JT190's Training Log

JT190 said:
Thanks Winter, I have to say though. Things haven't been going well lately. We're trying to sell our house and at the same time trying to decide where we want to live. I'm not very happy at my current job and i'm looking for another one that doesn't require as much travel, plus coming off and into my 4th week of post cycle therapy (pct). Needless to say, i'm stressed and a little on the depressed side. I'm trying to get out of it, but it's tough. I dropped the Clomid b/c I thought it might be the culprit so we'll see if things get better.

You moving to Dallas? :druggie:
Phil9999 said:
Hey JT i use the same split as u i like the chest bis together i dont see many people who do it that way

I've just recently changed things up but I think i'm about to go back to my original routine. I like that split.
8-3-06 Quads/Calves

Box Squats (4+ inches below parallel)
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
345 x 2
315 x 5

Leg Press
8 plates x 15
8 plates x 15
8 plates x 15

Calf raises on machine leg press
420 x 25
420 x 15
420 x 13
420 x 12
420 x 12
420 x 13

Seated Calf Raises
125 x 25
125 x 25
125 x 20
mister69 said:
using a bench for box sqauts or cardio steppers?

and...how wide is yuor stance?

I use the cardio steppers like in one of PB's vids. My stance is maybe 1-2 inches wider than shoulder width.