***Regarding The Almighty***

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come on hulkster, take it easy on the kid. (yeah right) this poor little fucker is probably crying himself to sleep every night only to wake up screaming at the sound of some car backfiring down the block. thats if he is able to sleep in the first place. i guarantee one thing though. this fuck is looking everywhere except up to the stars. and keeping his ass planted firmly in a safe place. then again he was stupid enough to pull this so maybe hes stupid enough to think hes safe.
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Well, today I was informed that us fellow bros lost a battle in the war against Almighty. Someone PMed me a few days ago and said they were "going after" Almighty......well, this morning, I received an email from Almighty (the almighty@****************) who said that a fellow bro confronted him about the money, and apparently was defeated ( I bet Almighty had help, he's a weakling 150lb. pencil neck). Almighty's email also says that this bro is now sitting in a jail cell, and there were witnesses, so this kid is now fucked. I forwarded the email from Almighty to BiggieSwolls, Mod Stone Coldnto, Easto and jyzza. Anyone else who wants me to forward it, please PM me with your email addy. Later bros.
this is exactly how shit should not go down. who could be dumb enough to confront the bitch in public. i feel sorry for the guy. he probably meant well, but see what happens when you dont plan things out properly? i dont mean to lecture bros but my advice would be to back off completely and save this for another day. otherwise this bro who is possibly in jail is fucked. not to mention the fact that everyone involved can get serious heat on them now.

lonewolf, i would edit that last post.
he just needs to be stalked, thats all. Learn the patterns in his life for a few days, then confront him when he is alone.
Yes, I am pissed at the moron who confronted Almighty for THREE MAIN REASONS:

if Almighty is really 150lbs, i doubt anyone lost that fight to him. I think his email is bullshit.
I am extremely emberrased for who ever this was. I know he was not 150lbs, how people got that is his license says 160lbs. I am guessing the weight on his "arrest" form was his correct weight probably minus 5lbs. Even still he is a young kid and I do not consider that to be big, on top of that all it puts a dent in any future plans any one may have had. But I guess now Matthew Christopher Green knows we know were he is.
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