Infection's First Cycle

Some say the performance is actually increased while fasted and or not having any carbs in your system. Not quite sure If there have been enough quality studies to back things up though. However I don't feel too many people workout while fasted because they are afraid they'll throw up IDK. Anyway,

Whats your Weight at Boss? And more importantly how are you feeling?
I am up to 208. I am doing a lot of reps and sets. I am definitely packing on some mass. I am feeling pretty good, except some shoulder and forearm pain on my right arm. I am getting it treated currently, and I have some tendonitis in my forearm, and a little weakness in my infraspinatus. Naproxin 500 a few times a day and some icing does the trick.

I have seen some increase in strength, but more so in terms of more reps with the same weights. I have lately changed over to pre-exhausting the muscles before I do my working sets. This keep the weight down to prevent injuries, and I get way more pumped. A lot of pros have been doing this, which is what got me to switch. I lift for building mass, size, and proportion, not for weight. I actually have looked back in my logs over the years, and the weights have not gone up that much, but I am up 70 pounds, so I know I must be doing something right..

Oh, if you train while fasted, you won't get a good pump. If you consume high GI carbs before a workout, it will spike your muscle glycogen. This is kinda REALLY important to building muscle. People who train while fasted are not optimizing their efforts. Doing the same thing post workout is even more important. High GI carbs for the win.
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I am up to 208. I am doing a lot of reps and sets. I am definitely packing on some mass. I am feeling pretty good, except some shoulder and forearm pain on my right arm. I am getting it treated currently, and I have some tendonitis in my forearm, and a little weakness in my infraspinatus. Naproxin 500 a few times a day and some icing does the trick.

I have seen some increase in strength, but more so in terms of more reps with the same weights. I have lately changed over to pre-exhausting the muscles before I do my working sets. This keep the weight down to prevent injuries, and I get way more pumped. A lot of pros have been doing this, which is what got me to switch. I lift for building mass, size, and proportion, not for weight. I actually have looked back in my logs over the years, and the weights have not gone up that much, but I am up 70 pounds, so I know I must be doing something right..

Oh, if you train while fasted, you won't get a good pump. If you consume high GI carbs before a workout, it will spike your muscle glycogen. This is kinda REALLY important to building muscle. People who train while fasted are not optimizing their efforts. Doing the same thing post workout is even more important. High GI carbs for the win.

I'm doing the same thing...I have some tendonitis in the inside of my forearms so I keep curls relatively "light" and high reps. Doing more plyo's and higher rep squats and legs. I already squat 395x5 on my last set and I don't want to start injuring joints.
dam buddy, its about day 25 and your up 70lbs on lifts, seems like your doing really good, since the test will be fully kicked in during week 4-5. Good shit man, keep it up, your prob gonna gain alottt more by week 12
dam buddy, its about day 25 and your up 70lbs on lifts, seems like your doing really good, since the test will be fully kicked in during week 4-5. Good shit man, keep it up, your prob gonna gain alottt more by week 12

Sorry, I must not have said it clearly. My bodyweight is up 70# since a few years ago. My lifts are up a little, but I do not do much with big weights. I pre-exhaust my muscles on several warm up and medium-weight sets, then 2-3 working sets with lighter weight. It prevents injury, and gives one hell of a pump.
Shit bro you know what your doing, and keep it up, now that I understand your lifts are going up a little... they should be going up during this week.
Shit bro you know what your doing, and keep it up, now that I understand your lifts are going up a little... they should be going up during this week.

I used to be 140# and I raced road bikes as an amateur. I suffered a bad injury which took me out of the sport. Now that I have switched to what I have always been passionate about with the ability to pursue it, I am packing on the pounds.

I weighed in today at 213, which is good. I am a bit bloated, but I don't mind. I am getting pretty big, and most important, staying symmetrical and proportionate.
Thanks, JimiThing.

So I am back at school (hot chicks in yoga pants everywhere!) and time to get crazy in the weight room. People keep looking at me, which means I must look bigger.

Yesterday I did chest/triceps, and it was great. Felt pretty strong, and not too much pain either from the tendonitis in my right forearm.

