break legs".

Yet never ONCE have I ever heard of ANYTHING being done to ANYONE. Face it, your money is gone. Everyone of us knows the risks of sending your hard earned cash to someone you really don't know. If you can't handle the loss, you shouldn't play the game.

Now, we all know he's a piece of shit, a scamming dirtbag motherfucker. Stay away from him. But all this kick ass talk gets really old.

hmmm, i suspect this guy could also be the almighty posing as a newbie. :afro: its a disguise.
You can opine all you want bro. This forum is for opinions. No, I am not 'The Almighty'. I can provide countless refs that I am someone else.

Don't take it personal bro. Everyone has different opinions and that's what the board is here for.

Looks like Trevdog is the only one that agrees with me...
of course he makes a very good point. most dogs that bark are not as likely to bite and even if they do they already warned you. but statistics are just a number. and any one of these guys can grow the balls to act on what theyre saying. theres always that one time that things dont go as planned and the almighty may have scammed these guys and gotten away with it but sooner or later hes gonna fuck with someone who just doesnt give a shit or is tired of getting fucked, or a guy who is truly a tough as nails eat shit for breakfast no nonsense motherfucker and when that happens the bro is dead. that simple. his past is gonna catch him or hes gonna fuck with the wrong guy down the road and end up in a coffin. either way i couldnt care less. if i saw the almighty on fire and knew it was him, i wouldnt even piss on him. i wish the bastard health and happiness, as i wish you all the same. i know when im healthy and happy the last thing on my mind is doing shady shit. so repent almighty, its not too late. you can still save your soul before that day comes. that day you wake up to a pillow over your face and the thump you hear which is a supressed 45 caliber to your cranium. i get all crazy dont i? peace to everyone. yes, even the almighty.
In the end I hope the Almighty gets what he's 'earned'. Whatever happens to him is his fault. He fucked around with The Black Market and took advantage of a lot of great bros! He deserves whatever happens to him!

Good post kube.
kube said:
hmmm, i suspect this guy could also be the almighty posing as a newbie. :afro: its a disguise.

Hardly a newbie, my friend. If you haven't heard of me, chances are you don't frequent the 20+ boards I am a member of, all of which I keep an outstanding rep on.
G-S said:
Hardly a newbie, my friend. If you haven't heard of me, chances are you don't frequent the 20+ boards I am a member of, all of which I keep an outstanding rep on.

I back G-S up on this. He is straight forward and honest. I agree with him that most will talk it and not do anything about it. Sometimes we have to accept our losses and move on. But if there is one guy out there that will do something about it.. All I can say is good luck and I hope you nail his ass...
G-S said:
No offense to all the tough guys in this thread, but in the 4 years I've been doing this online game, I've seen COUNTLESS numbers of scammers, and even more COUNTLESS numbers of "tough guys" who are gonna "kick ass", and "break legs".

Yet never ONCE have I ever heard of ANYTHING being done to ANYONE. Face it, your money is gone. Everyone of us knows the risks of sending your hard earned cash to someone you really don't know. If you can't handle the loss, you shouldn't play the game.

Now, we all know he's a piece of shit, a scamming dirtbag motherfucker. Stay away from him. But all this kick ass talk gets really old.

Well, here's the one time you can hear about it then. The last guy that scammed me got the shit kicked out of him and his best friend. He had moved to a completely different city. But because I found where his parents lived, who his former employer was and where he worked out at, he was "scared to go back home". BTW, those were his exact words to me about 6months later when he paid me my money back.

Look, this is the Internet and people will talk shit. I'm trying to play Mr Tough Guy as I don't have the time to fly up there to hunt for his ass. But you know what, this is the age of the Internet and when you give your address to someone they can find out just about everything about you. Then others can do the hunting.

Hopefully when this is said and done I will personally e-mail you describing the 2nd time you've ever heard of someone getting his ass handed to him. :D
dear G S
okay so youre not a newbie, youre a whole grade higher. hahahaha. a novice, im sorry for the mistake. oh and i dont have your time to be on 20 plus boards bro. you should probably get help, if you spend so much time behind the screen that you have earned such a great rep in all those 20 boards. and i wasnt being serious when i said you are almighty posing in disguise. why does everyone take me so literally? oh, and youre right. most people only talk shit and will run away screaming when someone calls them out. even most big guys ive met turn out to be pussies. the meanest fucker i ever met was like 5 foot 2 inches. i think THE BOUNCER (superman) said it best so i wont even try to insult you cause to start off, i dont even have anything against you bro.
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G-S said:
Hardly a newbie, my friend. If you haven't heard of me, chances are you don't frequent the 20+ boards I am a member of, all of which I keep an outstanding rep on.
your a tool, so shutup. :p
pyrros dimas said:
You can opine all you want bro. This forum is for opinions. No, I am not 'The Almighty'. I can provide countless refs that I am someone else.

Don't take it personal bro. Everyone has different opinions and that's what the board is here for.

Looks like Trevdog is the only one that agrees with me...

hey bro, i was being cynical. how would i know, or care, who you are? i was just bashing anyone who seemed to be taking this thiefs side. and it was meant to be humorous. i was just fuckin with you.
let me say just one thing. if you are going to settle with him you had best be very careful. i am sure he is reading all this shit using a proxy which means he is ready for you. and i dont care how big you are all he has to has is one bullet in one gun and you are paralyzed for the rest of your lfie or dead. so what am i saying? i am saying BE CAREFUL, expect him to act like cornered prey DO NOT EXPECT him to be all care free and unsuspecting. imagine you were in his shoes, you would be getting plenty of protection and watching your ass.

please no one get hurt trying to settle. (except him if he doesnt cooperate)

also BTW please leave his parents out of it. dont contact them dont harrass them dont do anything. if you do shit to his parents you lose the high ground.

godspeed, make that fucker pay.
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the only way id agree about not telling the parentrs shit or contacting them is if you guys want to catch him by surprise. you tell his parents and they will most likely notify him ASAP. of course by putting so much info on the net you have also put him on his guard more. so the element of surprise is gone folks. youre not gonna catch him in his everyday habits. maybe if this had been handled silently but most likely he will be in hiding for a while after seeing what an obvious trail he left. so by all means take advantage of this and ruin him with his folks. scare the shit out of them but not with threats. just let them know how many people he burned and how easy it would be for one of them to rat him out to the police and because he used their address to receive payment they in turn may have legal problems in the near future, not to mention the possibility of some crazy pissed off dude coming for his money with a gun. to their house. all thanks to their sweet little boy. be nice and informative and let them know you are after this guy too but would like to work things out peacefully before someone else finds him and ruins your chances of getting your money back. (dead folks dont pay bills or debts).
that's sad, he always seemed like a good guy to me and helped me out over on elite when I was a newbie, just goes to show you you never really know people