No, i'm just doing carbs frist thing in the morning, then right after I train. The only other carbs come from green beans or broccolli. Here's a day for me:
Meal 1- 50g whey/2 servings oats/1 meduim banana
Meal 2- 50g Pro. from chicken/Broccoli
Meal 3- 50g Pro. from Tuna/15g EFA from Almonds
Meal 4-PWO - 50g whey/2 servings oats
Meal 5- 50g Pro. from lean meat/Broccoli
Meal 6- 25g whey/25g casein 20g EFA from Flax or Fish
I snack on almonds a couple times during the day to get some more fat in, maybe 1 more serving.
Comes out to about 2200 calories, less on non-workout days b/c I don't have carbs after cardio, just the whey and casein.
2 gallons of water ED, along with Stimerex ES/Levorex/Sesapure/Glucorell R
Dropped about 21lbs and gotten stronger, it's absolutely killing me though. The cravings are getting much worse, but I act like a robot and just keep on truckin', i'm a motorboatin' sonofabitch

(old shcool and wedding crashers)The painting was a gift Kyle, i'm keeping it
TCD=Timed Carb Diet