MilkDaScow's Keeping it Natural Log

the blood panel came back good...

thus far from the quick call in thing they gave me, they told me Test levels 443 (before this last cycle they are 446) and total cholesterol 181 (non-fasted)

i'm going in on Saturday to talk to the DR about the cholesterol brackdown (HDL vs. LDL) and all the other "male panel" tests that I got... I will inform everyone completely when I get the results back
July 3rd


*had 9 hours of work and then played a double header under the lights, pretty good time
July 4th

Secondary Bench Day

Floor Presses 225/10, 255/8, 275/4
Board Presses 225/10, 265/6, 275/4
CGBP 225/8, 245/6, 200/8,4,2 (DC Style with 30 seconds in between sets)
Press Downs 60/15, 70/12, 80/10 (on a Lat Pull Machine)
July 5th

Back, Traps and Biceps

Deadlifts 275/5, 365/5, 405/5, 455/5
Bent Over Rows 225/12, 245/10, 265/8
Lat Pull Downs 190/10, 200/10, 210/7
Hi-Lo Hammer Strength 2plates+25/15, 3/12, 3+25/7

Barbell Shrugs 225/15, 275/12, 315/8
Seated DB Shrugs 100's/12, 100's/12, 100's/12

Hammer Curls 55's/12, 60's/9, 65's/7
Cable Preacher Curls 60/10, 70/10, 70/10 drop to 30/8
With a TC of 180 you should be good to go. Getting the ratios checked never hurts though.

only concern that I had was that I ran Oral Winstrol (winny) for 5 weeks at the end of the cycle... I've heard horror stories about the HDL crashing so I figured it would be a good idea to get it checked out fully
Blood Work Results

IGF 258ng/ml (126-382) - doctor actually asked if I was on growth lol
LH 4.0mIU/ml (1.6-8.0)
FSH 6.6mIU/ml (1.5-9.3)
Estradiol 27pg/ml (10-50)
Total Test 443ng/dl (260-1000)
Free Test 67.9pg/ml (50-210)

Total Cholesterol 181mg/dl (125-200)
HDL 61mg/dl (>40)
LDL 101mg/dl (<130)
Triglycerides 96mg/dl (<150)

*the blood was taken in the middle of the day after work and was non-fasted
July 6th


*had work from 6am to 2:45pm... and then I had a double header

*kinda feel tired and lethargic
Looks like you are going balls to the wall - great results on the blood work and lifting gains too! Props man!

Interesting read about the leg curls Aztech!
July 7th

Flat Bench 225/5, 275/2, 320/1 (maxed out)
Incline Bench Press 225/7, 225/6, 225/6
Hammer Strength Incline Press 110(each)/12, 125/9, 135/7
Flat Bench Flys 60's/10, 65's/10, 70's/8

*maxed out for the first time in a while.... didn't feel that good, but I could tell the lockout phase of the lift was easier because of the Floor and Board Presses
July 8th

Hack Squats 1 plate/12, 2/12, 3/12, 4/12, 5/6
Stiff Leg Deadlift 275/10, 295/8, 315/6
Squat Lunges 135/10, 185/10

Seated Calf Raises 115/20, 140/18, 165/15
Standing Calf Raises 405/15, 405/15, 405/15

DB Shoulder Press 90's/7, 90's/4
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press 90/12, 115/6
Cable Front Raises 85/12, 85/12

*didn't have it today... had work 2pm-11pm, so I went to the gym in the morning... felt tired and sluggish the whole time

*only really happy with the Stiff Leg Deadlifts
deadlifting 455 x5 is pretty good buddy.

Where is the weak point on the bench?

off the chest?
couple inches above?
deadlifting 455 x5 is pretty good buddy.

Where is the weak point on the bench?

off the chest?
couple inches above?

I really think because of the work with Board Presses and Floor Presses that part of the lift covered, I would have to say its the couple inches off the chest point

I'm going to be incorporating more speed training into my workouts, so hopefully that will make things easier
July 9th


*long day at work... think I ate something weird because my stomach hasn't been agreeing with me today

changed the next cycle b/c of the great blood work results... take a look at my new signature
would be very interested in hearing about this up-coming cycle, play by play
July 10th

Secondary Bench Day

Board Presses 225/10, 275/8, 285/6, 295/4
Speed Reps 225/15, 225/14, 245/8, 135/50
Dips bw/20, bw/18, bw + 25/12
One Arm Pushdowns 50/15, 50/15, 55/12

did a couple sets of light biceps to get the blood flowing

*felt pretty good today... had an ABB Adrenaline Stack which really got me going good
Congrat's on the blood panel bro! Looks frigin' awesome for post cycle. Thanks for posting.