Mister69's Log

Board Press (4inch)- 3x3 #275 (more next week)

Hammer grip pause db's- 2x10 #100

DB shoulder press- 1x12 #55

Pushdowns- 1x22, 1x16 #60

Cable ab pulldown- 3x10 #90

-Dc stretches-
chest- #55 for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds
triceps- #30 for 60 seconds

At my old gym so the racks are a little heavier and dont have access to other mahcines. Workout went well, first time doing board presses, (didnt actually use boards, just duck taped a few yellow books together). Got a nice pause on the board work.

Off to eat, dammit that is 3 days without my protein powder it better get here tomrorw.
one of the older big guys came up to me today and told me that i got alot stronger and bigger. I havent been at this gym since summer. THat feels good to hear it from one of the older big guys. He also asked me if i am still all natural (expecting me to tell him what i am running) I just told him eating my protiein which i am .
Nice workout 69, that's a good idea about using the books as boards. I'm thinking about doing some board work, might give that a try. Hey, I did me some of them DC stretches for Calves and quads yesterday:)
They burn :-0

JT190 said:
Nice workout 69, that's a good idea about using the books as boards. I'm thinking about doing some board work, might give that a try. Hey, I did me some of them DC stretches for Calves and quads yesterday:)

sldl- 225# 2x5

Hyper extensions- w\45lb bar 2x10

chest supported t-bar rows- 4 plates+20lbs 2x7

Wide pulldowns- #200 13r\p

preacher curls- 24 r\p #60

hammer curls- #55 1x12

rope pulldown abs- 3x10 #90

leg press calves- 1x12 #4plates +10lbs

rear delts- 1x20 #20

-DC stretches-
back- 60 sec
bis- 60 sec
forearm- #45 for 60 sec

Rode the bike to warm up. Stretched well, and seems the hammie is doing well. Back to my university gym on sunday.

Got home today and there was fish w\rice and veggies waiting for me so i ate that and am going to drink my shake in about 20 minutes.
hack squats- 2x12 #15, 1x14+6 r\p #14

leg ext- #11 1x20, #17 1x10, #25 2x5

pull thrus- 2x20 #80

adductors- #195 1x25

calves standing- 1x12 #120
hs heavy abs- 3x10 #11
bike- 20 minutes (heart rate 110-115)

-DC stretches-
Quads- 60 seconds
hams - 60 seconds


Felt good, but hams were fryed still from friday. That set of 20 on hacks was a hard one. THings are going well hammie feels good....just gotta keep eating
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