Mister69's Log


board presses- 295# 3x3 pause on each

db hammer grip (paused)- #110 2x6

cybex shouler machine- #15 1x15

pushdowns- #150 2x24

hs abs- 2x50 #5

chest- #50 for 60 seconds
tris- #30 for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds

Bought 6 1\2 lbs of red meat and have to cook for the week. Man was i beat from legs last night i didnt roll out of bed today till 11:30 and missed my class..man these classes getting in the way of my eating and lifting lol.
off to eat
nice work 69. nice pause bench too. and as far as classes go, i use to just show up and sleep in class...ha ha, i actually had a kid wake me up in trig cause i snoring while the teacher was giving a letchure. i got a B in that class.
What I like to do is talk to the prof after class shoot to shit about their stupid class and then they usually think i am interested lol
mister69 said:
What I like to do is talk to the prof after class shoot to shit about their stupid class and then they usually think i am interested lol

i guess i could have took that route, but its hard to convince them your intereste din their class when you snore through it.lol
Hows the 3x3 comin along? I tried it for a bit, but no luck. I just didn't respond well to it and I went back to 5x5.
Board presses are going well, just working on my top end.

Next week uping it 20lbs....

THe looks I was getting today at the gym was great! I always get asked questions ..oh what that do or what is ur bicep routine LOLOL
yea...but after a while when people ask you to many questions it gets in the way...i made way to many friends at my gym.
rookie03 said:
yea...but after a while when people ask you to many questions it gets in the way...i made way to many friends at my gym.

i know what you mean rookie. people come up to me frequently with all sorts of stuff. audience watching me (see 495 video), people asking about juice, diet, workout etc. i really want a shirt that says Leave Me Alone!!
yea bro... were probly to nice of guys...i was thinkin about joining another gym...but i really like my gym, even tough its a pain in the ass to go their with how many ppl are thier, the gay music they play, and it being located in a mall.
at least u can utilize the mall food court :-0

rookie03 said:
yea bro... were probly to nice of guys...i was thinkin about joining another gym...but i really like my gym, even tough its a pain in the ass to go their with how many ppl are thier, the gay music they play, and it being located in a mall.