Mister69's Log

Lots of veggies with my meals after my carb cuttoff and oats usually in the morning shake. Fruit i usually eat before my workouts.

adidamps2 said:
nice work out 69.

how much fiber are you getting in? veggies/oats/fruit???
Have you looked into AF's Sesapure? I've read some users report it helping out with regularity. Might wanna try some fiber supplement like Metamucil (sp)?
depending on how much your eating you may need to up the veggie/fiber intake. i generally get in around 25+ grams of fiber a day...keeps me cleaned out.
adidamps2 said:
depending on how much your eating you may need to up the veggie/fiber intake. i generally get in around 25+ grams of fiber a day...keeps me cleaned out.

Exactly, when I am on my bulking binge I eat a lot of fresh green vegetables, I only steam them or grill them generally. All of that fiber is necessary if you consume a lot of meat and dairy. I really love green vegetables I can eat a ton of them in one sitting.
-Warmup on bike a few minutes followed by lots of stretching

-hack squats( pause at the bottom)- 2x12 #13, 1x20 #11

-leg extensions- 1x20 #8, 1x10 #14, 2x7 #20

-pullthrus- #70 2x20

-adductors- #195 1x24

-heavy ab machine- 2x20 #11

-standing calves- #20 2x100

-Cardio on the bike- 15 minutes (heart rate 120)

-Dc Stretches-
hamstrings- 60 seconds
quads- 60 seconds
calves- #20 for 60 seconds

Felt good, everything went up in weight cause my hammie feels good (knock on wood). As far as the digestive issues go...this is what i have done..

-Metamucil 5 capsules daily before bed
-Papaya- 1 capsule w\each meal
-Ginger root -not sure about dosages
-Acidophilus- not sure about dosages

and havent drank milk for almost 5 days now, sucks cause i really need whole milk to help me bulk up.
I just take it for calcium and fiber, I take in 5 capsules daily.

If someone were to use it as a "laxative" they would be taking 4 doses daily, I am just taking it to help out etc.

huskyguy said:
Why the metamucil? That is a laxative? Sounds counterproductive to me.
looking good 69..

as far as milk for bulking just try adding more flax/olive/safflower oil to your shakes and few more grams of potien powder. also might want to try throwing about 2 tbls of wheat germs to them shakes also..that will help add a few more carbs a lil more fat and some good needed fiber and protien to your diet also.
Thanks for the heads up man, I usulally add olive oil to shakes :-0 love em.

That and red meat seems to throw weight on me well.

adidamps2 said:
looking good 69..

as far as milk for bulking just try adding more flax/olive/safflower oil to your shakes and few more grams of potien powder. also might want to try throwing about 2 tbls of wheat germs to them shakes also..that will help add a few more carbs a lil more fat and some good needed fiber and protien to your diet also.
flat pause bench(ring fingers on rings)- 5x1 #330(#335 next week)

Hammer grip db's- 2x10 #110(More weight next week)

Cybex shoulder press- 1x15 #14

Pushdowns- 1x30, 1x24 #150

Hs abs- 3x10 #10

-Dc stretches-
chest- #50 for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds
triceps- #30 for 60 seconds

Gym is closed thurs-sunday so I am doing back\core\bis tomrorow ...so no rear delt work today.

Felt good. Meals are going well and still playing aruond w\diet to figure out what the hell is upwith this bloating....Started taking the digestive enzymes today so i will give it a week and see how it goes.

off to eat
Thanks pretty ricky

yeah i take in green tea daily, but been slacking these past few days

Green tea is the shit
got back\core today cant wait...just gotta keep eating

Too bad these damn classes are getting in the way of my gym and eating time :goof:

BTW my freaking legs are killing me! and i love it!
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Make sure you do some stretching after your serious leg workouts-right before bed is the best time to do some serious stretching or yoga. This will help you avoid too much soreness and help you recuperate faster. Sounds like you are back to making progress. Are you still having trouble with dairy?
Havent had any milk for 1 week now

huskyguy said:
Make sure you do some stretching after your serious leg workouts-right before bed is the best time to do some serious stretching or yoga. This will help you avoid too much soreness and help you recuperate faster. Sounds like you are back to making progress. Are you still having trouble with dairy?
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Sldl- #145 3x8

45 degree hypers- 2x20 bodyweight+#35 (more weight next week)

chest supported t-bar rows- 4 plates + 10lbs 1x7,1x8 (more weight next week)

Rack chins- #90 1x18 R\P (more weight next week)

Standing wide grip curls- 1x6,1x5 #125
reverse cable curls- #40 1x12 (more weight next week)

heavy abs- 3x10 #10

-DC Stretches-

Back- 60 seconds
Bis- 60 seconds
Forearms- 60 seconds


Hammie feels good, did some sldl's and felt great so I am going to stick with these for a while and increase the weight.

So far these core movements feel ok on the hamstring
-floor deads
-45degree hypers

off to eat
-Warmup on bike a few minutes followed by lots of stretching

-hack squats( pause at the bottom)- 2x12 #14, 1x20 #12

-leg extensions- 1x20 #10, 1x10 #16, 2x7 #20+ 1 weight stack added on top

-pullthrus- #75 2x20

-adductors- #200 1x24

-heavy ab machine- 2x20 #11

-standing calves- #20 1x100
-leg press calves- #50 1x100

-Cardio on the bike- 20 minutes (heart rate 120)

-Dc Stretches-
hamstrings- 60 seconds
quads- 60 seconds
calves- #20 for 60 seconds

good workout, #'s are up and hamstring feels good (knock on wood). Hope to be hitting those heavier #'s on hamstring stuff.

Digestive system seems to be a bit better, no more milk for another few weeks.

Off to eat