L-Citrulline: dosing suggestions


New member
At my last appointment, my doc suggested L-Cit for health benefits and because he knows I spend a fair amount of time in the gym and is quite supportive. So I just got a container of NOW brand 750mg tabs. Would appreciate suggestions for dose amounts and timing relative to workouts.
For those of you doing it, what are your experiences with it?
I take 6g (6000mg) of Citrulline Malate 30-45mins pre-workout... love the stuff.

I noticed Dr Jim Stoppani has put the exact same dosage in his pre-workout 'Pre-Jym' too :)

I take 6g (6000mg) of Citrulline Malate 30-45mins pre-workout... love the stuff.

I noticed Dr Jim Stoppani has put the exact same dosage in his pre-workout 'Pre-Jym' too :)


Obliged for your reply. Your dosing is about twice the max dose recommended on the bottle (4x750mg). Did you work your way up to that dose or just start with it. And are you using tabs or powder, which may be cheaper. Finally, what benefits are you seeing from this dose that you did not experience for a lower one, if you titrated.
thanks, pal.
Obliged for your reply. Your dosing is about twice the max dose recommended on the bottle (4x750mg). Did you work your way up to that dose or just start with it. And are you using tabs or powder, which may be cheaper. Finally, what benefits are you seeing from this dose that you did not experience for a lower one, if you titrated.
thanks, pal.

Started at that dose from the off....

You have to remember. the recommended dose on the bottle is for a regular 'joe bloggs' on the street from a youth up to a pensioner, so they have to err on the side of caution. For an active male who pushes their body to the extremes, your dose needs to be relevant to the activity.

The benefits I notice are greater energy levels, more focus, increased endurance and sustained intensity.

Don't take my word for it, google 'Pre-Jym' and read up on Jim Stoppani's thoughts on it.
not only is it 6 grams of citrulline malate its 6 grams of citrulline malate at a 2:1 ratio so it has 4 grams citrulline to 2 grams magic acid which if you read about why he has it in that dose and ratio it will help both pump and the krebs cycle with greater endurance, energy and even enhance creatine phosphate resynthesis
At my last appointment, my doc suggested L-Cit for health benefits and because he knows I spend a fair amount of time in the gym and is quite supportive. So I just got a container of NOW brand 750mg tabs. Would appreciate suggestions for dose amounts and timing relative to workouts.
For those of you doing it, what are your experiences with it?

in studies 8g were used why you bought these stupid capsules? And flushing down money to toilet? You need 10 caps at least how long this bottle will last you? Buy powder form at least 500g-1KG