How do people die of roids?

If you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, some gear can make it worst resulting to death.

If you have a bad liver, most gear will make it worst as with other internal body parts.

If you are healthy before gear, being reckless will most likely cause problems. Even if you are careful, your body may react worst than what is normal for the majority. Just depends.

There are probably more health concerns to worry about that could cause or attribute towards death that I am unaware of or forgot?
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Ya i never herd of anyone just all of a sudden die cause they where on roids. and if you did it is prab some bull shit anti-steroid campain.
its not a smear campaign, its a logical extension of what happens in a huge BBer body compared to a normal skinny guys body

BBers have higher cholesterol levels leading to more inflexible arteries leading to higher workload for the heart

BBers have more muscle therefore more demands for food/waste removal as well as more cappillaries therefore making it harder for the heart to pump blood through all this tissue

BBers have funny electrolytes which can have an effect on the heart (cardiac electrical chemistry shits itself, higher risk of arrhythmias and therefore heart attacks)

basically you are set up for a cardiac event based on your sheer size, as well as a few small changes in body chemistry

the other reason you might die is from an infection due to all your injection (very rare though) or from a sexually transmitted disease, cause we get so much damn pussy ;)

You guys that think the dangers of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use are all a smear campaign, are going to be in for a very rude wake-up call one day.
99% of the time when you hear that someone has developed serious complications from steroid use that endangers the life, it's cortisteroids that the person was using with a Doctor's script. However extreme caution should be taken with anabolics to ensure long term health. The greatest benefit to health is knowledge, knowing what you're doing.
Footballstar74 said:
There has been some deaths caused by roids. I think mostly heart attacks. Is it b/c there not taking it right and overdosing?

When bodybuilders die in their prime, IMO the death is most likely due to the other drugs that they take and not the actual steroids. DNP, Slin, GH, Clen, T3, and who knows what else they take pose far greater health risks than the steroids themselves.
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If taken unwisely roids can damage the liver but this is almost always caught before serious trouble happens.
I think that long term use of roids can have an impact on the developement of heart disease in some people.
Dave Johns, pro of the 1970's developed liver cancer at a very young age and he was not a drinker. He was well know to use d-bol in large doses and for long periods of time.

I suppose that you could get a stroke from the combo of high hematocrit, shiity lipid profile and very high BP but I have not heard of anyone "keeling over" yet.

People don't just die of steroid use IMHO.

What worried me most is steroid use potentially causing heart disease if used long term and in some people, perhaps more than we think........we will see what happens to the 70's pro's as they age into their 50's and 60's as this is when roid use really took off.

StoneColdNTO said:
You guys that think the dangers of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use are all a smear campaign, are going to be in for a very rude wake-up call one day.
So, are we all playing Russian roulette, or just the ones that abuse??:confused:
Flex it said:
So, are we all playing Russian roulette, or just the ones that abuse??:confused:
not russian roulette, but any time you add something that could be a risk, your adding chances of something bad happening...
i mean, look at smoking, thats got to be way worse for you than steroids... its almost gauranteed to take like 7 years off your life , or something like that. drinking can make shit worse for you...
i don't know, im kind of rambling, but my point is there are alot worse things you could be doing, that don't give you positive responses like steroids do... just being happy and feeling good is healthy, steroids give you that! lol
People don't die simply because they used steroids. Steroids don't KILL people. Some people who have underlying health conditions can exacerbate them with steroids but that's not the steroids killing them. There is a review in the Bjaarki Library at anabolicfitness done by Dr Shahidi called...

Review of the chemistry, Biological Action, and Clinical Applications of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)

that is worth a look. Mostly it says the medical community has made claims against steroids that are not supported by clinical data compiled over the years.
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Flex it said:
So, are we all playing Russian roulette, or just the ones that abuse??:confused:

All I meant by that was ........... for those who ignore things like blood pressure, lipid profiles, and other cardiovascular indicators, those type of people will be in for a wake up call.
Everything in moderation is better, that is the key, to much can cause complications, rather use sensibly and enjoy the benefits that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can give you, than creating unecassary problems.
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RonZoid12 said:
i have never heard of anyone dying because they were using roids.

me either. with the exception of slin but that doesn't count. if you have people out there not doing their preventative measures while taking liver-heavy or kidney-heavy toxic AS, then you are surely going to have some maladies.