Mister69's Log

bro maybe you should give the glute and hammy a break for a few weeks and let it get better. i know it sucks but in the long run it may be the thing to do.
while back i had trouble with my arm and i had to take a pretty long break from bench, arm curls etc. i lost allot of strength but it enabled me to workout pain free for the first time in a long time after it healed. probably took a couple months at least before i was back to feeling good again. who knows your deal may be much more serious. i dunno.

pullthrus- #70 2x10

45 degree hypers- 2x20 bodyweight

Cybex back attack type machine- 2x20 #30

chest supported t-bar rows- 1x8 #160

Pullovers- 17 r\p #13

Preacher curls- 12 R\P #85

Standing reverse curls- 1x12 #55

Rear delt work- 2x10 #25

Hs abs- #11 1x40

Back- bodyweight for 80 seconds
bi- 60 seconds
forearm- #45 for 60 seconds


Well coulndt do deadlifts or racks so the only exercises that didnt bother me i did with extremly low weight. This injury is driving me nuts!! I am going to see an orthopedic doc on fri afternoon to get this checked out; hopefully it will turn up as nothing serious.
prob a very good decision. at least you will know what it is and where to go from here. let us know how it turns out and how you plan on going about treating it.
1/10 legs

smythe squats- 2x5 #225 (a bit wider than shoulder width stance; didnt agrivate my glute that way)

leg extensions- 2x10 #13

aductor- #170 1x25

abductor- #150 1x25

calves- leg press toe raises- 4 plates 1x12

quad- 60 seconds
hams- 60 seconds per leg

Stretched a decent amount and did a nice warmup of 135# and 185# for squats. I played around w\stances and the wider i went the less i even felt that glut tweak. So i went very very light and did 2 sets. The injury feels alot better from the initial tweak, hope this means its getting better.

I will see what the doctor will say on friday afternoon.

Keeping my calories high, and doing 1 cheat meal (bacon cheeseburgers :0) a day and drinkin that whole milk and drinking those whey shakes. I am getting in 400 grams of protien every day, some days it goes as low as 350 but that is very very rare. I counted my cals and its around 5,000 daily, over the summer i was eating very very clean and i was at 4100 cals and leaned out and gained strength. I am going to bulk all the way through june, cuase i stopped bulking last mid feb. I am taking in olive oil (3 tbsp a day) and hoping that helps as well. It seems last winter i made great gains from about 170lbs- 193 and now its harder for me to gian weight.

I will just focus on this right glute take care of that on friday and then hopefully be squating and deadlifting normally very soon. I am still bencing and doing back rows etc and light squats so i hope i dont loose size lololol.
you got it dialed in. you playing it smart.

a lot of folks quit training when they injured. the smart ones train around injuries and do what they can.
Thanks Pullinbig.

pullinbig said:
you got it dialed in. you playing it smart.

a lot of folks quit training when they injured. the smart ones train around injuries and do what they can.
flat (index on ring)- #325 1x3, 1x4(couldnt lock out)

incline(index on rings)- #245 1x9, 1x7

Military smythe- #215 13r\p (8+4+1)
Reverse Grip BP- #235 11r\p (4+4+3)

hs abs machine- 2x20 #11

crunches- 1x50

hanging knee raises- 1x20

chest- 50lbs db's for 60 seconds
tris- 30lbs db's for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds

Felt good today at the gym. Got that appointment with the sports medicine doc tomorrow at 3 so hope he has some good news for me.

Off to cook up my red meat and pasta and some whole milk :-0
mister69 said:
flat (index on ring)- #325 1x3, 1x4(couldnt lock out)

incline(index on rings)- #245 1x9, 1x7

Military smythe- #215 13r\p (8+4+1)
Reverse Grip BP- #235 11r\p (4+4+3)

hs abs machine- 2x20 #11

crunches- 1x50

hanging knee raises- 1x20

chest- 50lbs db's for 60 seconds
tris- 30lbs db's for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds

Felt good today at the gym. Got that appointment with the sports medicine doc tomorrow at 3 so hope he has some good news for me.

Off to cook up my red meat and pasta and some whole milk :-0

Nice job. Keep up the good work. And again, hope you recover fast. :)
mister69 said:
flat (index on ring)- #325 1x3, 1x4(couldnt lock out)

incline(index on rings)- #245 1x9, 1x7

Military smythe- #215 13r\p (8+4+1)
Reverse Grip BP- #235 11r\p (4+4+3)

hs abs machine- 2x20 #11

crunches- 1x50

hanging knee raises- 1x20

chest- 50lbs db's for 60 seconds
tris- 30lbs db's for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds

Felt good today at the gym. Got that appointment with the sports medicine doc tomorrow at 3 so hope he has some good news for me.

Off to cook up my red meat and pasta and some whole milk :-0

shoulders holdin up ok?
Just got back from the doctor, here is how it went;

He took some x-rays and everything he said looks good. He said that it seems to be a hamstring "pull" and that that leg is not flexible at all right now and its extremly tight. He recomended that i see a Physical Therapist and work on hip and hamstring stretches for that leg. He then wants to see me on Feb 3rd to check everything out and see how i am doing....and if i am still not ok then perhaps more x-rays and an MRI.

I asked him if he thinks i will recover fine in these 2 weeks at the PT and he said def.

To be perfectly honest, i am going to keep doing legs but no hamstring work and no deadlifts, but keep it smart and keep doing waht i am doing...
-light narrow stance squats
-calf work

We will see how this all goes.
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