***Regarding The Almighty***

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what the fuck does it matter if a guy is 150, 200, or 315 for that matter? ever heard the term "the bigger they are the harder they fall?" a cattle prod will take care of the guy no matter what his size. so will a handgun or a knife or a baseball bat for that matter. anyways if you cant hold your own, you shouldnt be trying to play billy badass. this shouldnt be about who is tougher. it should be about subduing and humiliating this clown to make an example of him. it should be about 5 or 6 guys grabbing him and teaching him what fear and pain is all about. forget the money. forget the threats. forget the tough guy talk. forget bragging about how easy it was to find him. all of that crap lead to some bro getting arrested. why did he do it? i sure dont know. maybe he had lost money, maybe he wanted respect from some of you guys, but whatever the reason he didnt plan or think this out correctly. if you want to get this bitch then stay off the forums and stop warning his ass, because it will only lead to more bros getting in trouble. let the shit go for now and get his ass when hes not expecting it. no more warnings and no more chances to pay. if this is true and some bro got busted trying to manhandle almighty in public then its his own fault for not planning shit out correctly. if it is true then someone confirm it and everyone else learn from this stupid crap. its not my intention to flame anyone here. im just stating the obvious for the benefit of those who dont know better. other guys warned about this happening and it happened. maybe now things will be handled correctly, discretely. the main thing should not be getting this guy or getting your money back. it should be staying outta trouble. that should be the first priority. second priority should be making dumb fucking matthew pay (through blood, tears, and a few broken bones... maybe some teeth) as long as priority number one is not jeapordized. so be careful bros and dont turn this into a lesson to scammers that they are safe. thats the last thing you want and the thing that just happened. sorry for the long post. this could have all been handled weeks ago with the info a certain radioactive giant green guy dug up. i wont say names or point fingers because its just not nice to do so. i guess this could have been summed up with a simple be careful, but i needed to vent and now i have. laters.
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Hulkster said:
"a certain radioactive giant green guy"



anyway, i'm sure there was more to the story than just one random guy from the board taking it into his own hands and went after almighty. No one wants to play hero for anyones sake right now unless there's reward involved. however, i also think that like kube said, this should not be discussed on the forums any longer. all valuable information on this thread should be saved by whoever needs it, and the thread should be deleted.

we can take care of this situation privately.
The i.d could be a couple years old?In vegas our's is good for 5 years.So, he could've grown in that time, if that's the case.
I give that guy who got his ass beat an A for effort.(most people just talk).I want to know who the guy is, that tried to woop almighty and let him tell us how it went down and if almighty was really 150lbs.

hey HULKSTER check your pm later..

Hmm I have read the e-mail and it seems like bullshit to me. I don't think anyone is that stupid to confront him in public, during the day time and start shit right there. I think what Almighty wants to do here is make himself look all tough because after some of his info got leaked, I'm sure he felt pretty small. According to his license he weights 150-160 pounds?

I won't beleive it until the guy who confronted Almighty actually comes on the board and tells his side of the story.
Hulkster said:
Well, today I was informed that us fellow bros lost a battle in the war against Almighty. Someone PMed me a few days ago and said they were "going after" Almighty......well, this morning, I received an email from Almighty (the almighty@****************) who said that a fellow bro confronted him about the money, and apparently was defeated ( I bet Almighty had help, he's a weakling 150lb. pencil neck). Almighty's email also says that this bro is now sitting in a jail cell, and there were witnesses, so this kid is now fucked. I forwarded the email from Almighty to BiggieSwolls, Mod Stone Coldnto, Easto and jyzza. Anyone else who wants me to forward it, please PM me with your email addy. Later bros.

You guys have to be complete morons to believe anything that asshole sends you or says to you. First of all, im sure he has multiple accounts and is posting on this very thread under several diff. names, he;s fucking with your heads, nooone went after him, noone got there ass kicked and noone is in jail. What u peeps who lost there money need to do is stop posting on here,,,,take care of business, and DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING U READ ON THIS POST. OR ANYTHING THAT LOWLIFE OR ANYONE ELSE ON THE BOARDS SENDS YOU.

P.S....this hulkster dude is making me suspicious too....i wouldnt believe shit he says either.
justinf said:

P.S....this hulkster dude is making me suspicious too....i wouldnt believe shit he says either.

Who the fuck do you think you are casting dispersions against me? I have personally helped more bros track down scammers on this board and EF than you or anyone else ever could. And I could have WELL KNOWN EF AND STEROIDOLOGY MEMBERS post on this thread in order to testify how my specific information helped them in their quests against scammers. I even have numerous Mods from different boards to vouch for me. And for your newbie, idiotic ass to tell people not to "believe shit" I say, as well as call me "suspicious", just shows that you and your 8 posts are probably a newly created handle by LaundrySupplies or Almighty to be used as a tool to defame me. Why don't you have enough fucking courage to post under your real name, coward.
Hulkster said:
Who the fuck do you think you are casting dispersions against me? I have personally helped more bros track down scammers on this board and EF than you or anyone else ever could. And I could have WELL KNOWN EF AND STEROIDOLOGY MEMBERS post on this thread in order to testify how my specific information helped them in their quests against scammers. I even have numerous Mods from different boards to vouch for me. And for your newbie, idiotic ass to tell people not to "believe shit" I say, as well as call me "suspicious", just shows that you and your 8 posts are probably a newly created handle by LaundrySupplies or Almighty to be used as a tool to defame me. Why don't you have enough fucking courage to post under your real name, coward.

