MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

September 11th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into my right quad, felt good

4 pumps of Sustain Alpha... rubbed into my bi's and tri's

Back and Abs

Bent Over Rows 245/12, 295/10, 315/9.5, 335/7
Lat Pull 220/8, 220/9, 220/8
One Arm Rows 150's/10, 150's/10, 150's/10
Rack Pulls (mid-shin) 335/8, 385/6, 425/3
Cable Rows 220/12, 220/10, 240/9

Roman Chair Leg Raises 4 x 15

*good workout, very happy with everything... transformation of the body is really coming along

*BIG negative... last night I had night sweats like a mother fucker which scared my girlfriend ALOT... explained it was only the Tren, she laughed, called me an idiot, and rolled over
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Ouch - sensitive subject - sorry i didn't get that the first time thru! I'm sure the boyz will be back in the swing of things after you're done w/ this cycle.

yeah man, I don't mind talking about it... it's a real and negative side effect of steroid use...

it would be nice to have this Sustain Alpha work and keep my nuts around during the cycle...

they'll come back after my cycle, but having the boys with you during cycle is always nice and it helps in recovery
yeah man, I don't mind talking about it... it's a real and negative side effect of steroid use...

it would be nice to have this Sustain Alpha work and keep my nuts around during the cycle...

they'll come back after my cycle, but having the boys with you during cycle is always nice and it helps in recovery

Got it - since my boys already did their trick (x2) they are mostly for decoration at this point... ;-) but i hear ya. good luck w/ that bro.
September 12th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into left quad
4 pumps of Sustain Alpha... rubbed into quads
4 pumps of AIFM... rubbed into veiny part of my upper quad/hip region

Shoulders and Traps

DB Press 85's/6, 90's/6, 95's/6, 100's/6
Upright Rows 135/12, 135/10, 145/8, 145/8
Cable Side Raises 50/12, 60/10, 70/8
Rear DB Raises 60's/12, 60's/12, 60's/10

Barbell Shrugs 315/12, 365/10, 365/10
Seated DB Shrugs 100's/12, 100's/12, 100's/10

*awesome workout, felt very strong ever though I went out last night and didn't get much sleep

clean up Cardio as well

*noticed a little bit of tenderness under my left nipple today... thought about all the factors involved and realized that whenever I use an LH/FSH stimulator (be it Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or in this case Sustain Alpha), I get some sensitivity under my left nipple... going to run AIFM now for a bit and see how that clears things up (I haven't noticed much in negative sides thus far, but cutting down on a little bit of estro and a tiny bit of water won't hurt)
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September 13th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into left pec, went well
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into my inner forearms
.75mg Adex... probably jumped the gun, but I don't want to lose this little battle with gyno

Tris and Bis

Smith Machine CGBP 225/10, 275/6, 285/4
Rack Presses 225/8, 235/6, 245/5
Cable Overhead Press 100/15, 130/12, 150/10
Pushdowns 150/12, 150/12, 150/12

Alternating DB Curls 55's/8, 50's/10, 45's/10
Nautilus One-Arm Preacher Curls 90/10, 100/10, 105/8

*felt pretty good... have been slightly thrown off with my schedule because of working/school, etc... so I had to train in the AM with only a shake in me

*didn't use the Sustain Alpha because of lack of time and the gyno issue... I'd like to see if I go off it for a couple days, along with using the AI's, if it will go away
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September 14th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into right pec, hurt a little breaking the skin, but the injection went well other than that
4 pumps Sustain Alpha... rubbed into shoulders and traps
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into inner bi/tri region
.75mg Arimidex


clean up cardio
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*noticed a little bit of tenderness under my left nipple today... thought about all the factors involved and realized that whenever I use an LH/FSH stimulator (be it Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or in this case Sustain Alpha), I get some sensitivity under my left nipple... going to run AIFM now for a bit and see how that clears things up (I haven't noticed much in negative sides thus far, but cutting down on a little bit of estro and a tiny bit of water won't hurt)

Not that it is, but keep in mind it could be prolactin related (i.e. Tren).. Cabaser might be needed in that case.

*BIG negative... last night I had night sweats like a mother fucker which scared my girlfriend ALOT... explained it was only the Tren, she laughed, called me an idiot, and rolled over

Nice girl!!! So you just one day said "I'm going to start injecting steroids!" and she was like "ok" ??? :)
Nice girl!!! So you just one day said "I'm going to start injecting steroids!" and she was like "ok" ??? :)

Oh yeah you're making us all jealous with this girl! My wife would say - "That's it - it's roid rage - that's why you didn't take out the garbage! Why do you need muscles anyways? You can get a good workout helping me plant those petunias in the garden - that's a good leg workout!" and on

Oh yeah - buddy you hit the jackpot! And I'm sure you deserve it too! Peace dude.
JayC and LeanBody

fortunately for me, I wasn't really dating my girlfriend at the time I did my first cycle... we were "hanging out" alot and I think she saw that there was really no change in me other than the extra muscle I had been packing on... I was up front about it and she doesn't seem to care...

