Hopefully soon, new pet :D

theres a guy around here that breeds lynx's. they are beautiful cats. can be up to 35lbs of muscle. has been seen up to 50lbs. what do you think?

this is what I think Tony should get, a fat ass cat like mine .. after I have molested her, This is her showing me some love ...lol

LMAO snigg... nice

and pinga i use to have a big ass cat before. she was rocking out 24lbs. but she was the bigger breed. aggressive little bitch. she put claw scars on my forearm. not really visible tho unless your close up now.
Alright Tony, believe me, I have no need to act tough on the internet. Let's try another approach. Here are some basic guidelines you need to follow:

The most important consideration of having a pet Lynx is to realize these cats are wild. While not dangerous like cheetahs, tigers, or cougars, they are still exotic and wild. Therefore, great consideration would be involved in owning this type of animal. The Lynx needs a specific habitat, diet, space, and more. Before anything, you need to get in touch with your state government to determine if owning such an animal is allowed where you live.

Buying and owning a pet Lynx is strictly regulated and in fact, to have permission to keep such an animal, several licenses would need to be secured. The amount of time to process all the paperwork involved takes several months so be prepared for a long, drawn out process that may or may not result in having this type of animal as a pet. Other considerations include:

Habitat – The Lynx needs to be kept outside in a secure enclosure. So whats the point of having it if you have to keep t locked up outside?Since this animal could do damage to neighborhood animals, most states make it illegal for them to roam, even if living in the country. Remember, the Lynx likes to roam so unless adequate space is provided (That's a big fucking cage you gotta have, how much land you got up there, eh? lol, the animal would quickly become restless and aggressiveAs in want to kill something to eat it!!. The enclosure should be made of heavy chain link to include a roof since this cat is a great climber. Of course, the animal would also need shelter from the elements.

Veterinarian Care – Having a pet Lynx would require regular care by a skilled veterinarian. Obviously, few veterinarians have the expertise to care for this type of cat so you need to find one relatively close to where you live so the cat receives appropriate care.You got one near you in Wisconsin?

Food – Your pet Lynx would have a special dietAs in not cigarettes and Oxycontin. These cats do not eat standard cat food since they are carnivores (meat eaters). On average, an adult Lynx eats one to four pounds of meat dailyYou can't feed yourself enough meat to grow more than a beard, how you gonna afford this? lol, consisting of raw chicken or turkey (bones included), beef, game meat, salmon, and tuna. Lynx also love fresh fruits, especially oranges, strawberries, apples, and cherries. As you can see, owning a Lynx involves a financial investment, just for food.

Interaction – If you purchase a baby Lynx, you would have an opportunity to build a close relationship but even if buying an adult, you need to learn about this cat’s behaviors and characteristics so you can recognize times for play and times when your pet Lynx wants to be left aloneThat means you can't just, as you said in an earlier post "worst comes to worst he lives outside. no biggie. maybe itll teach people to stay the fuck out of my yard. ".

Now listen, I don't give a shit what you do cause I'm not your neighbor, but this could easily turn into a situation like most with people owning exotic pets, where you can't handle it, throw it outside, and it kills a neighbor kid. Think about it.

Should be a wild pet forum...and this should be the first STICKY!