If you had 363 million dollars...

I would buy a yacht with a gym, thousands of pounds of chicken, tuna, beef, and women. I would also hire my own chemist to make me gear for life. I would then sail to an island drinking a few bottles of rum and make a mansion on the island. Of course I would hire a bunch of workers too.
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Went to 640,000,000... split 3 ways... PB hasn't been around for a while.... did he win? Poor PB... I miss him a little....
I would buy so much saizen HGH that i could take a bath in it!!

That is what i would do with all of those millions! ;)
I wish... my work doesn't allow downloading on the computer. Bleh. I am leaving in 15 minutes anyways... then off to my other work...
Set up a trust so that none of my family could ever touch the principal, and invest in some Gov insured bonds and live off the interest of a SH!T ton for the rest of my life, my family would be set for ever.
Buy a bunch of awesome shit, travel, invest some, hire a chef, maid, masseuse, all that shit....

Hook up all my family and friends so they never have to stress about money.

Buy a big ass compound of a house with tons of land somewhere way the fuck out in the sticks, get shitloads of guns, claymores, booby traps, cameras, generators, enough food to live on, a fallout shelter, lots of gold bricks.... So when society collapses I will be safe. Does that sound crazy? Better safe than sorry boys and girls.