Okay, so here is some information about my workouts:
I will give an example of chest day. I always warm up my shoulders a little with light side raises, rotator work, and some other shit. I typically start with incline dumbbells because I am currently working on my upper chest more than my lower chest. So, I do some lighter sets on a 30ish degree incline bench, then move to working sets.
Example: 30 x 20, 30 x 20, 45 x 20, 45 x 15, 65 x 15, 80 x 12, 100 x 9, 90 x max effort.
By doing several warm up sets and mid weight sets, I not only warm up my muscles, but I am pre-exhausting them. This is much safer because I am not moving as much weight, which is hard on the joints and connective tissue, but I also get a much better pump when doing several sets split up as shown above.
I then move to cable flys. I start off with one lighter set, 60 x 20, then move up to 80 x 15, 80 x 15, and finish with working sets at 110 x 12-14, 110 x max effort + 60 x max effort. I like drop sets, because it gets me very pumped, I feel some serious burn, and it seems to work really well for me. I do a few sets less on cable flys than incline dumbbells because I am already warmed up, and also because I want to still feel pretty good for the rest of my workout.
On to decline bench. I mix it up with different angles, but I focus on hitting the bar in line with my nipples. I blast through a warm up set of 135 x 20 just to make sure I am using proper form, and feeling fluid with the movement. Up to 225 x 15, 225 x 15, and finish with 265 x 10, 265 x max effort + 135 x max effort.
That is usually all I do for chest. I have been mixing in some random stuff to see how I like different movements, mainly to hit the upper chest, so I might be changing my routine up a bit in the near future.
I really like this pre-exhaustion concept for back and leg days. I had spinal surgery last year, so I am very careful with the stress I put on my spine, so pre-exhausting my muscles is ideal so that I am not moving as much weight for my working sets, and I stay in my personal safe zone. Tomorrow for squats, I will do 135 x 15, 135 x 15, 135 x 15, 185 x 15, 185 x 15, all before my working sets. My legs are growing like weeds.
Anyways, I hope this helps some people if they are looking to change up their training. The principles are based off of some workout programs I have read about from ifbb pros, such as kai green, who is a big advocate for pre-exhaustion.
If anyone has any questions about it, feel free to ask.