Infection's First Cycle

I eat enough to sustain a small african village, so I am not too worried about it suppressing my appetite. I eat all the time when I am not hungry.

I consume way too much caffeine, and I am definitely suffering from adrenal fatigue. I do not know if adderall acts on the same biochemical pathway, so I will have to see. Something to investigate until next week.
Bro I've used adderall after coming off a prohormone cycle a couple of years ago (halodrol) to be exact. Bad move. When I take adderall I don't sleep much or eat. I turn into a productive zombie. At the time I was 215 with 10% bf and lost about 10 lbs taking addy for a few months. Also if you dont sleep your cortisol will be a mess. Coming off a cycle with high cortisol as a result of adderrall was flat out stupid on my part. I decided then that I'd never take it again, it's horrible for lifting plus i think it promotes muscle break down but I'm not positive on that. I've also lifted on adderrall and to be honest I don't like it. Just my .02
I say get the Rx, crush is up and snort that shit before workouts....

I consume about 600-800mg/day. May explain why I crash every few days.

I'm pretty sure Adderal, Ritalin and ephedrine are stimulates that run differently in ur body.
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Yeah I might take a pass on the Adderall, then. This week off from university will be good to decompress and relax a little.

Today I did back, delts, and biceps. I mixed 2 workouts into 1 because I am headed home for about 10 days tomorrow evening, so I wanted to hit everything before I left. Legs and traps tomorrow, and I will be good to go.

I will lift twice during break, mainly to hit hammies, traps, and calves. Otherwise, a little time off will be nice because I have been going hard for like 13 weeks or something.

Actually, I will be doing some cardio over break, so that will be a nice little change up too.

Question to everyone: Anybody use injectable AAKG for a PWO supp? I heard it's better than Viagra and Cialis as a PWO, and gets you super pumped. I might switch over to it if I do decide to cut caffeine out.
I'm pretty sure Arginine slightly increases nitrates in muscles. Test is more than doing that job for you.

True, but my source sells injectable AAKG, and the reviews from it have been incredible. I kinda want to try it. Then again, the agmatine mix that I have been making gets me uber pumped already..
True, but my source sells injectable AAKG, and the reviews from it have been incredible. I kinda want to try it. Then again, the agmatine mix that I have been making gets me uber pumped already..

You just added Mast too, chill the Fuck out on more more wonder ur adrenals are fatigued.
Haha, my adrenals are fatigued because I go through a ton of coffee and tea because this term is destroying me. Being a TA sucks bigtime, and I definitely bit off more than I can chew.

I am trying to hone in on a PWO that isn't an adenosine antagonist, and I think AAKG is a good alternative. I prefer PWO without all the added shit in them, hence, why I was making my own for a while. AAKG is merely an amino acid salt.
During my Jr & Sr. years for ...a math heavy business major...taking 17 and 18 credits I was a bar/pavillion manager. working 50 hours in the eves and weekends.
I had unlimited access to redbull and ephedrine was on the market. During 1st semester finals I woke up on my LR floor...drove myself to the Walk in clinic...the said WTF??? Brought me to the ER to me cardioverted cuz I put myself into A fib...ER doc asked about caffin intake. I told him how much caffine, ephedrine I consume as well as 4 hours sleep I got....He said "Stop it!"

And yes, I kept lifting 4x/week...

You work at all, fuck I hope not!

My point, fuck any PWO. Just run ur test and mast, do ur school and yoga meditation er some shit.
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During my Jr & Sr. years for ...a math heavy business major...taking 17 and 18 credits I was a bar/pavillion manager. working 50 hours in the eves and weekends.
I had unlimited access to redbull and ephedrine was on the market. During 1st semester finals I woke up on my LR floor...drove myself to the Walk in clinic...the said WTF??? Brought me to the ER to me cardioverted cuz I put myself into A fib...ER doc asked about caffin intake. I told him how much caffine, ephedrine I consume as well as 4 hours sleep I got....He said "Stop it!"

And yes, I kept lifting 4x/week...

You work at all, fuck I hope not!

My point, fuck any PWO. Just run ur test and mast, do ur school and yoga meditation er some shit.

Shit bro, that's crazy! I am definitely no where near that bad. Never used ephedrine myself, either.

I meditate for 10 minutes twice a day, and it really has changed a lot for me since I started. Sex, yeah not so much. I am kinda not doing the whole girl thing right now/any more. I couldn't be happier, though.

I can't wait to be done with this term, and have a little more free time, or at least time to breathe..
Currently on spring break for a little over a week, so I am mainly resting, and shit. I am going to do 2 workouts during break, because I am really focusing on my hammies, calves, and traps right now.

So, today I did just that: Hammies, traps, and calves. I just started doing stiff-leg dead lifts, and I love them. I do them at the end of my workout so that I am already fatigued, and I only need light weight to feel the burn. Much easier on the lower back using the lighter weight, too.

I am so motivated right now. My training, diet, and sleep are all in check right now while on break. As long as I focus on getting sufficient sleep once term resumes, I should be good to go.
Leg day tomorrow. I can hardly contain my excitement!

I will have to do some pics soon. I am back to tanning, so I can see muscle definition a little better.
No binge drinking on your spring break?!

That's going to be the hardest part for me - cutting back on the beer. I know, I know, everyone's going to say "Dude you're not dedicated" but Fack... I like to have a good time!
No binge drinking on your spring break?!

That's going to be the hardest part for me - cutting back on the beer. I know, I know, everyone's going to say "Dude you're not dedicated" but Fack... I like to have a good time!

Nope, no drinking for me. I eat so much damn food, the last thing I want are more calories. Alcohol has almost double the calories of protein and carbs, though..
Chillin' till Monday. I am headed back to school on Sunday, so I will be cooking that evening. Monday will be chest/triceps, and I am super pumped to be back in the gym. This week off was really nice, but I am itching to lift. I did legs twice this break, but hamstrings are not gonna grow themselves, so they don't get a break.

My back is super itchy from all the tanning. I have to use this itching stick because I cannot reach my back. I am sure you all know what I mean.

I hope everyone is doing well. I will update soon.
Chest and triceps today. Shit got crazy after being out of the gym for a while. The masteron and test mix that I am running is out of this world. I feel amazing.

Everything seems to be coming together. The workouts, meals, rest, stretching, etc, all seem to be working right now, and I am going to try and keep it up.


Here is my little wisdom corner for the day, which is a thought from my journal..

I was reading some Tolstoy yesterday, and he was spot on when he said, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."

I am really focusing on my 'inner' self lately, and really striving to not be negative. I am very judgmental, and I am working hard to not be. I know I have a lot to work on, so I am slowly trying to get better.

We all have our own problems, and I am working on mine.
Crazy pump today during back/biceps. I kept the intensity up and kept the rests pretty short.

I love finishing up biceps with some super light dumbbells and cashing completely out.
My agression levels are super high right now because I am a little over-stressed. I busted my ass for some recent exams, and didn't do to well on them, and it kind of broke me mentally. The gym is keeping me from losing my mind.

I think a little over 5 weeks till term ends, so I am just trying to hang on.

My delt/trap workout was amazing today. I felt super strong, and very productive. Keeping my rests short seems to really keep me amped up the whole workout, and pumped too!