New member
what the fuck does it matter if a guy is 150, 200, or 315 for that matter? ever heard the term "the bigger they are the harder they fall?" a cattle prod will take care of the guy no matter what his size. so will a handgun or a knife or a baseball bat for that matter. anyways if you cant hold your own, you shouldnt be trying to play billy badass. this shouldnt be about who is tougher. it should be about subduing and humiliating this clown to make an example of him. it should be about 5 or 6 guys grabbing him and teaching him what fear and pain is all about. forget the money. forget the threats. forget the tough guy talk. forget bragging about how easy it was to find him. all of that crap lead to some bro getting arrested. why did he do it? i sure dont know. maybe he had lost money, maybe he wanted respect from some of you guys, but whatever the reason he didnt plan or think this out correctly. if you want to get this bitch then stay off the forums and stop warning his ass, because it will only lead to more bros getting in trouble. let the shit go for now and get his ass when hes not expecting it. no more warnings and no more chances to pay. if this is true and some bro got busted trying to manhandle almighty in public then its his own fault for not planning shit out correctly. if it is true then someone confirm it and everyone else learn from this stupid crap. its not my intention to flame anyone here. im just stating the obvious for the benefit of those who dont know better. other guys warned about this happening and it happened. maybe now things will be handled correctly, discretely. the main thing should not be getting this guy or getting your money back. it should be staying outta trouble. that should be the first priority. second priority should be making dumb fucking matthew pay (through blood, tears, and a few broken bones... maybe some teeth) as long as priority number one is not jeapordized. so be careful bros and dont turn this into a lesson to scammers that they are safe. thats the last thing you want and the thing that just happened. sorry for the long post. this could have all been handled weeks ago with the info a certain radioactive giant green guy dug up. i wont say names or point fingers because its just not nice to do so. i guess this could have been summed up with a simple be careful, but i needed to vent and now i have. laters.
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