Mister69's Log


-Warmup on bike a few minutes followed by lots of stretching

-hack squats( pause at the bottom)- 2x12 #12, 1x20 #10

-leg extensions- 1x20 #8, 1x10 #14, 1x7 #20, 1x6 #20

-pullthrus- #65 2x20

-adductors- #190 1x25

-heavy ab machine- 2x20 #11

-crunches 3x50

-leg press calves- 1x100 #50
-standing calves- #20 1x100

-Cardio on the bike- 20 minutes (heart rate 120)

-Dc Stretches-
hamstrings- 60 seconds
quads- 60 seconds
calves- #20 for 60 seconds


Had to make some adjustments to fit my injury. I am sticking to hack squats for a little cuase they dont bother me at all and I upped my reps to 2x12 cause the lower rep stuff bothered me last week. I had a nice pause in the bottom and went ass to grass as usual. Did leg extensions and i dont normally do them. Pullthrus felt good, and are going up next week. Did cardio after legs to loosen up that hammie and it def worked well.

Overall had a good workout.
Hopefully in a few weeks i can go back to my usual 1x8, 1x4(squats) and 1x20 of leg press.
flat pause bench(ring fingers on rings)- 5x1 #325

Hammer grip db's- 1x8, 1x9 #110

Rear delt work- 2x20 #20

Cybex shoulder press- 1x15 #13

Pushdowns- 1x29, 1x24 #150

Hs abs- 2x20 #11

-Dc stretches-
chest- #50 for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds
triceps- #30 for 60 seconds

Good workout, took me a while to get warm, but all went well.

Having some serious digestive problems feeling gasy most of the day, so I am going to be droping milk for a few days and see what happens.

I am going to buy Beano and Ginger root and hope that i will be all set.

Yesterday I measured my calves just for shits before my workout, and wow they are still 14 inches cold....About a year now and no growth at all...its weird cause everything else is blowing up except for calves...Sucks cause i feel it ruins my physique cuase my quads\hams glutes are looking great these days and from the knee down the legs look horrible.

But who cares as long as i am squating \pulling and bencing i will be fine
nice workout 69. i dropped all milk about 2 years ago and it helped my upset stomach issue.

sorry about the calves.
Eesh. I hate having protein farts. :(
My calves haven't been growing too much either, but they have shown some nice definition lately, but that is about it. I guess calves are kinda like arms, they take a long, long time to grow. :(
It seems like i've read somewhere eating yogurt helps. Something about the bacteria in it helps with gas problems. I know I need it, my wife is ready to kill me, especially after the tuna shakes :)
Floor Deads- #135 2x8

45 degree hypers- 2x20 bodyweight+#25

chest supported t-bar rows- 4 plates + 5lbs 2x7 (more weight next week)

Rack chins- #85 1x16 R\P (more weight next week)

Standing wide grip curls- 2x8 #120
reverse cable curls- #35 1x12 (more weight next week)

heavy abs- 2x20 #12

-DC Stretches-

Back- 60 seconds
Bis- 60 seconds
Forearms- 60 seconds


Diet is on point this week. Been no milk for the past few days, but still having some digestive problems. Mabey i need more fiber in my diet.. Other than that hamstring feels fine, but I really want to up the weight..but i am not ready yet i can feel it...hopefully a few more weeks.