Now that I have gotten her more information on the whole steroid sub-culture(Bigger, Stronger, Faster* and "The Truth about Steroids") and she sees that it's honestly a part of who I am, she has nothing negative to say about it... but when I do complain about the sides she doesn't want to hear about it either lol... I guess that's what you get
September 15th

weighed in at 232 this morning

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into left delt, injection went well
4 pumps Sustain Alpha... applied to Chest and Abs
4 pumps AIFM... applied to inner forearms
.5mg Arimidex... think I'm going to drop this soon and see if I can get my hands on some Caber


Squats 275/5, 315/5, 365/3, 385/2, 405/1
Seated Leg Curls 180/12, 200/10, 210/8
Smith Machine Squat Lunges 135/10^, 185/8^, 225/6^
Leg Extension 260/15, 290/12, 340(full stack)/8

Nautilus Calf Press 495(full stack)/12, 495/12, 495/10
One Leg 45 Degree Calf Press 90/15, 90/15, 90/12

^ number that was done with each leg forward (so total number of reps was really doubled)

*felt really good today and went for some heavy Squats... this was the deepest that I have EVER gone, ass was just about as low as it could get (far below parallel)

*unfortunately it was fucking amateur hour at the gym today and I had to ask a guy who didn't know how to spot a real Squat on the 405 attempt, so I didn't feel as comfortable as I should have when doing the attempt
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September 16th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt... muscle twitch like always but everything else was fine

Chest and Bis

Flat Bench 225/5, 255/5, 275/5, 295/4, 315/2, 330/1 (little bit of a spot on the lock out)
Incline Smith Machine 225/8, 245/7, 255/5
Flat DB Press 90's/8, 95's/7, 100's/7
Cable Cross Overs 90/12, 100/12, 110/12

Hammer Curls 65's/10, 70's/8, 75's/6
One Arm Cable Preacher Curls 70/12, 80/10, 90/8

*felt pretty good... was actually a little more tired than I thought initially, but the workout was still great
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100mg Test Prop, 50mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt... yet to do the injection

Chest and Bis

Flat Bench 225/5, 255/5, 275/5, 295/4, 315/2, 330/1 (little bit of a spot on the lock out)
Incline Smith Machine 225/8, 245/7, 255/5
Flat DB Press 90's/8, 95's/7, 100's/7
Cable Cross Overs 90/12, 100/12, 110/12

Hammer Curls 65's/10, 70's/8, 75's/6
One Arm Cable Preacher Curls 70/12, 80/10, 90/8

*felt pretty good... was actually a little more tired than I thought initially, but the workout was still great

lookin good bud - nice weights. Now another (stoopid?) question - I remember u said u were going for some power lifting whiile back - seems you are doing low reps and high weights now - is that mostly to get more size or size & strength? And if for size do you think that has been successful? I ask because I work with a trainer and he says that low reps and high weights isn't necessarily that effective (maybe for me 'cause I've got a few extra years on you) i'd be interested in your opinon.

Later Bud.
lookin good bud - nice weights. Now another (stoopid?) question - I remember u said u were going for some power lifting whiile back - seems you are doing low reps and high weights now - is that mostly to get more size or size & strength? And if for size do you think that has been successful? I ask because I work with a trainer and he says that low reps and high weights isn't necessarily that effective (maybe for me 'cause I've got a few extra years on you) i'd be interested in your opinon.

Later Bud.

Well I'm a big believer that you have to lift heavy to get big... you never see those mammoth bodybuilders or powerlifters messing around with light weight.

I have also come accustom to lifting heavy for lower reps as well, and it's really the way I like to train. But as you can see, many of my secondary lifts incorporate some higher volume sets as well as some more traditional rep schemes.

I also have been incorporating some more DC and West Side training principles and like training that was when "on". I feel it maximizes my ability to get quality results.
September 17th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into right glute... went as normal as ever


*decided to keep the AIFM at 4 pumps per day and I'm going to drop the Adex for now
*got my hands on a ton of B6 and I'm going to use that to hopefully clear up this gyno that is occurring and officially determine if its LH/FSH simulators or Tren related
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Well I'm a big believer that you have to lift heavy to get big... you never see those mammoth bodybuilders or powerlifters messing around with light weight.

I have also come accustom to lifting heavy for lower reps as well, and it's really the way I like to train. But as you can see, many of my secondary lifts incorporate some higher volume sets as well as some more traditional rep schemes.

I also have been incorporating some more DC and West Side training principles and like training that was when "on". I feel it maximizes my ability to get quality results.

Cool - I've taken a more conservative approach in the last few years but it hasn't really gotten me anywhere but a consistant level of "fit" Your routine has clearly hit some great results - especially for such a tall guy.

Cool - I've taken a more conservative approach in the last few years but it hasn't really gotten me anywhere but a consistant level of "fit" Your routine has clearly hit some great results - especially for such a tall guy.


Being tall kinda sucks... Having a larger frame makes it very tough to see noticeable improvements in muscular size. As for strength goes, I believe in what I call the "law of absolutes", the bigger you are the stronger you can ultimately be. If you look at the Worlds Strongest Men, I don't think any of them are less than like 6'2" (with Pudzianowski being the exception).

And not to knock you in the slightest, but you're more than old enough to be my father... a more conservative approach at you're age is a GREAT idea. Science says that the older you get, the harder time you have recovering, easier you will get hurt, etc... so being slightly more conservative isn't a bad thing. I would say that keeping to 4-6 reps as the heaviest you go using strict form would benefit you the most. Singles, doubles, and triples like us young guys do, may do more harm than good, if you have not been training like that for years.