JT190's Training Log

Back from a week off consisting of resting and growing. Felt good to get back in the gym, I had to stop myself from going at the end of last week.

1-30-06 Chest/Bi's

Flat BB
225 x 10
275 x 5
285 x 5
295 x 3.5

Incline DB
100 x 12
100 x 9

Machine flies
130 x 15
130 x 12

EZ Bar Curls
115 x 15
125 x 10
125 x 8
115 x 10

Standing DB Hammer Curls
60 x 10
65 x 8

Concentration Curls
30 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 8
Thanks guys, yeah it was great to get back in there. I was out of town last week and laying in the hotel room every night made me feel like crap. I did a decent job of eating but i've lost a couple of pounds, hopefully just water. Overall, things are going well, thanks for the interest!
2 very good products, but I would try OMEGA SPORTS THUNDER CEE its great stuff..i took it over the summer and the gains were great as far as creatine goes.

Personally i like creatine monohydrate durring bulking and Swole v2 or OMEGA THUNDER durring leaning out.

Swole is a great product as well and good bang for your buck
Today was leg day and I had a pretty good session. Over the past couple of months i'be been slowly decreasing the depth of my squats in order to put more weight on the bar, this is obviously wrong. I had to check my pride at the door today and say,"Screw it, i'm goin' ATF". So I did. I also tried a wider stance b/c I think the reason i'm having some knee problems is too narrow of a stance. I definately didn't feel the pain in my knees like I have lately. Weights were down some but OMG did I feel it, I don't think I could have gone any lower.

1-31-06 Quads/Calves

225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5
275 x 5

Leg Press
535 x 10
535 x 10

Leg Extensions
160 x 12
160 x 12

Standing Calf Rasies on Smith Machine
315 x 20
335 x 20
355 x 18
355 x 15
335 x 15

Calf Raises on Leg Press
410 x 20
410 x 20
410 x 20

Seated Calf Raises
150 x 30
150 x 28
150 x 25
2-2-06 Shoulders/Tri's

Standing BB Press <---First time doing these in a while, felt good.
115 x 12
135 x 12
155 x 9
155 x 6
135 x 10

DB Shoulder Press
80 x 10
70 x 10

Side Lateral Raises
20 x 18
25 x 12
30 x 12
35 x 12
15 x 30

Bent Over Lateral Raises
35 x 10
35 x 10
35 x 10

BW x 20
35 x 12
35 x 10
35 x 10

V-Bar Pressdowns
180 x 15
180 x 12

Rope Pressdowns
130 x 15
130 x 12
2-4-06 Back/Traps/Hams

I missed yesterday due to a funeral so i had to make it up today. The gym closes at 2 on Saturdays and I was pressed for time so I decided to kill it on DL's.

225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 2
455 x 1<---New PR!!
385 x 5

BB Rows on Smith Machine
225 x 12
245 x 12

Lat Pulldowns
160 x 15
175 x 15
175 x 15

Leg Curls
85 x 12
115 x 8
Thanks guys, it felt good and went up smooth. I've got another 25lbs in me on a good day I think. My goal is to hit 500 by the summer, hopefully I can do it. Although I plan on cutting calories in the next couple of months, maybe strength won't suffer too much.
adidamps2 said:
nice back work and gongrats on the PR...Jt what happened to the avi??? anyways nice work once again.

Thanks bro, and i'm a little paranoid about having my pic up even if my face is blacked out. Maybe a little too cautious, who knows?? :insane2: