JT190's Training Log

4-4-06 Quads/Calves

I'm going with some lower volume work for a couple of months after reading the "Do deadlifts thicken the waist" sticky in the Training forum. It basically calls for warming up and performing 2 working sets on your compound excercise and is what PB does. Did it with legs today and liked it. I'm going to "try" and add 5lbs to the last 2 working sets every week.

225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Leg Press
8 plates x 15
10 plates x 15

Leg Extensions<----going lighter on these b/c they've been placing a lot of stress on my knees
145 x 15
145 x 15

Calf Raises on seated machine leg press(15sec. rest in between sets)
410 x 30
410 x 25
410 x 20
410 x 18
410 x 15
410 x 15
good shit... im much more impressed with your quad development then upper body...and you are yolked in the upper body...but you got some gorilla legs!
rookie03 said:
good shit... im much more impressed with your quad development then upper body...and you are yolked in the upper body...but you got some gorilla legs!

Thanks bro, i'm hoping to get a little more seperation as my BF drops during the next few weeks. My right quad does look a little smaller but I think that's just the way I have my weight distributed while posing.
see my problem is I am bow legged so it kinda screws up my physique, but others say it doesnt...gues i am my worst critic
JT190 said:
4-4-06 Quads/Calves

I'm going with some lower volume work for a couple of months after reading the "Do deadlifts thicken the waist" sticky in the Training forum. It basically calls for warming up and performing 2 working sets on your compound excercise and is what PB does. Did it with legs today and liked it. I'm going to "try" and add 5lbs to the last 2 working sets every week.

225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Leg Press
8 plates x 15
10 plates x 15

Leg Extensions<----going lighter on these b/c they've been placing a lot of stress on my knees
145 x 15
145 x 15

Calf Raises on seated machine leg press(15sec. rest in between sets)
410 x 30
410 x 25
410 x 20
410 x 18
410 x 15
410 x 15

if you like doing extensions but wanna save your kness do reverse extensions.

use a resistance band around the back of your knee and secure the other end to a pole or whatever in front of you. step away from the pole and then bend your knee forward and retract it. you get a nice quad workout with no knee pain. in fact these strengthen the knee area.
pullinbig said:
if you like doing extensions but wanna save your kness do reverse extensions.

use a resistance band around the back of your knee and secure the other end to a pole or whatever in front of you. step away from the pole and then bend your knee forward and retract it. you get a nice quad workout with no knee pain. in fact these strengthen the knee area.

Thanks PB, i'll give that a try. Where is a good place to get some quality resistance bands?
4-7-06 Back/Traps/Hams

275 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
410 x 5<---New PR-No straps
410 x 5

Lat Pulldowns
180 x 10
180 x 10

Seated Rows
215 x 12
215 x 10

315 x 12
315 x 12

265 x 8<---New PR
265 x 8

I really like the low volume work with 2 hard working sets on compound excercises. I'm hoping to make some good strength and weight gains. Weight is right at 203lbs, diet has been flawless for a solid 13 days, may have 1 cheat meal this weekend.
JT190 said:
4-7-06 Back/Traps/Hams

275 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
410 x 5<---New PR-No straps
410 x 5

Lat Pulldowns
180 x 10
180 x 10

Seated Rows
215 x 12
215 x 10

315 x 12
315 x 12

265 x 8<---New PR
265 x 8

I really like the low volume work with 2 hard working sets on compound excercises. I'm hoping to make some good strength and weight gains. Weight is right at 203lbs, diet has been flawless for a solid 13 days, may have 1 cheat meal this weekend.

nice stuff jt. good lookin pr on deads and sldl. you got more in you i bet. you going for at least 430x5 on deads next week right?
JT190 said:
Man I don't know t, that's a big jump. I'll see how I feel, might just bang it out. At least 420 for the first set.

well only you know what you can do....but i will say this....especially with deads, so much of it is mental! i guaran damn tee it.