Hot Fitness Chick

ill agree with you on most of the movie chicks not being as hot as ppl think they are.. but some however angelina jolie... damn.. what id give for a round with that.. and i didnt say anything about mushy chicks.. thats just your way of trying to win this that being said.. you are more than welcome to the chicks in the gym doing dead lifts and benching 300lbs.. just becareful buddy cause one of these days your going to come across one that has a little suprise waiting for you.. dont say the pickle didnt warn you..
Well, again, I dont see how having a hard body makes them less feminine.

Soft, flabby chicks or even soft fit chicks are a dime a dozen.

A fit hard body is a rare thing, and as long as they still have their feminine lines like all these women do, thats fucking gold IMO.

Saying you dont prefer it is one thing, but saying they look like or are men is something totally different.

Therein lies the truth behind the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Your opinion certainly isn't wrong, it's just not one I share. I appreciate their hard work and dedication to sculpt such a body, but just because it's rare doesn't mean it's something I crave. And to me they don't have feminine lines, other than fake breasts.

I don't think they look like men either; they just don't look like the woman that I desire.
the girl in the first set of pictures resembles lou ferrigno.. go back and look at the last pic of her.. she got testosterone comin out her ass bro.. when a chick is on top of me riding the "greazy pickle" i wanna see titties bouncin not muscles flexin and veins poppin.. sorry.. to each his own.. just means theres more girly girls for me and more girls with ginormous clits for you.. everybody's happy..

haha I got a good lol out of that....and I agree, Angelina Jolie, what I would do to her.
Therein lies the truth behind the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

i think u mean beauty is in the eye of the beerholder....if ur talkin bout these beotches!lol
the fact that fitness chicks like that are so rare is what really turns me on. I mean I could go to the bar tonight, and probably will, and pick up any feminine chick I want for an easy one nighter. It's the fact that muscular chicks are a little different and that turns me on. And Eason has by far my favorite body out of all of them.
reps for those vids stone.
the fact that fitness chicks like that are so rare is what really turns me on. I mean I could go to the bar tonight, and probably will, and pick up any feminine chick I want for an easy one nighter. It's the fact that muscular chicks are a little different and that turns me on. And Eason has by far my favorite body out of all of them.
reps for those vids stone.

+1, i LOVE HER.

I style my training after hers and it works =)
the fact that fitness chicks like that are so rare is what really turns me on. I mean I could go to the bar tonight, and probably will, and pick up any feminine chick I want for an easy one nighter. It's the fact that muscular chicks are a little different and that turns me on. And Eason has by far my favorite body out of all of them.
reps for those vids stone.

:beertoast amen brotha. they are rare which increases attractiveness in my opinion. i hear ya on the bar thing. im heading out tonight as well myself lookin to pick up a hook at some point
How do they look like guys? Cause they got well developed muscles?

I can show you plenty of scrawny chicks that REALLY look like guys.

This is what I mean. Since when is having muscles the sole domain of men?

Now when they have facial hair, a voice deeper than Barry White and a clitoris the size of my big toe, then I'd understand your concerns...

Every last one of these women so far look like women. The just have some good musculature going on.

ever think that maybe u just like men?

and by the way.. men have had the muscular dominance since we were put here on earth so dont go saying that bro cause thats hogwash!