JT190's Training Log

JT190 said:
Between atf, and just below parallel.

i think if you keep doing what you're doing with the singles and maybe some doubles every week at heavy weight that you will increase your squat.

great work jt!
Yeah, I have to admit, since I came off i've been a little timid with the heavier weights and I think that's hurt me a little. Gotta man up and get back under the heavier weight:)
tman55 said:
i think if you keep doing what you're doing with the singles and maybe some doubles every week at heavy weight that you will increase your squat.

Yes, singles also helped me a lot to increase strengh.

Good job on those squats JT. Keep it up.
3-16-06 Shoulders/Tri's

DB Presses
60 x 12
70 x 12
80 x 10
90 x 6
80 x 8

Ran down the rack starting with the 35's on Side Lateral Raises

Rope Pressdowns
110 x 20
130 x 15
140 x 15

V-Bar Pressdowns
160 x 15
160 x 15
160 x 15

BW x 20

Day 4 of my cutting diet and everything is still spot on. I posted my diet in the diet forum but it hasn't got any responsed. I think i'll copy and paste it over here to see what some of you guys think.
Hey guys, I just started cutting this past week and wanted to get some opinions on my current diet.

Meal 1: Morning Shake
12oz water
2 scoops of whey 1/2 cup of Oats
1 Banana

Meal 2: Tuna Shake
Large can of Tuna (60g of Protein)
10oz Low carb apple juice
15g EFA's from Flax Seed oil

Meal 3:
Large can of Chicken or Chicken Breast (50g Protein)
10g of fats from nuts

Meal 4: PWO Shake
50g whey / 75g Dextrose

Meal 5:
50g Protein from Chicken or other lean meat
2 servings of green veggies

Meal 6:
25g whey / 25g Cassein
15g EFA's from Flax Seed oil

This breaks down to roughly 2200-2300 calories/day.

2 gallons of water daily.

I'm also taking Sesapure with my fat meals and Glucorell R before each meal containing carbs. Switching up every 2 weeks between Lipo-6 and an ECA stack with a couple of cheat meals on the weekends.

Open to any suggestions and opinions.:)
nice workout jt.

JT190 said:
3-16-06 Shoulders/Tri's

DB Presses
60 x 12
70 x 12
80 x 10
90 x 6
80 x 8

Ran down the rack starting with the 35's on Side Lateral Raises

Rope Pressdowns
110 x 20
130 x 15
140 x 15

V-Bar Pressdowns
160 x 15
160 x 15
160 x 15

BW x 20

Day 4 of my cutting diet and everything is still spot on. I posted my diet in the diet forum but it hasn't got any responsed. I think i'll copy and paste it over here to see what some of you guys think.
you could substitue the post workout dextrose for some low glycemic like oats, then just chow down 30 minutes after that with meal #5. How is cardio looking?
That's a good idea 69...i'm only doing cardio on my off days on Wed. and Sat. right now. I'm gonna see how far I can make it just doing that.

I wonder if I could even eat the pre-packaged flavored oatmeal for PWO? or not? that might help some of my cravings throughout the day, kinda like a cheat meal that's not cheating.