look at the bigshot with 119 posts calling me a newbie....HAHA.....this is a discussion board.... i can give my opinion on anything i want. Your quite defensive there buddy..get a grip.....and a life for that matter........"USED AS A TOOL TO DEFAME YOU" ....lol..this is the internet bro...pathetic.:gives:
justinf said:
look at the bigshot with 119 posts calling me a newbie....HAHA.....this is a discussion board.... i can give my opinion on anything i want. Your quite defensive there buddy..get a grip.....and a life for that matter........"USED AS A TOOL TO DEFAME YOU" ....lol..this is the internet bro...pathetic.:gives:

Listen Almighty/LaundrySupplies or whoever you call yourself, I am certainly not a newbie to the boards, LET ALONE TO THE GAME (where it matters in real-life). I am well known all over the boards. You seem to be just some trouble maker who decided to show up from nowhere to flame me for being the only one able to track down all of these scammers. If this was bullshit, then why do I have Mods and shitloads of members from Steroidology, EF, A-A, fitnessgeared, etc. who give rave reviews about my ability to hunt down scammers.....I track down these scammers' personal home numbers and addresses, etc. I have been able to get some of these members their money back from the scammers I have personally tracked down. What have you done? You and your 9 posts just showed up out of nowhere to start flaming me by saying I was full of shit, and that I shouldn't be trusted. Well, what the fuck do you know about me, or any of the Steroidology members or the scammers I have tracked down? You seem to be looking to start drama to gain attention for yourself. Why don't you get a life instead of trying to find excitement in yours by starting a flame war on an internet chat board?
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I will vouch that Hulkster has been a big help, and if anyone seems suspicious it would be Justinf. His post seem odd and out of place.
Shit, I just caught two more scammers for EF bros. One is John Payne of Oklahoma City, OK He scammed about a half-dozen EF bros by using the bullsit email addy Citruscide1@ziplip.com for reference checks, when Citruscide's ONLY email addy is Citruscide@ziplip.com I got this fuck's home telephone number, personal home address, Social Security #, etc. and forwarded all that info to those EF bros. PM me for details.....

And another scumbag scammer that about TWO DOZEN people had sent complaints to me about was GOGATORS03@hushmail.com I was able to track down his personal home addy, home telephone number, even the make and year of the car he drives. That info was also forwarded to anyone who requested it. And the EF Mods approved my posting of that info on EF because they knew my shit was solid. And all of those EF bros could testify that my information helped them with the two scammers I described above, as well as Almighty and someone else that is well known around here (I can no longer say his name). So I don't know who the hell this living piss-stain called Justinf really is, but anytime you call someone out like he did with me, you better prepare to defend yourself.
Hey hulkster... Does GoGators live in Gainesville Florida by chance? If so, can you please send my his info. If he does live here, chances are i may know him.

justinf said:
You guys have to be complete morons to believe anything that asshole sends you or says to you. First of all, im sure he has multiple accounts and is posting on this very thread under several diff. names, he;s fucking with your heads, nooone went after him, noone got there ass kicked and noone is in jail. What u peeps who lost there money need to do is stop posting on here,,,,take care of business, and DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING U READ ON THIS POST. OR ANYTHING THAT LOWLIFE OR ANYONE ELSE ON THE BOARDS SENDS YOU.

P.S....this hulkster dude is making me suspicious too....i wouldnt believe shit he says either.

of course anything is possible and i would not discount the possibility if it all being bullshit. but it is very possible that it did happen and it is a good example of how not to do shit. youre right about one thing though. business needs to be taken care of. correctly. discretely. if i can ask, what makes you suspicious of hulkster? do you think hes almight posing as his nemesis? that would take brains to pull off. which almighty has repetedly demonstrated he doesnt have. just curious. lates.
and hulkster... calm down. actions speak much louder than accusations and from what ive gathered, you dont have anything to worry about. so no need to justify yourself to some random dude who could very well be one of the very guys being hunted. dont let stupid comments distract you bro. just keep on going, cause youre on a roll. laters.
Well, kube, Biggie knows both the ISPs for Almighty (who's in WA state), and me, and I live on the East Coast. So unless Justinf is stating that I take a plane back and forth from Seattle to the East Coast every other day, I'm going to have to ask Justinf to stop the bullshit. Additionally, a few EF members have met me, and they know who I am (please feel free to post on this thread). This Justinf is also stalking me now on EF; it seems that this is much more of a personal attack against me. Is there any way for Biggie to track down Justinf's ISP information? Thank you.
well bro, justinfs post didnt make any sense anyways so maybe its 5.0 trying to get you to react or some other stupid fuck helping these scammers or who knows, maybe he just has nothing better to do than follow you around on the boards. either way ignore his dumb ass.
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