Is It Possible To Gain 10 Lbs Of Muscle With Just 250 Mgs Of Sustanon (sust) A Week?

This is my present experience with sustanon. I have completed 5 weeks of Karachi stacked with dbol. I began the first 2 weeks with 250wk and moved up to 500wk for the following reasons. The day after my injection I feel amped, pumped, and overall feel great. The problem was the 3rd day after an injection I was feeling tired, weak, and overall shitty. As soon as I gave myself another shot my symptoms were relieved. Because of this, I have to shoot twice a week to maintain my hormone levels and not have the "ups" and "downs."

.....just my experience
"People these days think bodybuilding is all drugs, go ahead and think that."

People these days? I have been cycling for over 20 years so if you're talking to me you've got that wrong. I don't THINK that 500 is a better dose than 250, I KNOW it is from being around hundreds of athletes who have done both.

"Taking 250mg/wk and gaining 23lbs is better than gaining the same thing off of 500mg per week. Less drug, same results, doesnt sound bad to me."

You will not gain the same off of 250 as you will 500. If everything else remains the same you should gain nearly twice as much. See study below showing a straight line in gains to doses between 300mg and 600mg.

"My next cycles dont have to be a much higher dose! Sounds like im doing something right."

If it's right for you then great. But most people don't want to do 8 cycles to get the LBM they would have in 4.

"My pins are free, I live in Canada.."

That's great again for you, but you are still chancing an infection or abcess from the inject. Or maybe those are free too in Canada.

I think I answered all your questions or did I miss something?

Development of the models to predict anabolic response to testosterone administration in health young males.
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Re: Is It Possible To Gain 10 Lbs Of Muscle With Just 250 Mgs Of Sust A Week?

Most people advocate high doses of sust(eg. 500 to 1500), so i am wondering if it is possible to gain some muscle with just 250 mgs of sust alone? I mean 250 mgs is still a lot more than what a grown man body produces a week.

The answer is yes you can.

(But if you can do 500mg/wk you'd be better off.)
im a bit confused by stone colds comment about esters. does this mean that front end loading is not an optimal method of maintaining blood levels even when using sustanon? i read an article here about just that and was considering frontloading in my next cycle but now im confused. stonecold were you refering to this? would i be better off using more conventional dosing methods? sorry for sounding so ignorant but i would appreciate an explanation. Thanks and laters.
Re: Is It Possible To Gain 10 Lbs Of Muscle With Just 250 Mgs Of Sust A Week?

Most people advocate high doses of sust(eg. 500 to 1500), so i am wondering if it is possible to gain some muscle with just 250 mgs of sust alone? I mean 250 mgs is still a lot more than what a grown man body produces a week.

I am in my on week 7 of sust 250/week. I am up 10 lbs but I have lost about 5 lbs of fats. I took 20/ed of dbol for the first 3 weeks. I now wish though that I would have taken a larger sust does or used ethanate.
kube said:
im a bit confused by stone colds comment about esters. does this mean that front end loading is not an optimal method of maintaining blood levels even when using sustanon? i read an article here about just that and was considering frontloading in my next cycle but now im confused. stonecold were you refering to this? would i be better off using more conventional dosing methods? sorry for sounding so ignorant but i would appreciate an explanation. Thanks and laters.

If you are referring to my post here qouting Andy13, it has nothing to do with front-loading, it was just explaining how Sust acts much more like a single ester test than most think.

You can still front-load with Sustanon (sust), just like any other long chain ester like Cyp, Enan, Deca, EQ.
yes it is possible that was my first cycle i had really no clue to what i was doing i just trusted my buddy but i was young then but i only ran 250mg of sus for 10 weeks and i went from 190 to 210.....
You will not gain the same off of 250 as you will 500. If everything else remains the same you should gain nearly twice as much. See study below showing a straight line in gains to doses between 300mg and 600mg.

Your saying if I did 500mg for my first cycle I would have gained 46lbs?

That doesnt sound healthy, that would put a huge strain on the heart.

Imagine I did 500mg for my first cycle and I added dbol?!!!!!!!!! That would be like 60lbs!!!!!!!

The reality is that people do 500mg test stacked with dbol for their first cycle and still gain less that 23lbs. I still did very well and im glad I did not do 500mg for my first.
Reminds me of all the people that think steroids not calories add mass.

Golden_Muscle said:
Your saying if I did 500mg for my first cycle I would have gained 46lbs?

That doesnt sound healthy, that would put a huge strain on the heart.

Imagine I did 500mg for my first cycle and I added dbol?!!!!!!!!! That would be like 60lbs!!!!!!!

The reality is that people do 500mg test stacked with dbol for their first cycle and still gain less that 23lbs. I still did very well and im glad I did not do 500mg for my first.
I gained about 14 pounds off a 10wk 250mg/TT sust cycle. As eluded to above, gear helps shift the calories to muscle (anabolic state), but does not make weight gain by itself.
I dont think there is anything wrong with trying 250mgs per wk, and I also dont believe the hype about the first cycle having to be a huge dose.
ulter said:
You will not gain the same off of 250 as you will 500. If everything else remains the same you should gain nearly twice as much. See study below showing a straight line in gains to doses between 300mg and 600mg.

I am assuming you are referring here to the results in diagram C; and I really hope you are kidding with your interpretation of those results. There is a straight line plotted over the actual results in order to show the slope of that particular set of data. But if you look at the actual data, it clearly shows a parabolic relationship (NOT a linear one) of lean muscle mass gained in relation to a linear increase in testosterone dosage. In other words, the more you take, the less additional gains you have.

My interpretation is that 300mg looks to be the sweet spot, and that anything beyond that and you are halving any additional gains.
The average healthy guy between the ages of 18-25 years old produces 50-70mgs of Test a week. 250mgs of Test Enanthate without the ester is 180mgs. That's over 2-3 times what you would produce, naturally. So, I'd have to say yes you can. Ok but how much test is in sustanon or omnadren without ester?
yes also i would say its def possible but as siad in the posts it depends on a lot of persons training and diet and so on..also some guys make gain better then others on low mgs.....

? would not yr body weight come into it as well...

? i no this is diif but most have somert do as well.....say like the guy thats 18 stone and can drink 19 pints beer and still drive home..not gd that bit i no .....or the guy thats 10 stone and get pi$$ed big time on 8 pints beers and carnt drive to save his life....

ide say the bigger your body weight the more you would need...

? ok then what would happen then say a guy 18 stone on 700mgs awck and some 10 stone guy on 700mgs awck ...? would the 10 stoner grow a lot bigger or would his hair all fall out and balls disintagrate up in the belly lol .....

? so the 10 stone guy needs the same as the 18 stone guy..

i wouldent think so