Back/biceps today, which should be fun.
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215#... I will have some pics here shortly. I am getting back into the swing of things at school, so it is a little crazy the first week back.

I know I am growing because I have been accused and asked if I use steroids at least 2 dozen times in the last week. Good thing I can control my temper. I almost killed and ate this punk at the gym today asking me to hook him up with some.

I am starting to pose every weekend with a buddy who is also a bodybuilder, which really gets me pumped up for October when I will be competing.
Today is the start of week 7. I am running 20 weeks, so I am still barely getting started. I am deciding right now if I want to toss masteron in for the last 10 weeks. I will probably order it up in the next few days if I do.

I am backing aromasin down to e3d for now at 12.5mg.

Otherwise, I am feeling excellent. I sure am growing..
This is one of my fav logs. Maybe you could just touch a small bit on diet and training. So often thats what people are missing that done get gains. I know you are already investing a lot of work on this log but even your daily cal intake and summary of training ( i know you mentioned high volume-lot of reps and sets) would be awesome. Guys dont realize how you need to eat (and how much) and train properly and it is so crucial - you "get it".
This is one of my fav logs. Maybe you could just touch a small bit on diet and training. So often thats what people are missing that done get gains. I know you are already investing a lot of work on this log but even your daily cal intake and summary of training ( i know you mentioned high volume-lot of reps and sets) would be awesome. Guys dont realize how you need to eat (and how much) and train properly and it is so crucial - you "get it".

Hey JimiThing, I appreciate the kind words. I will definitely add some new content. I wasn't sure what people were looking for, so this gives me some direction. More to come soon!
So here is a little background about what I am currently doing:

I am running 20 weeks test e (today was start of week 7). I was pinning 2 times a week 250 each time, but I jumped up to 200 eod last week. Bloat is minimal, and I was taking 12.5mg aromasin eod, but now I am changing it to 12.5 e3d unless I feel the need. I have been feeling a little bit exhausted, and I think it is my estrogen, so I am decreasing the frequency of my dosages.

I am thinking about running masteron weeks 10-19 to harden up a bit. Plus, it is very mild, and can decrease bloat, which would be ideal to finish off a long cycle. This is my first cycle, and I know about only running a moderate test dosage, but I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on how my body is reacting to what I am using, and masteron itself should not cause any drastic sides. I am trying to stay decently lean during this bulking cycle, so it will be great to finish up with masteron.

I will finish beginning of May, take 2.5 weeks off, PCT for 4 weeks, and get some blood work. I am trying to decide how I want the summer and fall to go, because I plan on competing in the end of October, but I do not think I will be big enough, nor have the body symmetry that I am looking for. If I do decide to compete, I will do a 14 week cut starting end of July. If I decide to not compete, I will jump on a conservative test dosage and cruise. I want to focus on competing when I am done with university, and pursue it to the highest level I can, so I think the summer will be my time to decide how I want to focus my efforts for either cutting for a show, or continuing to build quality mass for the following year.

Right now I am eating quite a lot. I am not counting my calories every day, but once a week I double check to make sure I am eating enough. Here is a sample of my meals:

3:30am Casein or 1 cup cottage cheese
7:45am 25g whey isolate/35g waxy maize
9:00am 5-7 egg whites, 60-80g carbs
11:30am Couple chicken breasts, potatoes
2:00pm pwo shake: 25g whey, 55g carbs, 30g raw egg whites
2:45pm Lift
4:30ish Post work out 60g waxy maize, 35g protein 30 min later
5:30pm Couple chicken breasts, potatoes, veggies
8:00pm Meatballs, greek yogurt, 2 apples
11:00pm 1.5 cups low fat cottage cheese with peanut butter

It changes daily, but the main components don't really change. Sometimes I will toss in some more snacks depending on my class schedule for length lab time and stuff. I was feeling kinda flat today, too, so I upped my fats tonight by adding a snack of celery and peanut butter.

I am also drinking about 1.75 gallons of water a day right now. It goes pretty fast when working out, and making shakes.

Time for some sleep. I am pretty worn out. I will post up some workout information soon. I hope you enjoy it, guys!