MilkDaScow's Keeping it Natural Log


New member
As the title says, I'm going to be training naturally for a while before I run my 3rd cycle, barring something going wrong (getting sick or some shit). The cycle will most likely start mid-September and will be a shorter cycle with short esters. As of right now its going to be 8 weeks of 100mg Test Prop and 50mg Tren Ace ED. I hope to stay lean like I am right now and gain some nice lean mass.

current weight: 218-221lbs
June 12th

woke up before work to go train

Back, Bis, Abs

Lat Pull Down 200/10, 210/9, 220/8
Hammer Strength Rows 160(each side)/10, 170/8, 170/8
Cable Rows 200/12, 220/10, 230/8
Hammer Strength Hi-Lo Rows 115(each side)/10, 125/9, 125/8

Hammer Curls 50's/10, 55's/8, 55's/8
Preacher Cable Curls 60/12, 60/10, 60/10

Decline Bench Crunches 3x15
Hanging Leg Raises 3x15

*had to train early because I had a flight to Pittsburg that I went on right after work
*in Pittsburg for a couple days, going to try and train the best I can
June 13th

Shoulders, Traps, and Calves

DB Shoulder Press 90's/8, 90's/5, 90's/6
Cable Side Raises 20/15, 22.5/12, 25/10
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press 90/12, 105/9, 115/7
Upright Rows 115/10, 115/9, 115/8

Barbell Shoulder Shrugs 205/15, 255/12, 295/12

Seated Calf Raises 135/20, 155/19, 155/18
Standing Calf Raises 130/15, 130/15, 130/15

*the gym that I have been training at is more of a health club, but it definitely does the trick
*everything felt heavy... I'm on vacation so everything is all out of wack as far as eating, sleeping, etc
June 14th

Chest and Abs

Flat Bench 225/6, 275/5, 285/3, 185/20
Incline DB Press 90's/8, 95's/5, 95's/6, 70's/12
Cable Cross Overs 42.5/12, 42.5/12, 42.5/10, 42.5/10

Decline Bench Crunch 2x15
Roman Chair Leg Raises 2x15

*went to the gym early again today (9am on a Saturday) and everything felt heavy as hell again
Chest and Abs

Flat Bench 225/6, 275/5, 285/3, 185/20
Incline DB Press 90's/8, 95's/5, 95's/6, 70's/12
Cable Cross Overs 42.5/12, 42.5/12, 42.5/10, 42.5/10

Decline Bench Crunch 2x15
Roman Chair Leg Raises 2x15

*went to the gym early again today (9am on a Saturday) and everything felt heavy as hell again

It will get like that.. Nice log bro. Lookin good so far. I tend to noticed my strength drop after I'm about 3-4 weeks out of PCT. Sucks but don't let it get to ya. ..and throw in anymore supps where you can.
New Training Split... looking to keep the strength up and do a little more Powerlifting

Day 1: Bench Day (Overall Chest Training) and Abs
Day 2: Squat Day (Overall Leg Training) and Shoulders (lower volume than normal)
Day 3: Speed Training (Sprints, etc...)
Day 4: Secondary Bench Day (Board Presses, etc...) and Abs
Day 5: Deadlift Day (Overall Back Training) and Biceps
Day 6: Speed Training (Sprints, etc...)
Day 7: OFF

this will start tomorrow June 17th
June 17th

Chest and Abs

Flat Bench 275/5, 280/5, 285/4.5, 315/1.5 (got spots as I got heavy)
Incline DB Press 100's/6, 100's/6, 80's/9, 80's/9
Flat Flys 50's/10, 50's/10, 50's/10
Cable Cross Overs 70/10, 70/10, 70/10

Decline Bench Crunches 3x15
Hanging Leg Raises 3x20

*felt pretty good today and I like the idea of doing some more powerlifting... stamina wasn't really there though
Hey Milk - nice log - lifting some haevy ass weight on the flat bench! - you'll be feelin that on Thursday!
June 18th

Legs and Shoulders

Squats 315/5, 365/5, 375/5, 380/2 (died really quick)
Leg Press 5 plates/15, 6 plates/15, 7 plates/10
Stiff Leg DL 185/12, 225/10, 245/8
Leg Extensions 195/12, 210/12, 210/12
Seated Calf Raises 140/3x20
Standing Calf Raises 405/3x15

Seated DB Press 85's/8, 85's/8, 90's/5, 90's/6
Side DB Raises 45's/12, 45's/12
Front DB Raises 45's/10, 45's/10

*really long workout today, but it was awesome... liked putting Shoulders at the end of the workout, still hit them good but it wasn't the #1 focus
June 19th

Speed Training

5 - 60 yard sprints
5 - 40 yard sprints

*sprinted, turned around, walked back about 80 yards, walked up to the starting line and did it again... took all of about 15 minutes

*really really long day today... worked 7-4:30, grabbed some food (chicken, rice, black beans), played 9 holes of golf, did my sprints, got my hair cut and finally got back home at 9:30
June 20th

Secondary Bench Day

Board Presses 225/10, 275/5, 295/5, 305/2
Floor Presses 185/10, 225/8, 255/5
CGBP 185/10, 205/8, 225/5.5
Tricep Press Downs 150/12, 150/11, 150/10

Hanging Leg Raises 3x15
Decline Crunches 2x15

*felt pretty good today but I had a long ass day... woke up at 5, work 6:30 - 4:00, straight to the gym, straight to baseball... wasn't done until 8:00... brutal
June 21st

Back and Biceps

Deadlifts 225/8, 315/6, 405/5 (my hammy tightened up alot so I stopped there)
One Arm Rows 120's/3x12
Lat Pull Down 200/8, 180/10, 160/12
Hammer Strength Hi-Lo 135(each side)/10, 135/10, 145/10
Hyper Extensions bw/15, 10/12, 10/12 (put the weight behind my head)

Incline Bench Curls 40's/3x12
Spider Curls 45/3x10

*felt pretty good but was pissed about my hamstring... also think somehow I lost my belt... don't know how it happened but its no where to be found
June 22nd


woke up hung over and had baseball all day... was going to do some sprints but my quads were sore and I was too tired
June 23rd


went to the doctor and got some blood work done to make sure that steroids aren't killing my insides

feel good about not training... the break is great and the day off was scheduled

went to the doctor and got some blood work done to make sure that steroids aren't killing my insides

feel good about not training... the break is great and the day off was scheduled

Just curious did you tell the doc you were doing juice? and what did you ask for specifically? test? hdl cholesterol?
Just curious did you tell the doc you were doing juice? and what did you ask for specifically? test? hdl cholesterol?

my doctor knows that I'm on and actually gives advice about it... hes a really cool dude and knows a ton about it and tries to keep his patients healthy. Being as he's about 6'5" and a lean 260 + lbs I suspect that he either still runs gear or has ran it in the past.

I got a "male" pannel done which from what I understand tests for Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, LH/FSH, GH, and a few other things, along with a Lipid profile test as well.
June 24th


Decline Bench 275/5, 290/4, 300/3, 315/1.5
Flat Bench Speed Reps 185/20, 225/13, 225/12, 185/20
Incline DB Fly 50's/10, 50's/8
Machine Pec Flys 190/12, 190/12

*felt pretty good today even though I had to rush through my workout because I was running late for work... I had to work 2pm - 10:45pm and played golf that morning, so I had to get through the workout pretty fast